Freedom of assembly

BANGLADESH: Rebuilding justice institutions a must for realising rights

International Human Rights Day offers one more opportunity to streamline the discourse on human rights. The achievements in terms of the development of normative standards have been immense in the last decades. These achievements are not reflected in people’s real life, despite certain public awareness about rights being made. Together with its success in building […]

NEPAL: Protests and violence spiral amidst institutional failure

This year, 2015, did not start off well for Nepal. On April 25, a devastating earthquake hit the nation killing more than 9000 people, injuring thousands and destroying millions of dollars worth of property. Help poured in from all over the world to assist the poor Himalayan nation. Youths and volunteers were reaching out to […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Parliamentary Elections 2015 — D-Day

The landmark election is scheduled to conduct on tomorrow (Sunday, November 8, 2015). Around 90 political parties with 6,065 candidates, around 10,500 national and international election observers, and over 40,000 polling stations are set to play the role. This may not fully achieved what the people are dreaming of but it may give positive outputs […]

SRI LANKA: පෙළපාලි හා මහජන උද්ඝෝෂණ වල පොලිස් සහභාගීත්වය

නීතිඥ බැසිල් ප‍්‍රනාන්දු නොබෝදා පත්කරන ලද ජාතික පොලිස් කොමිසම විසින් ඔක්තෝබර් මස 29 වන දින විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ප‍්‍රතිපාදන කොමිෂන් සභාව ඉදිරිපිටදී ශිෂ්‍යයන් කණ්ඩායමකට පොලිසියේ කැරලි මර්ධන ඒකකය විසින් පහර දීමේ සිද්ධිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් පරීක්‍ෂණයක් පැවැත්වීම ආරම්භ කිරීම සතුටට කරුණකි. එම පරීක්‍ෂණ කොමිටුවේ වාර්තාව සති දෙකක් ඇතුළත නිකුත් කරනු ලබන බවට ජාතික පොලිස් කොමිසමේ ප‍්‍රකාශකයෙකු විසින් නිවේදනය […]

PAKISTAN: Blogger arrested for tweets about judge

Pakistan’s law enforcement agencies have extended their tentacles to a web blogger who found cyberspace the only avenue available to him to expose the underbelly of corruption in the country. On October 28, a 19 year old blogger and political worker of Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) was arrested by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) allegedly […]

SRI LANKA: The AHRC condemns the attack on students by the Riot Police

The Asian Human Rights Commission is seriously concerned about the attack by the riot police on the students of Inter Student Collective for the Protection of the Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA), who have gathered to present a petition to the Minister of Higher Education at the University Grants Commission, in Colombo yesterday, 29thOctober […]

PAKISTAN: Christians are required only as sweepers

An article from The Friday Times, written by Asif Aqeel forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Asif Aqeel On September 28, the Punjab Cardiology Hospital issued a corrigendum stating that both Muslims and non-Muslims were eligible for sanitation-related jobs. Earlier on September 17, the hospital, in an advertisement in several newspapers, had stated “Only […]

PHILIPPINES: Surveillance and a trumped-up criminal case against Human Rights Defender

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to express concern regarding the fabricated charges against Honey May Suazo (Hanimay) and the other 14 leaders of People’s organizations. The charges were filed by the Criminal Investigation and Detention Group (CIDG) last 12 May 2015. It has to do with threats and harassment to the […]

NEPAL: Immediate measures for Biratnagar violence needed

Statement | Nepal | 21-09-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) urges the Nepal government to take urgent measures in order to defuse alarming on-going violence in Biratnagar. Police have indiscriminately fired on protesters that had just begun to gather in order to carry out their plan to burn a copy of the Constitution promulgated yesterday. The police fired live […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 88

This week’s Roundup begins in Nepal where the violence that has plagued the small Himalayan nation during the last few weeks has intensified. Clashes between Tharu protesters and police in Kailali District resulted in the death of a 2-year-old child and the lynching and burning of 8 policemen. Next, AHRC TV reports from China. Following […]

NEPAL: Protest, revenge, death spreads across Nepal’s Terai

Statement | Nepal | 02-09-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that gives cause for alarm. It appears what happened at Kailali is set to happen in other regions of Terai as well. If lessons are not learned and a pathway for a just and unified Nepal is not opened, the tinderbox could ignite. A keen observer […]

NEPAL: Situational update from Bhardah, Saptari District

Article | Nepal | 25-08-2015

This report has been prepared on the basis of THRD Alliance Chairperson Dipendra Jha’s field visit to Bhardah, Saptari District. On August 17, a day before the Bhardah police fired shots at the protesters, tensions ran high between the police and the protestors. In the evening, the superintendents of police of the Nepal Police and […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 81

An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission This week’s Roundup begins in the Indian state of Kerala. The state government has initiated a process of police reforms. This unique initiative involves enabling the police to undertake scientific crime investigation. AHRC TV interviews AHRC Executive Director Bijo Francis to learn more about the outlook for […]

INDONESIA: Time to release all political prisoners in Papua and West Papua provinces and revise the Penal Code

Mr. Setya Novanto Chairperson of the House of Representative  Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Gedung Nusantara III DPR RI, Lt I Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, INDONESIA Tel    : +62 21 571 5311 / + 62 21 5715868  Fax    : +62 21 573 1967 / +62 21 5715368 Email    : Dear Mr. Novanto,  INDONESIA: Time […]

THAILAND: Dissent is Not a Crime — Call for International Solidarity with Imprisoned Thai Students

A Statement from the International Solidarity for Thai Students and Teachers forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Fourteen Thai students were arrested on 26 June 2015 and are currently being detained in Bangkok after a series of peaceful protests against the military dictatorship of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). They have […]

NEPAL: Police intrudes Dr. Raut’s privacy and security keeping him under 24 hours surveillance

Statement | Nepal | 03-07-2015

In the past few months, the Nepal Police has made its presence conspicuous in the vicinity of the residence of Dr. CK Raut in Rajbiraj, Saptari District. The number of personnel ranges from 2 to well over a dozen, rising when they think Dr. Raut has reason to leave his home. They have placed Dr. […]

PAKISTAN: Another human rights defender faces threat to her life

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the harassment and threats received by the frontline human right Defender Ms Noor e Maryam Kanwer. Ms Kanwer is the Chairperson/Director of Pakistan Youth Alliance, an NGO working in fields of counter-extremism, peace-building, conflict resolution and social welfare. Since the past one year she has been […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 77

In this week’s Roundup, AHRC TV reports on Ganga Maya Adhikari’s ongoing hunger protest in Nepal. She has given the government a 10-day ultimatum to meet her demands for action against the murderers of her son. AHRC TV interviews Ganga Maya in hospital; the government has yet to begin prosecuting those involved in the killing. Next in […]

PAKISTAN: Christian community was attacked again on charges of blasphemy; Punjab government refuses to file case against members of Muslim mob

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of another attack on the Christian community in Punjab Province; members have been attacked with arms, some houses have been burned, and a Church has been ransacked by an enraged mob under the leadership of a local mosque leader. This attack has taken place […]

INDONESIA: The Army grabs land after a brutal attack on farmers

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding a brutal attack on farmers by the Indonesian Army. The alleged attack in Ramunia Village, Pantai Labu Sub-district of North Sumatera Province, came with the intent of grabbing farmers’ land. Army personnel of Regional Military Office, North Sumatera Province (Kodam I Bukit Barisan), along […]