Freedom of expression

CAMBODIA: CSOs condemn discriminatory denial of medical care to #FreeThe5KH detainees

A Joint Statement forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Phnom Penh, 28 June 2017 – We, the undersigned, condemn the discriminatory and arbitrary denial of medical care to three of the five ‘#Freethe5KH’ detainees at Phnom Penh’s CC1 (Prey Sar) prison facility. Mr. Ny Sokha, Mr. Nay Vanda, and Mr. Yi Soksan have finally […]

INDIA: What has been done to prevent criminals serving in the state police?

The State Police Chief in the Indian state of Kerala, has openly said that “there are more criminals in the state police service in the IPS cadre than within the constabulary.” State Police Chief, (SPC) Mr. Senkumar, in a speech delivered in a public function held at the state capital today (30 June 2017) has made this […]

INDIA: Weed out the rogues in uniform rather than trivialising rape

by Avinash Pandey ‘Why do armed women cut off a particular organ of Indian soldiers engaged in combating armed insurgencies across India, be it Punjab, Kashmir, Arunachal, Assam, Bengal or Jharkhand?’ asked senior opposition leader Azam Khan. The insinuation was unmistakable, and it had a basis: armed Maoists had indeed chopped off private parts of Central Reserve […]

SRI LANKA: I am on unequal ground : Lakshan Dias

An article from “I am on unequal ground”, written by Dhaneshi Yatawara and published in the ‘Daily Mirror’ issue of 28th June 2017. forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Daneshi Yatawara Following a statement made during a TV talk show highlighting attacks on a religious minority group, human rights lawyer Lakshan Dias faced allegations […]

PAKISTAN: Jails, breeding places and recruiting grounds for hard-core militants

With the collapse of the overall system of governance in Pakistan, the jail system followed suit and collapsed. As the last resort in the system of criminal justice, jails were meant to reform an individual who has gone astray and resorted to crime. Due to pervasive corruption and incompetence the prison system has been reduced […]

AHRC TV: Hong Kong to withdraw from UN Convention against Torture in JUST ASIA, Episode 176

This week, to mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, celebrated annually on June 26, Just Asia has a special report on Hong Kong’s plan to withdraw from the UN Convention against Torture. The reason for such a withdrawal is a misguided attempt to address the rise in torture protection claimants in […]

SRI LANKA/WORLD: Rapid collapse of the secular state

The events that unfolded this week shockingly foretells the story of the very rapid collapse of the secular state in Sri Lanka. Although, the events around which a new melodrama unfolded in Sri Lanka were some trivial events of several warrants issued against one Buddhist monk, in which the Sri Lankan state finally proved that […]

SRI LANKA/WORLD: Rapid collapse of the secular state

The events that unfolded this week shockingly foretells the story of the very rapid collapse of the secular state in Sri Lanka. Although, the events around which a new melodrama unfolded in Sri Lanka were some trivial events of several warrants issued against one Buddhist monk, in which the Sri Lankan state finally proved that […]

SRI LANKA: An Open Letter to the Minister of Justice

An Open Letter from Professor A.N.I Ekanayaka, Ph.D (Lond.), DDPH.RCS (Eng.), BDS Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 91, Epitamulla Road, Pita Kotte, Kotte June 22, 2017 Hon Dr Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha PC Minister of Justice Dear Dr Rajapaksha, Arrogant and Foolish Attempt to Deny the Persecution of Christians […]

SRI LANKA: Launch of RTI Commission website

Press Release of the RTI Commission of Sri Lanka Colombo 21 June 2017 The RTI Commission announces the launch of its trilingual website on Monday 19th June 2017 – The Commission’s logo, as unveiled, consists of Sri Lanka centered in the black pupil of an eye commonly symbolizing information, held aloft by a hand. The […]

SRI LANKA: Opposite Approach to Minimize Torture in Sri Lanka

By Sanjeewa Weerawickrama [1] The history of torture has been from time immemorial. Today and in the future torture is a reality in many countries. To solve a problem there may be multiple approaches. Maybe certain methods are more effective than others but each has its own ways, means and value. An intervention to minimize […]

NEPAL: Police resume crackdown on protests and conduct mass arrests in Nepal’s Tarai

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is alarmed by the Nepal police’s unjustified use of force and arbitrary arrests of protesters in various Tarai districts. The AHRC also condemns the acts of surveillance by security personnel against the leaders and cadres of the Rastriya Janata Party Nepal (RJPN) in various districts. The RJPN has been demanding for […]

SRI LANKA: In support of religious minorities, rule of law and Lakshan Dias

An Article “ In support of religious minorities, rule of law and Lakshan Dias”,written by Ruki Fernando and published in Groundviews on 18th June 2017, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Ruki Fernando Religious minorities in Sri Lanka – particularly Muslims and Evangelical Christians – faced serious persecution under the Rajapakse Government, which has […]

AHRC TV: Pakistan observes World Day Against Child Labour and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 175

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, which observed World Day Against Child Labor on June 12. Despite official fanfare and praise, child labour continues to increase in the country, and child rights groups have criticized the government for not criminalizing it. Civil society is urging the government to formulate policies and laws to eliminate child labour and take […]

AHRC TV: Sri Lanka second best place for children in Asia and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 174

This week Just Asia begins with Save the Children’s new report ‘Stolen Childhoods’ in Sri Lanka. Launched on June 1, the report explores a unique index presenting the major reasons why childhood comes to an early end. Sri Lanka is ranked as the 61st best country in the world for children to grow up in, […]

NEPAL: Chief Justice exposes partisan politics and factionalism in the judiciary

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates Chief Justice (CJ) Sushila Karki for successfully completing her term before retiring on 7 June 2017 due to her age. Before leaving her office, she exposed pertinent issues marring the judiciary in Nepal. The exposure buttresses the AHRC’s long-time position that there is political interference in the judiciary […]

WORLD: “Evading human rights mechanisms or betraying the commitments to the people is intolerable” – Zeikd Ra’ad Al Hussein

Opening Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 6 June 2017 Distinguished President of the Council, Excellencies, Colleagues, Friends, Fifty years ago, this was the day I first heard the sound of war. I was three and a half years old and, while fragmentary, I can still remember military […]

WORLD: Small Grants Scheme to Report on ‘Alternative Nobel’ Laureates Launched

A Press Release from the Right Livelihood Award Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The Right Livelihood Award Foundation is launching a small grants scheme to promote reporting on ‘under-reported stories’ linked to the work of the Laureates of the Swedish award known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’. Open to journalists worldwide, Reporting Right Livelihood […]

PAKISTAN: Two journalists attacked in brazen assault on freedom of expression

The current government in Pakistan has proven to be a bane on freedom of expression as more journalists are reportedly being attacked. Six months into the year, 2017 and 2 journalist have already lost their lives in Pakistan. The federal capital is witnessing a surge in assault on journalist as two journalists from different media houses were attacked and […]

SRI LANKA: A False confession: Did it really happen?

By Sanjeewa Weerawickrama Criminal offenses such as thefts, rapes, homicides, assaults and kidnappings should be investigated according to existing laws. A criminal investigation is team work where multiple entities are involved. Analysis is necessary to establish that a crime was committed by a particular person or persons. Reliable and correct evidence should be gathered with […]