Freedom of expression

SRI LANKA: A simple way out of the constitutional trap

By Basil Fernando Two crises overlap in Sri Lanka. One is the economic crisis which preoccupies everyone at the moment. However, in seeking a solution to the economic crisis, another crisis stands against any real solution. That is the constitutional crisis. However, this aspect has not received very much attention during the discussions which are […]

SRI LANKA: Can Sri Lanka rise from its constitutional limbo?

Can Sri Lanka rise from its constitutional limbo? When Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe accepted to take over as the Head of the Central Bank, in one of his early statements, he said that he would be able to do the expected job if there is no interference from outside. The demand for non-interference is today one […]

SRI LANKA: Overcoming the crisis

An article from Victor Ivan forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission I have penned this article with the view to enlightening the political leaders of the country and those who express ideological views and are interested in the subject, the need for having an objective and pragmatic program for overcoming the crisis facing Sri […]

INDONESIA : The Gema Kreasi Perdana Company forcibly entered the land of the local community who refused mining in the Wanoii Island

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat INDONESIA Tel: +62 21 3458 595 Fax: +62 21 3484 4759 Dear Mr. President: INDONESIA : The Gema Kreasi Perdana Company forcibly entered […]

SRI LANKA: The Contempt of Court Law and Practice In Sri Lanka Violates the International Law and Sri Lankan Constitution

Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) , a Regional Human Rights Organization, having seriouslyobserved and studied the manner in which the Contempt of Court law and the way it is practiceLin Sri Lanka, wish to express its deep concern over the violations of International law and the Sri Lankan Constitution itself, by depriving protection of law […]

SRI LANKA: Webinar – Pathway to Constitutional Reform

A Press Release from Voice for Democracy in Sri Lanka (VDSL) and Voice for Justice in Sri Lanka Inc. (VJSL) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Details: Webinar: Pathway to Constitutional Reform: Opportunities and Challenges;                 ව්‍යවස්ථා ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ: මාවත් හා අභියෝග             […]

SRI LANKA: Legal arguments against the proposal to present the draft Constitution

The basic legal argument against the proposal to present the draft Constitution is as follows; The proposal is based on a false premise as it denies the process of the making of the Constitution whereas it must provide everyone and every group of people the right of participation as it is a Constitution of the […]

SRI LANKA: A People’s Constitution; The Need To Think Outside The Box

By Basil Fernando The discussion on the making of a new constitution through an intensely participatory process, as against underhand methods, is now on. These are a few thoughts as a response to some questions that are being discussed. In dealing with the problem of the 1978 Constitution, we are in fact confronted with the […]


Statement | Nepal | 10-12-2021

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of the 73rd International Human Rights Day Nepal underwent its third cycle of the UN Human Rights Council’s Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva in January 2021. Nepal has ratified over 24 various human rights conventions and declarations but has been weak in its implementation. […]

INDONESIA: Appointing the Parliament and the Military to Resolve Human Rights Violations Proves that the Chief Security Minister Failed to Understand Justice

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) supports survivors and the families of victims of serious human rights violations and strongly condemns the two erroneous statements made during a meeting between the Chief Security Minister, Mr. Mahfud MD and the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Commander General Andika Perkasa on November 25, 2021. The statement that we […]

INDONESIA: A police officer who slammed a student activist must be prosecuted under the fair trial principle

On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, a video with a duration of approximately 45 seconds circulated, which once again showed the brutality of a police officer. Here is the video link. In the video, a police officer can be seen slamming a participant of a demonstration onto the sidewalk, causing the person concerned to lie down and […]

BANGLADESH: Sweeping Empowerment of Executive Authorities with Impunity in Personal Data Protection Bill will Endanger Rights Activism and Research

Bangladesh’s incumbent Government is about to adopt a new law titled “Personal Data Protection Bill” (PDP Bill). Citing the excuse of protecting the right to protection of citizens’ personal data the Bangladesh Government copied the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of 2016. They revised it, fitting to the conveniences of an authoritarian rule. It has drastically […]

SRI LANKA: If I was the Minister of Finance

An article from Chandra Jayaratne forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Chandra Jayaratne If I was the Minister of Finance, I will seek the concurrence of the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Colleague to structure the 2022 National budget on the undernoted Core Change Management Principles , Key Action Strategies and […]

ASIA: Human Rights Council’s Interventions Should be Contextually Realistic

An Oral Statement to the 48th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council from the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Madam President, We wish to bring to the attention of the Human Rights Council that a serious undermining of the rule of law is happening in several countries of Asia such as the Philippines, […]

INDONESIA: Two suspects who brutally attacked a journalist not yet detained

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-001-2021  September 17, 2021 RE: Journalist Brutally Attacked While Carrying Out Media Coverage ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: Two suspects who brutally attacked a journalist not yet detained ISSUES: Administration of justice, Freedom of expression, Freedom of Press, Impunity, Right to a fair trial, ——————————————————————— Dear Friends, […]

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s rapidly shrinking public space

by Basil Fernando The freedom of association In the past few months, the Sri Lankan Government intensified its pressure against associations who are contributing to defend the rights of people against a series of serious attacks by the Government. Government attacks centre round the passing of several laws that affect the right to education, the […]

INDONESIA: Two Human Rights defenders receive warning letters after criticizing the Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-008-2021  September 15, 2021 ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: Two Human Rights defenders receive warning letters after criticizing the Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment. ISSUES: freedom of expression and opinion, access to justice, fair trial —————————————- Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received […]

SRI LANKA: Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and survival in prison

An Open Letter from Inter-University Students’ Federation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Commissioner General of Prison, Prison Headquarters, Dr Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 10. Commissioner, SRI LANKA: Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and survival in prison Convener of the Inter University Students Federation Wasantha Mudalige, Amila Sandeepa President of the Jayewardenepura University […]

WORLD: Measuring the impact of advocacy programmes

Article | | 03-09-2021

BY Basil Fernando “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche The word advocacy is used for various purposes and in each case, there is a different connotation attached to it. Commercial advertisements advocate the buying of their products and the promotion of other commercially-related objectives; political parties […]

SRI LANKA: UN Human Rights Mechanisms Ought to Explore New Approaches to Protect Rights

For several decades now, the widespread practice of enforced disappearances has been experienced in Sri Lanka in a very large scale Despite many attempts by the UN human rights agencies including the Working Group on Enforced Disappearances, there are hardly any cases where credible investigations or prosecutions have taken place concerning the cases which sometimes […]