Extrajudicial killings

SRI LANKA: The DIGP Ravi Wijegunawardena should be held responsible for the shooting of a fisherman engaged in a peaceful demonstration

On February 14 a young fisherman, Anthony Fernando, was shot dead while he was engaged with a number of other fishermen in protesting the increase of oil prices which would seriously affect the livelihood of fisherfolk. A large group of policemen led by the Deputy Inspector General of Police for the North Western Province, Ravi […]

NEPAL: Government and army share responsibility for impunity of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers

Statement | Nepal | 17-02-2012

Credible action to bring Maina Sunuwar’s murderers to trial in Nepal’s civilian jurisdiction has been unjustifiably delayed. The government bears responsibility for allowing impunity to become so deeply-entrenched that those who tortured a 15-year-old school girl to death remain unpunished despite arrest warrants pending against them. On February 17, 2004 a troop of army personnel […]

INDONESIA: A young man died suspiciously in custody after illegal arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that Yusli, a 23-year old man, died while in custody of the Cisauk sub-district police station, Tangerang, Indonesia on 26 December 2011. Several wounds and bruises were found on Yusli’s body, in addition to a shot wound on his chest. The police claimed that […]

PAKISTAN: The bodies of two more missing persons from Sindh province have been found

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the bullet riddled bodies of two missing young men from Sindh province were found on the road side. Both young men had been missing for the last six months when they were arrested by the law enforcement agencies while traveling on the Karachi […]

PAKISTAN: Supreme Court failed to indict the military in contempt of court in the case of missing persons

In the case of the eleven missing persons, among them four have died in military custody due to systematic torture. The Supreme Court had ordered the military and its intelligence agencies, the ISI and military intelligence agency (MI) on February 2 to produce the remaining seven detainees before the court on February 10. However, this […]

INDONESIA: Police killed two villagers and injured 82 others in anti-gold mining protest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) received information that the police shot local farmers who were demonstrating against the gold exploration plan in several sub-districts in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara Province, on 24 December 2011. Two villagers died and 77 others were injured in the shooting. Five others were also injured by police […]

PAKISTAN: Love marriage couple greeted with ‘shoot-on-sight’ order from Jihadi groups

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a couple from Pakistani held Kashmir has threatened with being shot on sight by Jihadi militant groups whenever they are seen at any place in Pakistan. The militants from the Jihadi groups (Islamic holy warriors) have been following the couple from their hide […]

PAKISTAN: The Ahmadiyya community has once again been targeted by banned terrorist organisations

The Ahamadiyya community, a minority religious community, is again facing systematic genocide from the militant religious groups in coming days particularly from the banned terrorist organizations that have made a joint strategy to force them to leave Pakistan. This campaign has been started from the garrison city of Rawalpindi, Punjab province, in the presence of […]

PAKISTAN: The courts and the government bear responsibility for extrajudicial killings in military torture cells

By Baseer Naveed The disappearances, killings in military detention centers and dumping of bullet-riddled bodies including torture marks on the bodies of the victims, by the spy agencies particularly by ISI and military intelligence are no longer a secret. This was exposed during the case of Abdul Saboor (29), which was taken in custody illegally […]

PAKISTAN: The people of Balochistan have to bury the mutilated bodies of their loved ones almost every day of the week

56 more bullet riddled bodies of disappeared persons were found in Balochistan during the last six months The disappearances and extrajudicial killings of Baloch activists continue despite claims from the government and security forces that extrajudicial killings have been stopped. The writ of the state is at its minimal and all the responsibilities of maintaining […]

PAKISTAN: Shahzad Commission results marred by free ride for ISI

Government has to Take on Military and Intelligence Services and end Impunity  (New York, January 30, 2012) – The Pakistani government should redouble efforts to find the killers of the journalist Saleem Shahzad, following the failure of the judicial inquiry commission to identify those responsible, Human Rights Watch said today. The commission concluded in its […]

PAKISTAN: Higher courts complicit in the torture and killings in military detention centres

Four men were killed in military detention centres while their cases were being heard in the higher courts and particularly one case was in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, which claims to be the independent, when it comes to the army the courts usually put aside the cases against army or delays the hearings. […]

BANGLADESH: HR violations are evident

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following editorial published by the Daily Star, an English-speaking national daily newspaper of Bangladesh, on 17 January 2012. The original editorial can be available for the readers at: http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=218604. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An Editorial from the Daily Star forwarded by the Asian Human […]

SRI LANKA: UNHRC holds that the government is responsible for the death of Sugath Nishanta Fernando of Negombo

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has issued its determination regarding the complaint made by a Sri Lankan citizen, A.S.S. Pathmini Peiris, in connection with the murder of S.K.A. Sugath Nishanta Fernando who was assassinated on 20 September 2008. Previously Mr. Fernando had complained of the torture of himself, his two children and his wife […]

PHILIPPINES: Police fail in their obligation to investigate journalist killings

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by police investigations into the murder of journalists Christopher “Cris” Guarin and Alfredo “Dodong” Velarde, Jr. in General Santos City. Not only have the Philippines’ police failed in their duty to protect citizens from harm, but they are compounding this failure by their indifferent and casual […]

SRI LANKA: The New Year Wish List- 2012

All Sri Lankans will wish that the coming year will not be like the last one and, in fact, that it be different from previous years also, years in which deep insecurity has been prevailing due to the failure of the political system, resulting in serious problems in the legal system. People reduced to powerlessness […]

PAKISTAN: The Uzma Ayub rape case–justice is not as important as the honour and prestige of the judiciary

In the case of the murder of the brother of a teenage pregnant girl, the Peshawar High Court Khyber Pakhtunkha province took a Suo Motu notice and directed the provincial home secretary and the Provincial Police Officer (PPO) ordering them to ensure the arrest of the accused within three days and the immediate suspension of […]

INDONESIA: Another protester dies amidst the tense situation at Freeport

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the death of yet another union protester on 15 October 2011, following a shooting injury on October 10. The situation at the Freeport mine in Timika, West Papua remains tense, due to the repressive approach of the Papua regional police (POLDA Papua). UPDATED […]

INDONESIA: Massive Indonesian Offensive Displaces Thousands In Paniai As Helicopters Attack And Raze Villages

Thousands of people have reportedly fled in terror from a large area in Paniai, West Papua as a massive combined Police and military offensive attacked villages on December 13, attempting to break armed resistance from pro-independence guerrillas. Credible human rights sources are claiming up to 20 local people have been shot dead by Indonesian security […]

SRI LANKA: Body of a custodial death victim was dumped in a river by Chunnakan police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information a regarding a twenty-eight-years old man’s body was dumped in a river by the Chunnakan police on 26 November 2011. Previously, the Jaffna police arrested the victim, who was identified as Sri Skandaraja Sumanan, and handed over to the Chunnakan police. The Sri Lankan […]