Fabrication of charges

CAMBODIA: Independent radio director and Democrats Association president, Mam Sonando, is illegally arrested on charges of secession

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Mr. Mam Sonando (70) was arrested from his home on 15 July 2012 by the police and was formally charged on the following day by Phnom Penh Municipal Court. The main charges against Mr. Mam Sonando include plotting secessionist movements in Kratie province, inciting […]

PHILIPPINES: Supreme Court held the State of Emergency in Sulu unconstitutional

The Free Cocoy Tulawie Movement is happy to announce the Decision of the Supreme Court dated July 3, 2012 which GRANTED the Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition filed by Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie et.al. against Governor Sakur Tan for declaring the Province of Sulu in a State of Emergency last March 31, 2009. Penned by Associate Justice […]

INDIA: True value of independence

Statement | India | 14-08-2012

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates India and the people of this great country on the eve of the 65th anniversary of independence. Occasions like this are opportunity for the country and its people to reflect and introspect on the promises they made, both 65 years ago, when celebrating newfound freedom, and subsequently. The […]

PAKISTAN: Human Rights defenders are at risk of attack after being charged with blasphemy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the local administration of the two districts of Punjab province and the owners of kiln factories are using the accusation of committing blasphemy against a human rights organization and its staff for raising their voices against bonded labour. They are also demanding wage […]

PAKISTAN: The chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights forced to leave his native place by the police and ruling party of Punjab government

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the case of Mr. Riaz Fatyana, the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights (PCHR), which highlights the mockery of the rule of law and the extent to which the police work at the whims of political opponents. Despite his position in […]

PHILIPPINES: Sri Lankan rights lawyer to observe the trial of a falsely charged activist

(Hong Kong, August 2, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has sent a delegate today to observe the court trial of Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, a human rights defender who is presently detained and prosecuted on evidence obtained through torture and a forced confession. Rasika Sanjeewa Weerawickrama, a human rights lawyer from Sri Lanka, will […]

PHILIPPINES: Hooded witness testifies on false murder charges

(Hong Kong, July 17, 2012) Five months after a prosecutor dismissed the fabricated murder charges on 72 activists for lack of “probable cause,” one of them spoke to the AHRC in an interview. He recounted how a prosecutor allowed a hooded witness to testify in the criminal investigation to prosecute them. When Edwin Egar, a […]

PHILIPPINES: Court fails to conclude an activists’ appeal to dismiss false charges on him made three years on

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that nearly six months after the arrest and detention of Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, a human rights activist laid with fabricated murder charges, the court has not commence the trial. The court suspended the proceedings due to its own failure to conclude the victim’s petition […]

INDIA: BSF cuts down another innocent man, culling conscience and Constitution in the process

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the murder of 21-year-old Jiarul Sardar on 10 June 2012 in yet another case of Border Security Forces (BSF) brutality in West Bengal, India. Torture, extrajudicial killings and acts of impunity are features of everyday life for Indian people living near […]

BANGLADESH: A call for urgent intervention for the protection of Human Rights Defenders in Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh plans to immediately arrest members of human rights organisations and activists suspected of providing information for the Human Rights Watch Report “Bangladesh: Torture, Deaths of Jailed Mutiny Suspects”. The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned from reliable sources that there are discussions among some quarters in the Bangladesh government of arresting […]

SRI LANKA: A 17-year old boy is physically and sexually assaulted by intoxicated police officers at Pallama Police Station for a crime that he did not commit

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 17-year old boy was physically and sexually assaulted by intoxicated police officers at Pallama Police Station for a crime that he did not commit. Mr. Chamara (name changed for privacy and security purposes) was accused of stealing jewelry from a neighbour. Despite […]

INDIA: Flaunting unenlightened attitudes – religious discrimination by the BSF

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the harassment and intimidation of Mr Saiful Molla and Mr Khalil Mondal by BSF personnel attached to Kaijuri BSF Camp on 9.30pm on 21 April 2012 and 3.30pm on 22 April 2012. Unlawful arrest and detention, harassment, degrading treatment, religious discrimination […]

SRI LANKA: Defending the nation’s internal security

Basil Fernando In a previous article, SRI LANKA: The Supremacy of the national security apparatus, we discussed the issue of the Ministry of Defence being the most important institution in Sri Lanka, after the institution of the Executive President. This implies that the ministry is more important than the parliament and the judiciary within the new […]

NEPAL: A man is tortured by the Central Investigation Bureau and threatened that false charges would be brought against him

Dear friends, According to information that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received from Protection of People’s Rights, Nepal (PPR Nepal) that a 43-year-old man arrested under allegations of fraud has been tortured in the Central Investigation Bureau, Maharajganj, Kathmandu. He was arrested by police officers in plain clothes who did not identify themselves […]

SRI LANKA: The role of the Defence Secretary in paralyzing the criminal investigation system

Yesterday (19th June 2012) Sri Lanka’s United National Party (UNP) published a statement demanding the resignation of the Secretary of Defence. The UNP claimed that the resignation was warranted in light of the recent deaths of two people at the JVP meeting at Katuwana, Hambantota. However, a larger issue that should be considered in this […]

INDIA: Robbed of sleep and freedom: illegal arrest, detention and fabrication of charges in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the illegal arrest, detention and torture of Mr Jalil Sardar and Mr Ramjan Tarafdar by personnel from Swarupnagar Police Station, Baduria Police Station and Kaijuri BSF Camp. Unlawful arrest and detention, torture, religious discrimination, fabrication of charges and a culture of […]

INDIA: Student tortured in West Bengal to extort confession

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning another case of police brutality by personnel of Raninagar Police Station, under the captaincy of Sub-Inspector Nilanjan Roy of Raninagar Police Station, against 19-year-old Golam Mujtuba and a few of his friends from Char Majhardiar Village. Such impunity on the part […]

INDIA: An Act to suppress democratic rights

Statement | India | 25-05-2012

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is informed that District Magistrate Barwani in Madhya Pradesh state has issued a “show cause” notice to human rights defender Ms. Madhuri Krishnaswami on 10 May 2012 asking her why actions should not be initiated against her under the Madhya Pradesh Rajya Suraksha Adhiniyam, 1990 (Madhya Pradesh State Security, […]

INDIA: Judgments cannot replace good governance

Statement | India | 24-05-2012

India will be evaluated at the United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Switzerland today. The three countries (Troika) involved in the review are Kuwait, Mauritius and Mexico. That these countries have worse records of human rights in comparison to the country they would collectively review suggests how firmly, and perhaps blindly, such processes are […]

INDIA: Jurist, stop preaching

Statement | | 21-05-2012

The observations made by the Supreme Court of India in a case concerning disciplinary action against a former Major of the Indian Army contradict the Court’s own profile. Dismissing the appeal filed by the Major, who had filed the appeal aggrieved by the Army’s action against him, the court held that discipline is paramount in […]