
INDIA: Remembering Ayodhya that was not the fountainhead of sectarian strife in the subcontinent

Article | India | 04-09-2013

By Avinash Pandey Ayodhya was in news, for all the wrong reasons, again. Vishva Hindu Parishad, that venomous organization with equal hatred for the minorities and the nation, had tried to infiltrate into Ayodhya yet again. They were stopped by the state government. It was a game well played. A communal organization has attempted to […]

SRI LANKA: The destruction of the basic structure of Sri Lankan democracy

A response to Dr. Mark Cooray’s defence of the impeachment of the Chief Justice (This article initially appeared in GALLE –Law Journal- 2013 Vol. 2) “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is […]

SRI LANKA: The Privileging of impunity in Sri Lanka’s prosecutorial process and legal system

This article was initially published in LST Review- Vol.306 and 307 in May 2013 1. Introductory Remarks “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is fairness to everyone who holds views with which […]

PAKISTAN: Who is responsible for the mockery of booking journalists on charges of terrorism?

The Balochistan government has registered a case under the Anti-Terrorism Act against the chief executive and three other employees of a television channel, ARY Digital, for releasing a documentary about the attack on the former residency of the father of the nation. The three other employees are the Executive Director, Owais Tohid, the Quetta bureau […]

ASIA: Second Regional Conference of Asian Parliamentarians & Human Rights Defenders on Elimination of Custodial Torture and Ill-treatment in Asia (November 2013, Hong Kong)

CONCEPT PAPER: This conference is jointly organised by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and DIGNITY. Scheduled Date: 11-13 November, 2013 States across the world deny that custodial torture and ill-treatment exist within their jurisdictions. Yet, in reality, not only does such practice exist, it is often promoted within states, as a policy, whether clandestine […]

LAOS: Press briefing on the findings of the 3rd Parliamentary Delegation to the Lao PDR on the enforced disappearance of Sombath Somphone

Sombath Somphone, a widely-respected leader in education and sustainable development in the Lao PDR, and recipient of the 2005 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership, disappeared on the evening of December 15th, 2012 in the Lao capital Vientiane (see CCTV footage which became available 2 days later showed Sombath being stopped by traffic police, […]

SRI LANKA: A Suggestion – To Change the Name of the “Law and Order Ministry” to the “Rule of Law” Ministry

By Basil Fernando There is nothing in a name, of course. A thing cannot be made sweet-smelling or foul-smelling merely by changing its name. However, sometimes a name can indicate a new direction, a new policy. As far as responding to the present state of nationwide unhappiness and frustration on the law enforcement, if there […]

PAKISTAN: Three Sindhi nationalists were killed on Independence Day in a fake police encounter – many young people remain missing after arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that on the 66 celebration of the Independence Day of Pakistan, three more Sindh nationalists were gunned downed in a fake encounter in Karachi and many young Sindhi activists were arrested from different districts of Sindh province and their whereabouts are unknown. In a […]

SRI LANKA: What the High Commissioner, Dr. Navanethem Pillay will not be told

The relationship between the High Commissioner for Human Rights and member nations of the United Nations is expected to be one of cooperation for the improvement of the rights of the people of the countries. The member states are expected to have the most cordial and friendly relationship with the High Commissioner’s office so as […]

INDIA: Villagers forced to get their rations from a PDS shop 11 kilometres away

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the plight of tribal villagers residing in a forest village named Dhurkuch, Gram Panchayat Kota in Jawa block of district Rewa in Madhya Pradesh from Panchsheel Sewa Sansthan,a local voluntary organization. Sansthan found that there is no Public Distribution Shop (PDS) shop, earmarked […]

SRI LANKA: Lawyers for the 12th respondent, Hon. Vijitha Herath, replies to the Attorney General’s petition relating to the impeachment case

The lawyers for the 12th Respondent, a members of the Select Committee of Parliament appointed with regard to the charges against the Chief Justice, the Hon. Vijitha Herath, have filed their written submissions opposing the Attorney General’s appeal relating to the Court of Appeal judgement which ordered the quashing of the findings of the Parliamentary Select […]

SRI LANKA: Lawyers for the 12th respondent, Hon. Vijitha Herath, replies to the Attorney General’s petition relating to the impeachment case

The lawyers for the 12th Respondent, a members of the Select Committee of Parliament appointed with regard to the charges against the Chief Justice, the Hon. Vijitha Herath, have filed their written submissions opposing the Attorney General’s appeal relating to the Court of Appeal judgement which ordered the quashing of the findings of the Parliamentary Select […]

BANGLADESH: Adil, the man I know

You said to me “ I can bear anything” with stubborn eyes you faced the sun until blindness became a ball of flame and the flame turned the sea to salt. – Lu Xiaobo : Ne enemies , No Hatred It was few days ago that they came and dragged him to their vehicle and took […]

PAKISTAN: Youth- ignored and marginalised

“The destiny of any nation, at any given time, depends on the opinions of its young men under five-and-twenty.” – Goethe. If what Goethe said is true then what is the problem with the destiny of Pakistan? Why is its destiny twisting in a whirlpool of troubles though it is a rich country? It is blessed […]

INDIA: Welfare schemes reached a person only after he starved to death in Odisha.

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information regarding the recent spurt in cases of starvation deaths in Odisha from a fact finding team. The team comprising of one member each from Regional Centre for Development Cooperation and the AHRC visited the Jalpankel village of Khaparakhol block, Balangir district on 25th […]

INDIA: The midday meal scheme must continue despite the Bihar disaster

Article | India | 07-08-2013

Despite claiming to be a champion of the poor, the Government of India has in recent years expressed an increased interest in introducing cash transfers instead of subsidized food. In this context, the midday meal disaster in Bihar the 16th of July, where 23 children died from eating their school meal, plays nicely into the hands of […]

PAKISTAN: Government must commute death sentences and protect the people’s right to life

The Pakistan People’s Party took office in 2008, and shortly thereafter issued a moratorium on the death penalty, temporarily commuting thousands of death penalty cases to life imprisonment. The move was hailed by the UN and rights organizations worldwide, as it indicated a move by the Pakistani government to respect the right to life and […]

INDIA: Prime Minister must save RTI Act from amendments

(Hong Kong, July 31, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission fully endorses the following petition issued by the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) India. Online petition can be found and signed at  Following is the full text of the petition. To: Shri Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, Government of India Dear Mr. Prime […]

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Article | India | 22-07-2013

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry, and could not be sure that they would get another opportunity to eat that day. The food was filled with concentrated pesticides. […]

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry, and could not be sure that they would get another opportunity to eat that day. The food was filled with concentrated pesticides. […]