Extrajudicial killings

INDIA: Custodial death and torture by police must end in Meghalaya

Civil Society Women’s Organisation 29 May 2014 Shillong, Meghalaya The Civil Society Women’s Organisation (CSWO), an anti-corruption and women’s rights organization, Shillong, is deeply concerned of widespread torture by police leading to deaths including deaths in custody and other similar human rights violations in Meghalaya. Ordinary people are often helpless in the hands of such […]

SRI LANKA: The dying of men and institutions

FOCUS ON RIGHTS Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, The Sunday Times, May 25th 2014 It would be a fair guess to say that not even the most perceptive amongst us could have predicted the extreme degeneration of the police service and most unfortunately, the country’s judicial institution, in post-war Sri Lanka. Taking the road less traversed This week, […]

SRI LANKA: Bar Association slams explanations of deaths in police custody as ‘blatant’ lies

Demands a Commission of Inquiry covering at least last three years May 24, 2014, 7:24 pm The Standing Committee of the Rule of Law of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka has issued a strong statement condemning the death of criminal suspects in police custody saying that the “acceptance of such blatant manifest untruths has […]

SRI LANKA: A young man tortured to death in Kandaketiya police custody

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a young man of the age of 17 who was illegally arrested by officers from the Kandaketiya police and severely tortured along with his brother and another family member. Despite appeals by his parents and lawyers the Magistrate who heard the case presented […]

INDIA: Detainee succumbs to torture by police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Civil Society Women’s Organization (CSWO), an anti-corruption and women’s rights organization based in Shillong, Meghalaya regarding the custodial death of an 18-year-old youth Mr. Balsan S. Marak. Balsan was arrested under dubious circumstances on charges of kidnapping and torture of women on 13 […]

SRI LANKA: Deaths in police custody are of serious concern

Series of deaths of persons in police custody as suspects regarding the commission of criminal offences is of serious concern. The identical explanations given by the police regarding each such case of death while in custody and acceptance of such blatant manifest untruths has made a mockery of the system of administration of justice in […]

SRI LANKA: A great travesty of justice – an appeal to the civil society to intervene in the murder of the 17-year-old, Sadun Mallinga

A 17-year-old boy named, P.H. Sadun Mallinga, from Atturukudua, Megahakiula, was arrested with his brother and brutally assaulted by a group of policemen from the Kandaketiya police without any reason. He died at the remand prison due to the severe injuries he suffered by the assault. He died in his brother’s arms. Now the brother […]

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 28

Today the AHRC releases the 28th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. In this week’s programmewe report on encouraging new legislation in Sindh Province in Pakistan, banning child marriage under 18-years of age. We show disturbing footage of police torture in Jammu and Kashmir with a report of India’s “gangsters in uniform”. Also in India, […]

PAKISTAN: An Ahmadi was shot dead in police lockup and the lives of others are under threat

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 65-year-old Ahmadi was shot dead in a police lockup. The victim was arrested on charges of Blasphemy without legal process. He remained in the police lock up for three days without being produced in a court of law. On May 16, the […]

HONG KONG/PHILIPPINES: Filipinos do have a role in fight for democracy in Hong Kong

(Note: this article was first published in the May 4, 2014 issue of the Sunday Examiner) I am a Filipino but I see myself a Hong Konger. If we are to take the guidelines of Hong Kong Unison, a non-profit organisation advocating for the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities, a Hong Konger is any person […]

PAKISTAN: The practice of fake police encounters exposed through a live video recording by the media

The citizens of Pakistan watched a video recording of a police encounter on all the television channels where a man who had been pronounced dead started crying and screaming that he was alive. The police ignored his cries for help and dragged him by the hair into a police van. He was taken to a […]

PAKISTAN: Human rights defenders in Pakistan in need of defence

The killing of senior lawyer, Rashid Rehman, on May 7, 2014 in his office in Multan has once again brought into focus at home and abroad how little the Pakistani state values those who risk their lives for the promotion and protection of fundamental rights for all. Rehman was killed despite having earlier expressed serious […]

SRI LANKA: Vesak – a thrice blessed anniversary

White clad people of all ages observing sil; temples full of pious devotees; trees laden with flowers and mounds of jasmine and araliya offered at sacred bo tree and temple alter, scenting the air. Come night and cities that were quiet and white turn garishly gaudy. Pandals light up and stories depicted on them are broadcast too […]

PAKISTAN: Is the battle with the media becoming the military’s Waterloo?

The attempted murder of an anchorperson of a popular media house triggered the open discussion on the role of the ISI in dealing with the freedom of expression and the media as a whole. Indeed, this is not the first occasion that the role of the ISI was brought up as a conspirator in the […]

SRI LANKA: The inordinate fuss and bother over a tattoo

I held back on writing about the extremely traumatic experience of Naomi Coleman, 37, mental health nurse in Coventry, England. I am very glad I opted to be less than current since I felt I needed other’s opinions before expressing mine. All I spoke with from senior diplomats and retired government officers who held top […]

BANGLADESH: Chains of Corruption Strangle Nation

The rule of law does not exist in Bangladesh. The way the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) abducted seven men, including a senior lawyer and a member of the mayoral panel of the Narayanganj City Corporation (NCC), on 27 April 2014, and murdered them, allegedly on behalf of a feuding faction of the ruling party, in […]

PAKISTAN: No more child brides! Bravo Sindh Assembly

The provincial assembly of Sindh has took the daring lead on 28th April 2014, that deserves appreciation for becoming Pakistan’s first elected assembly to have passed a bill restraining child marriages under 18 years. The passage of the bill has come on the heels of controversy that was triggered after the council of Islamic Ideology (CII) […]

PAKISTAN: Rashid Rehman – the government is conspicuously avoiding an investigation into his brutal murder

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further information regarding the high profile and brutal assassination of the well known and respected human rights activist and lawyer, Rashid Rehman Khan. The government of Punjab has totally ignored the murder of a human rights defender and has not initiated any action that might […]

PHILIPPINES: The loss of two widows is everyone’s loss

(Note: this article was first published in the April 20, 2014 issue of the Sunday Examiner) In November 2005, Jose Manegdeg, a staff member of a church-based non-governmental organisation, was killed soon after he finished conducting a para-legal training in San Esteban, Ilocos Sur. Four years later, another 57 people, 32 of whom were journalists, were murdered […]

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 27

Today the AHRC releases the 27th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. In this week’s programmewe report on the spate of killings, torture, and vandalism that has erupted in western Assam, India, in the last few days. Thirty-two have lost their lives so far. We also interview Pakistani human rights defender BushraKhaliq about slavery in […]