Enforced disappearances and abductions

PAKISTAN: A young woman killed by her husband on the pretext of honour killing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 30-year-old woman named Ms. Hidayat was allegedly killed by her husband, Mr. Momin Ali Mahar in Dal village, Lakhi Ghulam Shah Town, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 29 February 2004. The case was registered at the Chak Police Station. However, a human […]

NEPAL: Three young persons shot dead by security personnel and a girl among the victims were gang-raped before being killed in Pokahari Chauri-4, Kavre District

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source of extra-judicial killings of two young girls and one young boy, Reena Rasaili (18), Subhadra Chaulagain (17) and Tasi Lama, by security personnel in Pokahari Chauri-4, Kavre District in Nepal on 13 February 2004. It is alleged that Reena Rasaili […]

SRI LANKA: Disappearance of 26 year old man after arrest and torture by Watthegama Police officers in Kandy District

Dear friends, Disappearance of 26 year old man after arrest and torture by Watthegama Police officers in Kandy District Victim: Saliya Padma Udaya Kumara (26 years old) Date of incident: from 26 August to 28 August 2003 Alleged Perpetrators: Police officers at Watthegama Police Station in Kandy District DETAILD INFORMATION: (based on the statement from the victim’s […]

INDONESIA: Human Rights Activists Abducted and Killed

Dear Friends The two cases below are viewed in the larger context of the deterioration of the situation for human rights activists, humanitarian workers and civil society at large. PBI (Peace Brigades International) is an international non partisan volunteer organisation dedicated to making space for peace in various conflict areas, and is particularly concerned about […]

A Campaigner Against Disappearances in Sri Lanka Wins Prestigious Kwangju Human Rights Award

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission Since 2000, the Kwangju Human Rights Award is presented yearly in honor of the 1980 Kwangju Uprising, where the Kwangju people fought against the military take over of their country and 240 Kwangju citizens were martyred for the cause.  The award  ris presented to a person who […]

PHILIPPINES: Eden Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy – Abductions and Murder

SITUATION: On 21 April 2003 five Human Rights activists were abducted and two of them tortured and killed in Naujan Town, Oriental Mindoro province, Southern Tagalog. The bodies of Eden Marcellana, Secretary General of the Alyans sa Pagsusulong ng Karapatang Pantao in Southern Tagalog (Karapatan-ST), and Eddie Gumanoy, Chairperson of the peasant group, KASAMA-TK (Kasapian ng mga […]

UPDATE (KASHMIR) Justice: action against enforced disappearances

Dear Friends Tiananmen Mothers and the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) are both members of the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD), a federation of organizations concerned about the phenomenon of involuntary disappearances in China, India (Kashmir), Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. They have started a hunger strike to press the […]

KASHMIR: The Disappeared in Kashmir

Dear Friends Disappeared Persons in Kashmir Parvez Imroz The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, since its formation in 1994, has been campaigning against Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (EID) in Jammu and Kashmir State. The association from time to time has highlighted the plight of EID, but the government remains indifferent to their problems. In […]

INDONESIA: Kidnapping of Two Human Rights Activists – Banda Aceh

SITUATION: Two Human Rights activists, Mukhlis Ishak, aka Choy, 27 yrs old, from Darussalam Banda Aceh, and Zulfikar, aka Joul, 24 yrs old, from Kramat Banda Aceh, have disappeared. The Banda Aceh Legal Aid Institute (LBH Banda Aceh) has found proof of the kidnap and disappearance of the two men. On Thursday, 27 March, 2003, […]

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Missing young man is found and produced before a magistrate

Regarding our previous appeal on the case of missing after 8 days of illegal detention in police custody in Sri Lanka (see at http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2003/394/), the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the victim, KORALAGAMAGE Sujith Dharmasiri (23) was produced before a magistrate after frantic search by parents, a human rights organization and […]

UPDATE (PAKISTAN): Sole witness of attack kidnapped, lawyers and activists beaten by the police

This is an update on the attack at the office of IDAR-O-INSAF (Institute for Justice and Peace) on 25 September 2002, which left seven activists dead and one seriously injured. The sole witness of the incident, Mr. Robin Peeran Ditta (32) was kidnapped by the police and later released. Actually, Mr. Ditta had been illegally […]

INDIA: A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl

A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl INDIA: Caste based discrimination – a distinct case of racial discrimination on the basis of work and descent; right to life & fair trial and justice; abduction, gang-rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl ———————————————————– We are shocked to learn that a […]

SRI LANKA: Denial of Disappearances

As you may be aware the Asian Human Rights Commission together with many other organizations has been carrying out a campaign to get the Sri Lankan Government to bring to justice the perpetrators of mass disappearances from the 1988-92 period as well as the disappearances which are continuing at present.

AHRC HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENT – Commemoration of the Disappearances in Sri Lanka

Commemoration of “Thirteen years ago my son, who was 22 years old, left home telling me he would return in 15 minutes or so. He never did. We are still waiting. We know he will not come, but we are still waiting,” said a 57-year-old father who joined the commemoration of Disappearances Day for the […]

AHRC Media Release: Australia: High Commissioner Appointee responsible for atrocities

AHRC MEDIA Release  28 June 2001  Australia: High Commissioner Appointee responsible for atrocities  Former detainee under General Perera speaks out  Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is issuing today an eyewitness account [attached] of extreme physical and psychological torture, overcrowding and hundreds of disappearances/extrajudicial killings at an illegal military detention camp (in Wehera, Kurunegala district, 25 […]

SRI LANKA: Over 30,000 disappearances remain unresolved

The United Nations Human Rights Commission is currently having its annual meeting in Geneva. AHRC believes that this is an opportune time to insist that the UN establish an International Tribunal to investigate and bring to trial the perpetrators of the forced disappearances in Sri Lanka.   Even by official Sri Lankan government figures, over […]

Sri Lanka: Call for Action on Disappearances

AHRC UA990312 Sri Lanka 12 March 1999 ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The United Nation Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Report E/CN.4/1999/62 dated 28 December 1998 states that the Sri Lankan Government informed the Working Group it had established an inter-ministerial committee \”to examine expeditious ways of implementing the recommendations […]

Sri Lanka: Allegation of Mass Grave of About 400 Bodies – No Investigations

Former Lance Corporal Somaratne Rajapakse has received severe injuries after being attacked by his prison guards at Colombo’s Welikade jail for alleging revealing the existence of a mass grave in the northern Jaffna peninsula according to the AFP report dated 23 August 1998. A former soldier, he revealed in July 1998, that there is a […]

Sri Lanka: Special Campaign on Disappearances, Particularly on Children

The three government commissions established to inquire into disappearances, which took place in large scale in Sri Lanka, have established 16,782 cases of such disappearances. (NGOs have estimated much larger number) The commissions have spend almost three years for inquiries and published their report at the end of last year. However no action has been […]

Sri Lanka: 16,742 Disappearances Established! What Next?

Three commissions created by the Sri Lankan government have established the disappearances of 16,742 people. While the claim that the number of disappearances are much larger needs to be further investigated, the immediate issue now is what conclusions can be drawn from the facts already established. It should be underlined that those who have disappeared […]