Extrajudicial killings

PAKISTAN: Sarabjit Singh — can the judiciary still claim to be independent?

It is one year now since Sarabjit Singh, an Indian prisoner, was killed in Lahore prison on April 26, 2013 when he was struck on the head in an attack by two Muslim fundamentalists. He was hit with bricks and his neck and torso cut with sharp weapons from which wounds he subsequently died in […]

THAILAND: Scholars call for release of political prisonerSomyot, abolition of lese majesty offence

(Hong Kong, April29, 2014) Scholars from around the world gathered for a Thai studies conference in Sydney have called for the release of SomyotPrueksakasemsuk and other persons imprisoned under Thailand’s antiquated lese majesty laws. In an open letter issued last Thursday, 35 academics from Thailand, Australia and other countries attending the 14th International Thai Studies […]

PAKISTAN: A student leader is missing after his arrest by the ISI as witnessed by his associates

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the disappearance of a student leader from Balochistan province. He has been missing after his arrest from the meeting of the executive committee of his organisation by the notorious intelligence agency of Pakistan, the ISI. The personnel from the Frontier Corps (FC) of […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Attorney General’s office protects soldiers who kill

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that no action has been taken against three soldiers who murdered a civilian and terrorized a young couple because the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is protecting them from prosecution. A military tribunal conducted hearings that absolved the men from responsibility for […]

THAILAND: Demanding Immediate Explanation and Investigation by Relevant Officials Regarding the Disappearance of a Karen Hill-Tribe Human Rights Defender

Cross Cultural Foundation For immediate release on April 20th, 2014 Public Statement Demanding Immediate Explanation and Investigation by Relevant Officials Regarding the Disappearance of a Karen Hill-Tribe Human Rights Defender ​According to a news report, Mr. Billy or Por Cha Lee Rakcharoen has disappeared since the afternoon of April 17th 2014. At the time of […]

ASIA: Global recognition for persecuted Bangladeshi human rights defender

Statement | Asia | 24-04-2014

Adilur Rahman Khan, Human Rights Defender of Bangladesh; AHRC File Photo Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, a renowned human rights defender, who has been relentlessly persecuted by the incumbent regime in Bangladesh, has been recognized for his courage by the global human rights community. Adilur has been awarded the 2014 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, which he […]

THE PHILIPPINES: Lawyers for Lawyers raises the alarm: Filipino lawyer at risk

• Labeling of lawyers by military continues • Practice of labeling root cause of extrajudicial killings • Pattern of ongoing threats against legal profession Philippines, 23 April 2014 – Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) warn in an open letter to President Aquino of the Philippines for the continued labeling of lawyers […]

PHILIPPINES: The AHRC’s comments on Manila mayor’s apology to 2010 bus hostage victims

(Hong Kong, April 23, 2014) Yesterday, Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and his delegation arrived in Hong Kong reportedly to offer an apology on behalf of the City of Manila to the victims and families of the 2010 Manila bus hostage incident. In August 2010, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) had also expressed its concerns and […]

PHILIPPINES: Why the country is ranked 3rd dangerous place for journalists, activists

Recently, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published its report ranking the country as 3rd “most deadly for journalists,” next to Iraq and Somalia. In another report, the Global Witness ranked the country as the 3rd “most dangerous” for environment and land defenders worldwide, next to Brazil and Honduras, where indigenous people struggle for control of their lands. The […]

PAKISTAN: Protect kiln workers from torture, illegal detention and attacks

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that brick kiln owners, with the patronage of the Punjab provincial government, have been holding children, women, and men in illegal detention. Women who have been demanding compliance of the minimum wage and social security have been beaten, their clothes stripped, and their children […]

PHILIPPINES: Three indigenous miners were found buried in a shallow grave

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that after being missing for several days, three people were found buried in a shallow grave near their hut. The three victims were last seen by their family on 2 March. The continuing presence of the military has heightened the threats and […]

PHILIPPINES: The response by the AHRC to Al Jazeera’s questions on Hacienda Luisita massacre

(Hong Kong, April 14, 2014) On April 12, Al Jazeera broadcasted a report, titled: “Philippine farmers fight for land rights” indicating that none of those involved in the massacre of farmers in Hacienda Luisita, owned by the family of current President Benigno Aquino III, have been punished for the massacre ten years on. Below is the transcript of Al […]

PAKISTAN: Stop the massacre in Balochistan by the military

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the killing of around 40 persons in military operations in different parts of Balochistan province conducted yesterday (7 April) during which it has used helicopters for aerial bombardments. Among the casualties were women and children. The Frontier Corp of the Pakistan Army conducted […]

PAKISTAN: Double jeopardy — Attacks on journalists increase with impunity

The journalists reporting on the two conflicts, namely Taliban militancy and the Baloch insurgency are faced with double jeopardy. They walk a tight rope while reporting The recent attack on the Express Television anchor, columnist and consulting editor for the Friday Times, Raza Rumi indicates the serious threats faced by Pakistani journalists in their line […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearances — the higher judiciary takes their hands off the trials involving military personnel

The Supreme Court, Pakistan Army and Balochistan government unite to shield the military perpetrators in cases of disappearances The case of the disappearance of Mr. Ali Asghar Bangulzai and the manner in which the courts and the military are dealing with the case shows a remarkable lack of sensitivity and exposes the invisible adherence of […]

INDONESIA: A detainee found dead in police custody in Tangerang

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) regarding the death of a detainee in police custody in Tangerang. The detainee was found hanging in the toilet of his cell. The police have claimed that his death was ‘purely suicide’ but irregularities were found, […]

PAKISTAN: Death threats and ongoing intimidation against human rights defender Mr Nasrullah Baloch

On 26 March 2014, human rights defender Mr Nasrullah Baloch was subjected to death threats and intimidation by state security forces, following his appearance at the Supreme Court hearing regarding cases of missing persons. This follows a pattern of intimidation and threats made against the human rights defender and his family. Nasrullah Baloch is the Chairperson of Voice […]

PAKISTAN: WAR condemns the kidnapping, rape and burning a minor to death

War Against Rape (WAR), Karachi, expresses its profound sorrow and grief over the alleged abduction, rape and burning of a five-year old girl to death in Bheempura, and similarly 22 year old trainee nurse in Surjani Town, Karachi. WAR also appreciates the prompt notice taken by Mr. Ishrat Ul Ibad, Governor Sindh in the case […]

PAKISTAN: A young Christian is sentenced to death –the blasphemy law continues to claim minority victims

Additional session judge, Chaudhry Ghulam Murtaza, sentenced a young Christian, Sawan Masih 26, to death and fined him Rs. (PKR) 200,000/= in the same prison courtroom he has been confined in since March last year. He was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under blasphemy law 295-C. Although judges have the option to […]

THAILAND: Crime of the State: Enforced disappearance, killings and impunity

We wish to share with you the following article from Prachatai website, written by Thaweeporn Kunmetha. In October 2003, Jawa Jalo, an ethnic Lahu, was captured by armed state officials during a search of a litchi farm in a northern border province. Although the officials who captured him reported to their commanders that no illicit drugs were […]