Fabrication of charges

NEPAL: Dr. C.K. Raut and supporters arrested and tortured at peaceful gatherings

Statement | Nepal | 30-11-2016

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Nepal Police who arrested Dr. C. K. Raut and more than two hundred supporters of his campaign. They came from different districts of Nepal’s Terai. Excessive force was used. Illegal arrests were made. By contrast, Dr. Raut and his supporters were commemorating 25 November (Mangsir 10, […]

INDONESIA: Judges of Central Jakarta District Court refuse Prosecutor’s indictment and order rehabilitation of 26 defendants

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been updated by Jakarta Legal Aid regarding the prosecution against 23 labor activists, two public lawyers, and one university student in the Central Jakarta District Court. The Judges have stated that there is not enough evidence to punish the 26 defendants, and therefore the judges have […]

INDIA: Mr. Khurrum Parvez’s arrest exposes a system that lacks justice at its core

Statement | India | 28-11-2016

Mr. Khurrum Parvez is a human rights defender, the chairperson of Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances, working in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. On 14 September 2016, the immigration officers stationed at the international airport in New Delhi, prevented Parvez from leaving the country. Khurrum had arrived at the airport to travel to Geneva […]

WORLD: A Joint Statement – Calling for the Release of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of BERSIH2.0

A Joint Statement Calling for the Release of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of BERSIH2.0 We, the May18 Memorial Foundation and the Laureates of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, are deeply alarmed by the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, the Chairperson of BERSIH2.0 by the Malaysian Police. BESIH2.0 is the 2016’s Laureates of the Gwangju […]

AHRC TV: Terrorist attacks continue in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 148

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where terrorist attacks continue despite the Pakistan army’s various anti-terror operations. In the latest attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the crowded courtyard of Sufi Saint Shah Noorani’s shrine on November 12, killing some 60 persons and injuring 156. The Shah Noorani shrine in Balochistan’s Hub […]

AHRC TV: Hong Kong lawyers march in black and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 147

This week Just Asia begins with Hong Kong, where more than 2000 lawyers marched silently in black on Tuesday, protesting against Beijing’s interpretation of the Basic Law, to prevent two elected activists from taking up their seats in parliament. Prominent advertisements in Tuesday morning papers read ‘Beijing destroys rule of law—Hong Kong world city no […]

PAKISTAN: Military men demolish business centre after trader refuses to supply arms to the Taliban

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that in retaliation to locals refusing to supply arms to the international terrorist organisations Taliban and Al-Qaida, Army officers have blown up a two-storey business centre, which had more than 150 shops and four commercial halls. This incident has occurred in Wana City, the headquarters of […]

THAILAND: Parents of suspect who died in custody to sue police for damages

(Released on 5 November 2016) parents of Mr. Anan Kerdkaew, a suspect who died in police custody while being interrogated, shall file a charge against the Royal Thai Police with the South Bangkok Civil Court about the injuries and death of Mr. Anan Kerdkaew. Mr. Anan was arrested on 9 November 2015 being suspected of […]

BANGLADESH: People paying price for country’s justice institutions

Bangladesh’s Government and its law-enforcement agencies have earned a reputation for refusing to take responsibility for the crimes they commit institutionally or that agency personnel commit in their individual capacity. The Bangladesh Government and its law-enforcement agencies have been shamelessly denying their involvement in enforced disappearances despite over 300 people having been disappeared by Bangladesh […]

AHRC TV: Thai Court sentences a former member of the Satun administrative organization to over 22 years’ imprisonment and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 146

Beginning with Thailand this week, the Provincial Court of Songkhla read the verdict of Appeals Court Region 9 regarding the case of Mr. Anat Hayeemasae, former member of the Satun Provincial Administration Organization (PAO). He had appealed the order of the Court of First Instance, which had sentenced him to 22-years-and-six-months-imprisonment for an offence against […]

PAKISTAN: Will the judiciary bring back to life the two brothers who were declared innocent, following their execution?

Sadly, in an atrocious system where innocents spend decades behind bars awaiting justice to be served on them, instead death penalties are handed down as state sanctioned murder. The lack of justice sector reforms coupled with near-collapsed institutions of criminal justice has yet again caused a grotesque miscarriage of justice. In a shocking revelation on year after […]

INDONESIA: Investigation into the Paniai case in Papua goes nowhere

Ever since the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) established the Ad Hoc investigation team for the Paniai case, under the decision 1 March 2016 letter of the Chair of the Komnas HAM (Number 009 / Komnas HAM / III / 2016), there is no progress in this case (see case details at AHRC-UAC-089-2015 and a […]

INDONESIA: Effectiveness of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in mainstreaming human rights in Indonesia

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about the publication of a paper analysing the Indonesian Universal Periodic Review (UPR) first cycle session in 2008 and second cycle session in 2012. This paper is published to prepare for the third cycle of the Indonesian UPR in 2017. It will help to asses and monitor the extent of progress of […]

AHRC TV: Asia Bibi’s death sentence review delayed by top court and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 144

Beginning with Pakistan this week, the appeal of Ms. Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy and on death row for the past seven years, has been further adjourned by the Supreme Court. After receiving threats from fundamentalists, Justice Hamid-ur Rehman recused himself from hearing the appeal. Asia Bibi’s lawyer said it would probably […]

PHILIPPINES: Statement of Support of the World Association for Christian Communication – Asia Region to the Ongoing Peace Negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines

A Statement from World Association for Christian Communication – Asia Region forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, […]

INDIA: Detention of Mr. Khurram Parvez exposes country’s criminal justice process

Statement | India | 20-10-2016

Mr. Khurram Parvez is a human rights defender from the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. On 14 September 2016 when Khurram turned up at the New Delhi international airport to travel to Geneva, the authorities prevented him from boarding the plane and exiting the country. The grounds were that the Intelligence Bureau of India […]

PAKISTAN: Judges manipulate adjournment of Asia Bibi’s appeal

As expected, the Judiciary has again stalled resolution of the blasphemy case of Christian woman Asia Bibi. In doing so, the Judiciary continues to bow down to Muslim fundamentalist groups, and fails to provide justice to vulnerable members of society. Two days prior to the hearing of Asia Bibi’s appeal in the Supreme Court, fundamentalist […]

THAILAND: Human Rights Defenders under Thailand’s military regime

An article from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Since the 22 May 2014 coup staged by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the currently ruling body led by Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-ocha, a trend of judicial harassment against human rights defenders, who express dissenting […]

THAILAND: Government should clarify Joshua Wong’s deportation

On 5 October 2016, Joshua Wong, a student activist who became a global icon for the fight for democracy in Hong Kong, made headlines in media once again after the Immigration in Thailand barred him from entering the country and detained him for around 12 hours at an undisclosed place. He was eventually deported to […]

PAKISTAN: Truth-fearing government, not Almeida, real threat to national security

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the government of Pakistan for placing prominent journalist Mr. Cyril Almeida on the Exit Control List (ECL), labelling him as a threat to national security, and barring him from leaving the country. This was done in retaliation for reporting a meeting between the military and civilian government on […]