
INDONESIA: Elegy For “Mbokde” (Aunty) Suu Kyi

Gugus Elmo Rai’is, Indonesian Journalist Tracing back the life history of Aung San Suu Kyi is like enjoying an elegy in the form of a song containing lamentation and sorrow. Not only for Suu Kyi, but also all citizens of Myanmar. An elegy, which may engender a new perception, if the power is like an […]

INDONESIA: Analisa Saya Terkait Pemekaran Provinsi di Papua Barat

Written by Mr. Theo Hesegem (Executive Director of the Papua Justice and Human Integrity Foundation) Menurut Direktur Yayasan Keadilan dan Keutuhan Manuaia (the Papua Justice and Human Integrity Foundation), Theo Hesegem, Pejabat di Jakarta sangat pintar hebat dan luar biasa, tetapi menurut saya tidak pernah berpikir dan menganalisa resiko dan masalah yang akan berdampak konflik […]

INDONESIA: Pretrial detention under the Criminal Law Procedure needs serious reform, having caused torture and ill-treatment

A Written Statement to the 46th Regular Session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Center (ALRC) wishes to draw the attention of the UN Human Rights Council to the problem in the existing Criminal Law Procedure which at present still regulates pretrial detention in […]

WORLD: Free eBook copies of Body, Mind, Soul, and Society available in Amazon from 24th to 28th February 2021

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about a free eBook copies of Body, Mind, Soul, and Society available in Amazon from 24th to 28th February 2021. Choose when the promotion starts and ends. Start and end dates are midnight Pacific Time. For example, if you enter a start date of January 3 […]

SRI LANKA: SC Condemns Imperious Attitude In Abruptly Terminating A Broadcast

by Basil Fernando In 2008, an incident took place at a panel discussion organized by the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. Three panelists were invited by the producer of the programme , ‘Ira Anduru Pata’ to comment on the new set of regulations called ‘Private Television Broadcasting Regulations of 2007’ issued and published in the Gazette […]

SRI LANKA/MYANMAR: The Impact of Militarism in Myanmar and Sri Lanka

By Basil Fernando The recent coup in Myanmar has created an interest once again to look into the impact of the military rule in Myanmar which began with 1962 coup and which continued up to 2011. The Burma (now Myanmar) was a British colony and the style of the British administration had been introduced also […]

INDONESIA: Elegi Buat Mbokde Suu Kyi

Written By: Mr. Gugus Elmo Ra’is, an Indonesian Journalist Menyimak perjalanan hidup Aung San Suu Kyi, tak ubahnya menikmati sebuah elegi berupa sebuah nyanyian yang penuh berisi ratapan dan rasa duka cita. Tidak hanya buat Suu Kyi tetapi buat seluruh warga Myanmar. Sebuah elegi yang bisa melahirkan persepsi baru jika kekuasaan itu tak ubahnya seperti […]

INDONESIA: Special Interview on controversial of Job Creation Law & Human Rights in the time of Covid-19

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about an interview with Mr. Ken Budha Kusumandaru, a survivor and also a human rights activist from Indonesia. Mr, Ken Ndaru was detained under Soeharto regime due to his involvement in the opponent group against the regime. He is also a former member of the People […]

WORLD: A new book is now available to the public

Available at Amazon Body, Mind, Soul, Society: An Autobiographical Account Link to the Amazon This is a unique and important book… One learns invaluable lessons from this insightful book and, for that, one is grateful to the author for contributing to our understanding of what it means to be working for the promotion and protection […]

NEPAL: Instead of hearing out civic voices of the marginalized groups, the government is becoming more authoritarian

Article | Nepal | 09-02-2021

On 21st November 2006, ‘The Comprehensive Peace Accord’ (CPA) was signed between the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). With this, a decade long armed-conflict ended and the nation started to be recognized as the ‘New-Nepal’. The dream of development began to germinate. Citizens started to have belief in the Government. […]

SRI LANKA: Letter to IGP on the police failed to take proper action in the case attempted cutting of the neck and thereby committing attempted murder

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to IGP Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne Inspector General of Police New Secretariat Colombo 1 SRI LANKA Fax: +94 11 2 440440 / 327877 E-mail: Dear Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne: SRI LANKA: Letter to IGP on the police failed to take proper […]

INDIA: जनता की असुविधा बनाम प्रतिरोध का अधिकार: क्या किसान जनता नहीं हैं

भारत में एक नया जिन्न पैदा हुआ है- जनता की असुविधा का. कहीं कोई अपने हक़ के लिए सड़क पर उतरे तो ये जिन्न उसके सामने खड़ा कर दो. कभी कभी तो बंदूक वगैरह के साथ, गोली तक चलवा के. पर सबसे पहले पूछते हैं कि ये जनता क्या है? कौन है? किसान भी जनता […]

INDIA: The Bogey of Public Inconvenience to Snatch the Right To Protest

Article | India | 04-02-2021

Democracies across the world are defined by the virtue of the right to protest. Yet, in India, that fancies itself as the largest democracy of the world, the governments are seen to be chipping off that very right by raising the bogey of public inconvenience. They have mobilised people, mostly their party members, to even […]

SRI LANKA: Wasted Years – Short Essays on the 1978 Constitution

Download the full  English Version here Download the full  Tamil Translation here On the occasion of seventy-three years of independence, the Asian Human Rights Commission has published an online book entitled “Wasted Years – Short Essays on the 1978 Constitution”. This online publication is a collection of many essays that were previously circulated in several publications. They covered a […]

BANGLADESH: Gang close to Bangladesh PM extracts bribes for state contracts

By Al Jazeera Investigative Unit 1 Feb 2021 A criminal gang is colluding with Bangladesh’s security forces to extract bribes for state contracts and job positions, all the while maintaining powerful links with the country’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, an Al Jazeera investigation has found. All the Prime Minister’s Men reveals how Haris and Anis Ahmed, […]

MYANMAR (Burma): People’s express mandate for greater democracy battled by military staging a coup

The military coup in Myanmar, deposing the legitimately elected Government previously led by Aung San Suu Kyi, has come under global condemnation. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, also expressed grave concern. “This development represents a serious blow to democratic reforms in Myanmar”. The Secretary-General has urged the Military leadership to respect the will of […]

NEPAL: Myanmar’s Military Coup- A Serious Blow to Democracy

(Hong Kong, February 1, 2021) The community of civil society in Nepal expresses grave concern over the seizing of power by Myanmar’s military on 1 February, in a coup in the aftermath of the democratic elections held in November 2020. The army has claimed that the response was a result of the “election fraud” which […]

INDONESIA: Statement of the National Commission on Human Rights on the Death of the Member of Islamic Defender Front (FPI)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you about a statement of the Indonesia National Commission on Human Rights (Komnasnas HAM RI) on the allegation of extrajudicial killing of the members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The statement is based upon the fact-finding report of the Commission. Statement English Version available here and bahasa […]

NEPAL: Police used excessive force against civil society members and human rights activists

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-002-2021 January 26, 2021 ———————————————————————————- NEPAL: Police used excessive force against civil society members and human rights activists ISSUES: Torture, excessive use of force ———————————————————————————- Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is bringing to your attention a disturbing incident where the Nepal Police […]

BANGLADESH: Authoritarian repression in curbing civic space harms more than the pandemic

The Bangladesh Government continues its repressive campaigns of curtailing civic space in the country’s ever-deteriorating human rights situation. The Authorities have been using the COVID-19 pandemic as an additional excuse for encroaching on the freedoms of assembly, expression, including the freedom of the press. Bangladesh’s Law-Enforcement Agencies kept playing their predatory role in detaining the […]