Fabrication of charges

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 136 marks International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance

This week Just Asia marks the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance, August 30, by looking at the situation of disappearances around Asia. Enforced disappearances are frequently used to terrorise individuals, communities and societies. Pakistan is notorious for widespread enforced disappearances, with state agents finding it an easy way to keep persons in their […]

THAILAND: End illegal arrest and detention of author couple

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the arbitrary arrest and detention of Ms. Musliha Masae and her husband Mr. Ibroheng under martial law in southern Thailand. The couple, both authors, were arrested by a joint police and military force on August 12 at Taloe Kapor Beach. The authorities […]

INDIA: For peace, end impunity in Kashmir

The Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has seen curfew for the last 41 days. Sixty-six persons have been killed, as a result of the “actions” of government forces. Most of the channels of communication remain blocked. It is reported that the authorities have gagged the media. There are concerns that even essential supplies are […]


“Woe to those who enact unjust statutes and who write oppressive decrees, depriving the poor of justice, robbing the weakest of my people of their rights.” (Isaiah 10:1) Inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church pastoral exhortation to build a society more human, more worthy of the human person, the Task Force Detainees of […]

PAKISTAN: National Minorities Day – A perplexed nation

National Minorities Day is annually commemorated on August 11, in remembrance of the 1947 landmark speech of Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, envisaging that citizens of all faiths will be treated equally in the new nation: “You are free; you are free to go to your temples; you are free to go to your […]

AHRC TV: Lawyers targeted in Quetta and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 134

This week Just Asia begins with the senseless and brutal attack on lawyers in Quetta, Balochistan on August 8. The blast killed 97 persons, including 63 lawyers, and more than 120 persons including women and children were injured. The attack occurred amidst a gathering to pay respects to the assassinated President of the Bar Association. […]

INDONESIA: Rights defender charged with criminal defamation for circulating drug dealer testimony alleging official involvement in drug trade

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS) regarding criminal defamation charges against its coordinator Mr. Haris Azhar. Haris received and shared information from death row inmate Mr. Freddy Budiman regarding the alleged involvement of high ranking police and military personnel […]

INDIA: Did Modi just legitimise 20% of cow vigilante violence?

Article | India | 09-08-2016

Avinash Pandey Narendra Modi’s high-octane poll campaign in 2014 was littered with the promise of development, with a capital D. Buying into his promise, big business rooted for him, in India and abroad. And now, after a little more than 2 years of premiership, the developments under his watch have rattled the same gung-ho corporate […]

PAKISTAN: The AHRC asks UN working group to re-open the case of Ehsan Arjumandi, missing since 2009

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been actively following the case of disappearance of human rights defender Ehsan Arjumandi, a dual national of Norway and Iran, who has been missing since August 2009. For the past seven years, after he was picked up by the Pakistani security agencies, the whereabouts of Mr. Ehsan are […]

AHRC TV: Involvement of Indonesian officials in drug trade and other stories in JUST ASIA Episode 133

This week Just Asia begins with Indonesia, where the debate on the death sentence is heating up after executed Freddy Budiman’s message shocked the country. Before his July 29 execution, the drug kingpin broadcasted a message that he had cooperation from the police and the National Narcotic Board for smuggling drugs to Indonesia. Calls are […]

INDIA: State supported mob violence against Dalits and Muslims not internal matter

Article | India | 04-08-2016

Avinash Pandey One doesn’t often see a respected international media house asking a democratic republic’s prime minister to break his silence in an editorial. Even more rare is it to see this “silence” tagged with the adjective “shameful”. The New York Times did exactly that today, 8 August 2016. The editorial forewarns Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of […]

THAILAND: State must act to end torture and harassment of those fighting it

Thailand acceded to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) on 2 October 2007. Nearly ten years later, on 26 May 2016, the Thai government issued a Cabinet Resolution stating that it will pass a Prevention of Torture and Enforced Disappearance Act. However, the Asian Human Rights Commission […]

SRI LANKA: When shall we ever learn?

When shall we ever learn that the nation is more important than the power quarrels and ambitions of this or that person? Last week we saw that we shall never learn. A few politicians led a crowd to the street, not for the sake of the nation but, in fact, against the very idea of […]

INDIA: Save yourselves, women of India, as the Republic will not

Avinash Pandey Delhi, the national capital of India, has witnessed another gory incident involving the rape-murder of a minor. This time, a 16-year-old was allegedly raped, strangled, and then set on fire in her own house in East Delhi. The police reportedly tried to pass off the crime as suicide, filing a case of rape and […]

PAKISTAN: WSC Deeply Saddened and Condemns the Violence, Harassment and Killing of Sindhi Hindus

A Press Releasefrom World Sindhi Congress (WSC) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) After an alleged incident of burning Quran in Ghotki on 26th July, in all the large and small towns of district Ghotki including Ghotki, Dharki, Mirpur Mathelo, Rahrki the proxies of the state agencies and vigilantes of religious extremist have […]

PAKISTAN: Government must immediately stop communal violence in Sindh

The pretext of blasphemy has once again led to communal violence in Sindh, with one teenager Hindu shot dead and another critically injured. The violence started after a newly converted Muslim drug addict allegedly burned pages of the Quran. Twenty-four hours after the incident and his arrest, agitators in the presence of police and the […]

AHRC TV: Irom Sharmila to end 16-year fast and other stories in JUST ASIA Episode 132

This week’s episode begins with the surprising decision of Indian activist Irom Sharmila to end her 16-year fast, and join politics. Sharmila, known as Manipur’s ‘Iron Lady’, has been spearheading the state’s struggle to repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Just Asia caught up with Babloo Loitongbam, Director of Human Rights Alert and long […]

PAKISTAN: Nowshera police order transgender to vacate the district

The district police of Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkha (KP) province has ordered the externment of the transgender community for an indefinite period. The order will affect more than 1100 transgenders who are scattered throughout the district. Nowshera’s District Police Officer (DPO), a fundamentalist and extremist, issued the order of kicking out the transgender community from the […]

NEPAL: Ajit Mijar’s death – not suicide, but murder

Statement | Nepal | 27-07-2016

A fact-finding team of the Dalit Civil Society has concluded that Ajit Mijar, found dead at Kumpur – 3 in Dhading District, did not die as a result of suicide. His was, rather, a staged murder. They have made this declaration in a report, based on the facts and findings collected during their three-day visit […]

THAILAND: Structural and legal threats to free expression in referendum process

By Phattranit Yaodam and Samira Saran August 7, 2016 is scheduled for the constitutional referendum by the Thai Military government and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the junta-ruling body. It is during times of political change that the right to freedom of expression is most essential, ensuring that a well-informed and empowered […]