Freedom of association

EGYPT/PAKISTAN: A vote for sanity in Egypt — a lesson for Pakistan

The act of solidarity by Egyptian Muslims towards Egyptian Copts is a glowing example for countries and communities around the world. And it must be particularly noted that Pakistan could be one of the main beneficiaries of this attitude. As Egyptian Copts prepared to attend mass at churches across the country, thousands of Muslims, including […]

SRI LANKA: Police torture as an indicator of the constitutional degradation of the Rule of Law

Sofie Rordam Sri Lankan citizens are protected against torture and arbitrary arrest in sections 11, 12 and 13 of the Constitution of Sri Lanka. In addition Sri Lanka has ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture and Cruel and Inhuman Treatment in 1994. While the legislation is there, the effectuation is not. The gap between […]

PAKISTAN: Instability and growing religious fascism is the result of the government’s manipulation in the assassination of Salman Taseer

No action has been taken against the high ranking police officials responsible for hiring the killer of Salman Taseer and for allowing him to be a part of the assassinated governor’s security detail. Similarly, no questions have so far been raised amongst the killer’s colleagues, including the high police officials, about how they listened to […]

ASIA: Christmas and New Year Wishes from the Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. In all countries of Asia, this Christmas and new year will be celebrated in very difficult conditions. We extend our wishes to all families who are struggling in the midst of these difficulties to fight for their rights. We particularly […]

SOUTH KOREA: Government’s prohibition of entry of activists becomes a mockery

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Korean government’s prohibition of entry against activists of civil society movements from other countries without reason and the refusal to grant a visa to the main organiser for ‘World March for Women’ which is going to be held during the G20 summit in Korea. According to […]

BURMA/THAILAND: Gunmen allegedly fired upon Burmese factory workers holding a peaceful protest

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Burmese migrant workers in the city of Khon Kaen in north east Thailand, holding a peaceful protest against their employer for illegally keeping their legal documents, had allegedly been fired upon by gunmen. To frighten them, the gunmen fired shots into the community […]

SRI LANKA: An inspector assaults a fisheries union leader

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a criminal investigator restrained and struck a fisheries union leader while he was detained at Negombo Police Station. Though police assault is classified as torture under Sri Lankan law it remains common and little addressed, and must be met with a criminal investigation. The […]

NEPAL: Police torture a man to extract confession

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that police have tortured a 30-year-old man to force him to confess a theft and kept him under illegal detention for nine days. The police also let him be beaten up by villagers after announcing his ‘confession’. He was arrested along with three other […]

BURMA: Authorities persecute political opponents ahead of announced election

While the military regime in Burma has iterated that it will hold a general election for a new legislature before the end of 2010, government officials have been relentlessly pursuing, intimidating and imprisoning political opponents. In recent weeks the Asian Human Rights Commission has issued appeals on a number of such cases, including the sentencing […]

BURMA: Citizen-journalist sentenced to 13 years for non-existent illegal video footage

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained the details of the case against a journalist who has been imprisoned in Burma for sending video footage abroad. Ngwe Soe Linn was sentenced to 13 years in jail for supposedly sending illegal clips and going illegally into Thailand, even though there was no evidence […]

BURMA: Eleven people illegally detained, tortured and tried without evidence

Dear friends, Even as the military government in Burma is preparing for a general election, it is imprisoning more and more groups of people for allegedly setting up illegal organisations. In this appeal we bring you the details of a case that is ongoing against 11 such persons who have all been accused of being […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Falsely charged workers released on bail face legal action to be sent back to jail

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that 14 of the 20 workers who were held for over two years after having been falsely charged have been temporarily released from jail. They were released after a Regional Trial Court (RTC) granted their petition to post bail; however, after their […]

INDONESIA: Dozens are injured in police attacks during protests against alleged land grabbing

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Right Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the Indonesian police shot at, arrested and intimidated peasants who were protesting against the alleged illegal occupation of their land by a government-owned plantation company. The land workers have been protesting regularly for years, but rather than address their concerns, the local authorities […]

PHILIPPINES: The Philippine Congress must revoke martial law in Maguindanao province

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is seeking your support in calling upon the members of the Philippine Congress to revoke Proclamation No. 1959, which has been signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and has declared a state of martial law in Maguindanao. It suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and […]

PAKISTAN: A trade union activist is still missing after his abduction

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that a trade union activist was abducted after making bail, following his support for a series of union protests. Since his abduction more than two weeks ago, various security staff at his bank have been absent from work, and the vehicle used to abduct him […]

INDONESIA: The killing of a Papuan at a demonstration remains unpunished

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned that no one has been held accountable for the shooting of indigenous Papuan Mr. Opinus Tabuni over a year ago during an operation by armed forces, and no progress has been seen in the investigation. Mr. Tabuni was shot dead in Wamena during a celebration […]

INDONESIA: Police and soldiers burn houses and destroy resources in Papua’s Bolakme district

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) continues to receive reports of violence being wrought by soldiers and police against civilians in remote West Papuan villages. In the latest case a joint operation responded to an illegal flag raising by the banned Free Papua Movement with indiscriminate violence against civilians. Soldiers have reportedly burned […]

PHILIPPINES: Military style intimidation tactics are being used against labour rights defenders

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that intimidation tactics are being used against a group advocating labour rights. Men giving a military impression have been openly surveying the office in shifts and photographing visitors to the building. Three of the men also beckoned a volunteer to them, late one night. These […]

BURMA: Two men and a woman are illegally jailed for allegedly getting money from abroad

Dear friends, While the government of Burma was releasing a few wrongly detained persons from its jails in September, authorities were arresting and prosecuting more. In this appeal the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you the details of the case against three persons who have been illegally detained for allegedly receiving money from a […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Another detainee dies in jail; 18 others at risk for lack of medical attention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform that one of the 19 striking workers, held in detention on fabricated charges, has died after contracting an illness inside the jail. His health was aggravated by poor prison conditions and the lack of adequate medical attention. He is the second detainee to […]