
SRI LANKA: නීතිපති දෙපාර්ථමේන්තුව පිළිබද ප‍්‍රශ්නය හා ලංකාවේ යුක්තිය පසිදලීමේ අනාගතය

නීතිඥ බැසිල් ප‍්‍රනාන්දු එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මානව හිමිකම් කොමසාරිස්තුමාගේ කාර්යාලය මගින් 2015 සැප්තැම්බර් 16 වන දින ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාව පිළිබදව පරීක්‍ෂණ වාර්තාව ප‍්‍රසිද්ධියට පත්කරන ලදි. ලංකාවේ මානව හිමිකම් කඩවීම් හා යුද්ධ අපරාධ පිළිබදව ඇමරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදය ලංකාවේ ආණ්ඩුවේ එකගතාවය ඇතිව මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සලයේදී ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති යෝජනවාට පදනම වන්නේ එම වාර්තාවයි. ලංකාව තුළ විශේෂයෙන් 2002 සිට 2009 අතර කාලය […]

SRI LANKA: OHCHR Investigation contributes to reconciliation and justice development in Sri Lanka

The Investigation Report issued by the Office of the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) dated 16th September 2015, is the most comprehensive report on human rights issued by any international or national agency to date. It is comprehensive and balanced. If implemented it could lead to considerable positive developments in Sri Lanka. […]

Sri Lanka: එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වටිනා වාර්තාවෙන් සාධනීය ප‍්‍රථිපල ලබාගැනීම

නීතිඥ බැසිල් ප‍්‍රනාන්දු එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මානව හිමිකම් මහ කොමසාරිස්තුමාගේ කාර්යාලය මගින් 2015 සැප්තැම්බර් 16 වන දින නිකුත්කරන ලද ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාව පිළිබ`දව පරීක්‍ෂණ වාර්තාව මේ දක්වා ලංකාවේ මානව හිමිකම් පිළිබ`දව ජාතික හෝ ජාත්‍යන්තර වශයෙන් නිකුත්කර ඇති පරීක්‍ෂණ වාර්තා වලින් ඉතාමත් අංග සම්පූර්ණවූත්, තුලනාත්මකවූත් පරීක්‍ෂණ වාර්තාව බව නොපැකිල ප‍්‍රකාශකල හැකිය. පිටු 261 කින් සමන්විත වන මෙම වාර්තාව […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 91

This week, AHRC TV reports from Geneva, where Sanjida Islam from Bangladesh has met with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to try to gather international support for her struggle to find her disappeared brother who was abducted in December 2013 by the notorious Rapid Action Battalion. Also in Geneva, the Right Livelihood […]

INDIA: Let them eat rasgullas

Death of children under its care is nothing novel for the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Paediatrics located in Cuttack, Odisha. It took 58 of them to die in less than 10 days for it to become scandalous. Over the years, the Institute, popularly known as Shishu Bhawan, has recorded an alarming number […]

NEPAL: मधेशी दलितमाथि मधेशी विष्टहरुको दलन

-शिवहरि ज्ञवाली यो लेख मधेश केन्द्रित राजनीतिक दल र नागरिक समाजको मधेशी दलित समुदायमाथिको विभेदपूर्ण व्यवहारमा केन्द्रितछ । मधेशी समुदाय विगतदेखि विशेषगरी पहाडे खस राज्य व्यवस्थाका कारण नियोजित रुपमा पछाडि पारिएको र लुटिएकोसमुदाय हो । विशेषगरी मधेशी समुदायले विगतदेखि अनागरिक भएर बाँच्नुपरेको यथार्थ छ भने तिनै मधेशी उच्च जातीयसमुदायको विभेदपूर्ण व्यवहारका कारण मधेशी दलित समुदाय मान्छे भएर जिउन नपाएको तितो यथार्थ पनि हाम्रा सामु छ ।यो लेखको मुख्य सरोकार मधेश केन्द्रित राजनीति र मधेशी नागरिकसमाजको दायित्व काठमाडौंलाई औला ठड्याउनेमात्र हो कि मधेशी दलितका समस्या रसवालहरुमा आफ्नो दायित्व पनि हुन्छ भन्ने प्रश्नमा केन्द्रित छ । मधेशी दलितमाथि मधेशी विष्ट सोच “दीपक मलिकलाई अहिले पनि इनारबाट पानी खान दिएका छैनन् । कुटपिट पनि गरे । मधेस आन्दोलन भन्दै उनीहरु झन् ठूलो स्वरले कराउँदै छन् । उनीहरुको मनोबल झन् बढेको छ । दलितलाई कुट्दा प्रशासनले पनि केही गरेन ।“ बीबीसी नेपाली सेवामा कार्यरत मेघराज रसाइलीले आफ्नो फेसबुकमा सिराहा धनगढी—३, नैनपुरका प्रेम रामको भनाइ उल्लेख […]

SRI LANKA: Brutal Murder of little Seya and the relevance of the OHCHR Investigation Report

The abduction, rape, and murder of Seya Sadewmi of Kotadeniyawa on 12 September 2015 has led many Sri Lankans to react across the country, and provoked many demonstrations by women’s organisations and also by children. Even yesterday, 23 September 2015, demonstrations by school children were reported from the North of the country. Similarly, media reports […]

NEPAL: Apply Panchsheel on Nepal

An article from The Hindu forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission No other term but ‘dismay’ can describe one’s response to New Delhi’s ungenerous reply toNepal’s democratic drafting of a Constitution through a Constituent Assembly. The Ministry of External Affairs merely ‘took note’ of the document, and followed that up a day later with a […]

PAKISTAN: Where are the 8,363 Balochis arrested in the last nine months?

The Interior Ministry of Baluchistan has recently stated that it has arrested 8363 Baloch over the span of 9 months. Whereas, the Chief Minister of Balochistan Dr. Malik Baloch has said that those arrested will be dealt in accordance with the law. No further details pertaining to the arrested have been revealed. The provincial interior […]

PAKISTAN: Government determined to curb freedom of speech

The Pakistani National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Information Technology approved the Cyber Crimes Bill 2015 on September 17 for a second time, after making some cosmetic changes to clauses that curb free speech. Legislators from the ruling party are determined to pass the Bill; the Chairman of the Standing Committee is the son in-law of […]

NEPAL: Immediate measures for Biratnagar violence needed

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) urges the Nepal government to take urgent measures in order to defuse alarming on-going violence in Biratnagar. Police have indiscriminately fired on protesters that had just begun to gather in order to carry out their plan to burn a copy of the Constitution promulgated yesterday. The police fired live […]

INDIA: Growth of Inequality, as of 2015

Sachin Kumar Jain Whenever clichés like development, economic progress, growth rates, and their ilk begin swirling in the air, it can, rather, it should, be safely assumed that there is something terribly amiss; the most important social issues are getting brushed under a (red?) carpet (for whom?). The day’s vegetable prices become the handle to […]

NEPAL: Don’t talk, just listen

An article from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission I am a Chhetri man, born and raised in Kathmandu. Today, the new constitution of the Federal Republic of Nepal will be officially promulgated and it is my constitution – it has been drafted by people who share my gender, my complexion, […]

NEPAL: Terai deaths blot new Constitution

Statement | Nepal | 18-09-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has repeatedly raised the alarm against the killings in Terai; however, they fail to stop. The police have again opened fire, this time on 15 September, a market day. The police firings have resulted in four innocent citizens in Bethari, Bhairahawa town, Rupandehi District being killed. The mentality of […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 90

This week’s Roundup will focus on initiatives for police reform in South Asia. The episode begins in Nepal where on-going instability in the Terai in the last 2 months has provided ample examples for the urgent need of police reform. Nepal’s dysfunctional, incompetent, violent, and corrupt police institution reflects the norm in the South Asian […]

INDIA: Forests need PPP with Tribes, not with for profit companies’

Statement | India | 16-09-2015

The rights of tribal people and other forest dwelling communities are set to be assaulted again, as the Indian government is warming up to the to the idea of public private partnerships in forest management. Though the details of the proposal are still unclear, a report in the Hindustan Times suggest that the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate […]

PAKISTAN: Dictatorship is in the garb of democracy on International Day of Democracy

September 15 is commemorated throughout the world as the international day of democracy. Yet, for a majority of Asians, true representative democracy remains an illusion.  The “elected dictatorship” most often in practice in these regions allows the people to vote once in four or five years, but they have no say in decision-making process, matters […]

SRI LANKA: The Government recognises the mistakes of the past and the weaknesses of its institutions

The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, abandoned the practices of the previous government delegations to the UN Human Rights Council in the recent years, has frankly admitted before the Council the mistakes of the past and the weaknesses of the Sri Lankan institutions. Previous delegations came with the sole purpose of denying all allegations […]

THAILAND: Incommunicado detention of journalist by the junta

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned to have learned that Pravit Rojanaphruk, journalist for the Nation newspaper and freedom of expression advocate, is being detained in an undisclosed location by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). The conditions of his detention are arbitrary and a clear derogation of the Government […]

World : Receiving visitors in the ‘Republic of Conscience’

An Article published in the Hong Kong Free Press, on 11th September 2015, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Basil Fernando Perhaps the most touching moment broadcast through international media in recent times is the warm welcome people fleeing Syria through Hungary received from large German crowds on arrival. When citizens of one country […]