Extrajudicial killings

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis target of religious expediency once again

A new wave of attacks on religious minority groups has gripped the country after the execution of Mumtaz Qadri, the killer of Punjab’s former governor, for alleged blasphemy. Qadri was executed on February 29, and countrywide protests began simultaneously. On the day of Qadri’s burial, March 1, Qamar Ul Zia, a young Ahmadi businessman was […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 111

This week AHRC TV’s Just Asia begins with Burma, where four protesters already sentenced by a court in May 2015, are now facing additional charges for the same incident. Burma’s first democratic election of November 2015 has done little to curb rights violations in the country. Next, the crisis at New Delhi’s Jawarhalal Nehru University […]

NEPAL: Real Rights Now

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission A lot of Nepalese suffered terribly at the hands of both the state and the rebels during the decade-long Maoist conflict. However, since most of the victims have little voice, many of their stories are yet to be heard. Civilians were caught […]

WORLD:Open letter from 22 ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ Laureates to the King of Saudi Arabia for freedom of poet Ashraf Fayadh

An Open Letterfrom 22 Right Livelihood Award Laureatesforwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) To, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Respected King, The poet, art curator and Palestinian refugee Ashraf Fayadh, was sentenced to death by beheading, on November 17, 2015, by decision of the government of Saudi […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 108

In this episode, Just Asia continues to cover critical human rights flashpoints in Asia. In Pakistan, three employees of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) have been killed in clashes near the Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, on February 3. The employees were on a countrywide protest against privatization of the national airlines. Around 30 persons have also been […]

INDIA: Dead criminal justice system haunts the living

A 21-year-old woman committed suicide by hanging herself on 28 January 2016. In her suicide note the woman wrote about the most obvious and the ugly truth of India: that of losing faith in the country’s criminal justice process. She wrote: “Please mummy, papa forgive me. I will not get justice anymore, nor will I […]

PAKISTAN: Baloch Activists Punished for Dissent

Since inception, Pakistan has been at war with its own citizens; time and again the State has indulged in gross human rights violation to muzzle voices of dissent. Ethnic Balochis have especially suffered discrimination and stigmatization, by successive military and civil governments. Due to State negligence, Baluchistan remains the least developed province even though its […]

INDIA: From Khairlanji to Hyderabad: what post-outrage?

Article | India | 03-02-2016

RohithVemula’s suicide will not be just another suicide in the statistical records of the National Crime Records Bureau. It will not be so in the same way the 2006 massacre in Khairlanjiwas not. These two cases separated by almost a decade,are far more than a statistic of ordinary crime, such as that committed in a […]

PAKISTAN: Government uses brutal force against protesters, killing three officers of national airlines

Personnel from the Pakistan Rangers have used brute force against unarmed protesters, causing the death of three Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees, who were out protesting against the privatisation of the State owned airlines. The dead include Zubair Ahmed, Manager HR department, Saleem Akbar, I.T Engineer, and Inayat Jafri, a senior officer.The demonstrators assembled peacefully […]

SRI LANKA: Policing Sri Lanka’s Police Force

An article published in the Sunday Leader, on 24th January 2016, which is an English translation of the same, published in the ‘Irudina’ newspaper on 17th January 2016, by WimalanathWeeraratne, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by WimalanathWeeraratne It seems that Sri Lanka Police never learns a lesson. Although it has the Dharmachakra (Wheel of the […]

PAKISTAN: 521/2160 girls missing in 2015. 7 murdered children reported.

A Statement from Roshni helpline Research and Development Organization forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The missing children’s search and recovery organization Roshni Helpline has published its annual report for 2015 on missing children in Karachi Pakistan, one of the largest industrial cities. A total of 2160 children have been reported missing in the […]

PAKISTAN: Duality in fight against terrorism must end

It is just over a year since the Peshawar Army Public School carnage of December 2014, where some 135 teens were killed by terrorists. The subsequent promulgation of Pakistan’s National Action Plan (NAP) to combat terrorism, as well as the lifting of the moratorium on death penalties, has shown no sign of decreasing terror attacks […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 107

In this episode of Just Asia, AHRC TV continues its coverage of the saga of the missing Hong Kong book publishers. One of the five abducted men, Gui Minhai, has turned up on Chinese State television making a “confession” for a years-old alleged drink driving offence. Gui vanished three months ago from holiday in Thailand […]

NEPAL: Protests, violence, and killings persist in Terai, with no solution in sight

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely monitoring incidents in Nepal’s Terai. The AHRC had been eagerly waiting for the government and the agitating forces to strike a deal. However, today, even after 6 months of standstill, there is no progression. The government has not discarded its killing attitude; protests and killings are […]

INDIA: दलित शोधार्थी रोहित वेमुला की आत्महत्यादरअसल हत्या है

Article | India | 19-01-2016

“मैं लिखना चाहता था, हमेशा से, विज्ञान के बारे में, कार्ल सागां की तरह. और आखिर में बस यह एक ख़त (आत्महत्या का) है जो मैं लिख पा रहा हूँ.” हैदराबाद विश्विद्यालय में पढ़ रहे दलित शोधार्थी और छात्र नेता रोहित वेमुला ने कभी मरना नहीं चाहा होगा. उम्मीदों और सपनों के साथ जीने वाला […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 106

In this episode of Just Asia, AHRC TV reports from Sri Lanka where the police still appear to consider themselves above the law. Police officers in Embilipitiya killed a young man and authorities responded by simply re-locating the perpetrators to other stations rather than investigating the crime. Just Asia continues to report about the missing […]

SRI LANKA: The Constitution making and brutal police murder at Embilipitiya

The Government has announced another attempt at constitution making in Sri Lanka which, this time is to begin, with the hope to complete the process, by the end of this year. A resolution to this effect has already been introduced in the Parliament and a Drafting Committee has been named. A valid question that begets […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 105

In this first episode of Just Asia in 2016, AHRC TV covers stories of disappearances and shrinking spaces for the freedom of expression. However, first up, the programme reports on the conclusion of a rape case in Sri Lanka, more than 14 years after the case began being heard. Rita, unlike many other rape victims, […]

PHILIPPINES: Two indigenous persons killed in Bukidnon by paramilitary group

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that two persons belonging to ethnic minority groups were killed in Bukidnon. The victims were gunned down a few meters away from each other. The perpetrators were allegedly members of the Dela Mance paramilitary group. CASE DETAILS: (Based on the documentation by […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police beat young man to death over fight with traffic officer’s son

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the custodial assault and death of a young man in northeastern Burma over a personal dispute. According to the information, police detained Phyo Thura in October 2015 after he fought with a traffic officer’s son. The day after his arrest when his father […]