Extrajudicial killings

PAKISTAN: The Long Marchers have completed 700 km and entered Karachi after travelling 27 days on foot

Before reaching Karachi a car tried to ram the walkers on three occasions and the marchers are receiving death threat messages on their cell phones The Long March for the Baloch missing persons has entered its 27th day after completing 690 KMs. It will reach its intended destination at the Karachi Press Club, Karachi, the capital […]

SRI LANKA: AHRC condemns the state media attack on Nimalka Fernando

The threats posed to the life of Ms. Nimalka Fenando, a well-known trade unionist, political activist and a human rights defender, by the commercial channel of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on November 4, 2013 is yet another example of the stark and blatant abuse of the State Media to intimidate, harass and humiliate a […]

PHILIPPINES: Maguindanao massacre widow writes a poem to pay tribute to her husband and other victims

(Hong Kong, November 20, 2013) Myrna Reblando, widow of Alejandro “Bong” Reblando, one of the journalists killed in the November 23, 2009 Maguindanao massacre, writes a poem to pay tribute to her husband and other victims. Myrna writes the poem to recall the pain and hurt that the massacre has caused to victims’ families, as […]

PAKISTAN: A video exposes the fake encounter in which a student leader was extrajudicially killed

On August 22 the Asian Human Rights Commission issued an urgent appeal, PAKISTAN: A student leader was extrajudicial killed in a fake encounter conducted the intelligence agencies. We have now come into possession of a video produced by the police which was leaked to the AHRC which attempts to prove that Mr. Afzal Panhwar was killed […]

PAKISTAN: The Long March for the recovery of missing persons enters its 20th day after 600 kilometres

Many participants have suffered bruised and blistered feet but have not been provided with any medical treatment…..their bleeding wounds have been wrapped with nothing more than pieces of cloth The 730-kilometers Long March of the family members of the disappeared persons from Balochistan has covered more than 600 kilometers and entered its 20th day. The Long […]

PHILIPPINES: A female land rights activist killed in front of her husband and daughter who remains traumatised

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal regarding the murder of a female land rights activist in San Andres, Quezon province. The victim and her family had been demanding the ownership of the land that they cultivate from their landlord. She was shot dead in front of her […]

PHILIPPINES: TFDP assails judge for the military’s acquittal in couple’s slay

Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) assailed the judge for the military’s acquittal over the slaying of the couple Bacar and Carmen Japalali during a military operation headed by Sgt. Serafin Jerry Napoles last September 8, 2004 in Barangay Bincungan, Tagum City. Hall of Justice, Tagum, Davao del Norte.Photo: AHRC In a nine (9) page […]

INDIA: Disturbed or discriminated?

Article | India | 11-11-2013

The extension of ‘disturbed area’ status for north eastern states since 1955, and thereby the activation and extension of emergency laws, has been but a routine administrative exercise for the union government. The legacy was upheld this year. The union has again extended the ‘disturbed area’ status of Assam for another six month period, with […]

PHILIPPINES: Negative impact of torture and delay in trial of accused in bomb blast

On November 1, 2010, Andaman Mokiding Binago was arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in a lodging house in Davao City. The NBI claimed that he and the actual accused, Danny Mokiding y Mohamad are one and the same person and charged him with murder charges for allegedly bombing a lottery stall in January 10, 2007 killing […]

PAKISTAN: Nine years on there is no justice for Faraz Ahmed Naveed

Nine years after the brutal murder of Faraz Ahmed Naveed on November 8, 2004 his family still awaits justice. No progress has been made in the investigation. The first report was made by the police officer who attended the scene of the incident and stated that Faraz’ body had a bullet wound in his back […]

INDIA: Irom Sharmila’s ‘attempted suicide’ enters 14th year, democracy’s murder 56th

Article | India | 07-11-2013

Irom Sharmila Chanu’s story is a bizarre, almost schizophrenic, tale of absurdities. It has a woman who has not eaten a morsel for a full 13 years. It has a state that has kept her incarcerated for most part of all these years and is force feeding her through a tube in her nose. The […]

SRI LANKA: No tears for departed Attorney Generals & The courthouse — two poems on the failure of justice

(We reproduce below two poems written by Basil Fernando) No tears for departed Attorney Generals Why I have no tears for departed Attorney Generals: Do we feel sorry for ones extinguishing the light Leaving everything in the dark? Is there any crime worse than Killing the soul of a nation? Is not justice the soul […]

PHILIPPINES: Why does the court allow the military to interfere in the judicial process?

In July 2013, public prosecutors in General Santos City wrote to the Supreme Court asking for the transfer of the venue of a murder trial. The trial concerns two persons described as “suspected terrorists and members of the Special Operations Group (SOG) of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front” (MILF), “to any venue in Metro-Manila, where the atmosphere […]

BANGLADESH: Release Human Rights Defender Elan Immediately

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the detention of ASM Nasiruddin Elan and demands his immediate release. Mr. ASM Nasiruddin Elan, Director of Bangladeshi human rights organization, Odhikar, has been detained in prison by the Cyber Crimes Tribunal of Dhaka, today, November 6, 2013. This detention is part of the continued repression against the whistle-blowers […]

PAKISTAN: An entire Ahmadi family was targeted in sectarian killings

Mr. Bashir Ahmad Kiyani (70), was murdered as a result of religious hatred in Karachi. He was shot dead while on his way to Friday Prayer Services at the nearby Mosque in Korangi, Karachi. In the last three months both Mr. Kiyani’s son and son-in-law were also killed by Muslim fundamentalists. According to the details […]

PAKISTAN/IRAN: 16 Balochis were executed in an act of revenge by Iran

Between 314 and 544 persons have been executed in Iran in 2013 alone 16 Baloch political prisoners were executed in Iran in an act of revenge for an attack on the border security forces. The executed Balochis were already in Zahedan prison and took no part in the attack. It was alleged that the Baloch […]

PAKISTAN: A reflection on peace talks with the Taliban

“It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf,” said British historian and clergyman Thomas Fuller. In other words, we cannot change the nature of wild creatures. We cannot predict when snakes, lions, wolves or any other wild animals will attack, and without protecting ourselves we cannot sit calmly. In the context of […]

INDIA : The Politics of Special Legislations in India

I was not yet in my first standard of school when the strategies of the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) (earlier known as Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes) were put into force. Way back in 1979-80, the SCSP mandated every State/Ministry to earmark funds from the Plan outlay, atleast in proportion to the population […]

PAKISTAN: the country ranks third in the Global Slavery Index

Modern slavery: a matter of poverty, the rule of law and the indifference of the national government Pakistan ranks third in the Global Slavery Index. It is estimated that there are 2,000,000 – 2,200,000 people involved in various forms of modern slavery in Pakistan. Pakistan counts a population of 179,000,000 people and with the increasing […]

PAKISTAN: The Long March against disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan commences

Civil society must join the peaceful long march in solidarity with the relatives of disappeared persons and provide all possible assistance to the marchers The relatives of missing persons from Balochistan started a 730 kilometre peaceful long march for the recovery of disappeared persons. The participants assembled and started their march from the Quetta Press […]