Freedom of expression

WORLD: Why Torture Is Wrong

Article | World | 09-10-2013

The following interview was originally printed in the latest issue of the Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives. An exclusive conversation with Dr. Nora Sveaass Born in Oslo, Norway, in December 1949, Dr. Nora Sveaass is a clinical psychologist who has been engaged in various parts of the world in relation to human rights and rehabilitation after […]

INDONESIA: The police in Papua arbitrarily arrest protesters and disperse peaceful demonstrations commemorating the International Day of Democracy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the dispersal of peaceful demonstrations in Papua to commemorate the International Day of Democracy. Following the dispersal, 71 people participating in the demonstration were arrested and released after being detained for hours in several police stations. CASE NARRATIVE: According to a local activist, […]

PHILIPPINES: Declare a humanitarian ceasefire in Zamboanga City, now!

Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, a program partner of the International Civil society Action Network  Tel: 1 212 729 1062  355 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York 10017 USA A Petition Campaign in Support for Dialogue, Humanitarian Action and Ceasefire WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PEACE ADVOCATES, CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS AND CONCERNED CITIZENS, SERIOUSLY APPEAL IN […]

SRI LANKA: An Appeal to support Ravaya publication

We are forwarding this appeal made on behalf of Ravaya Publication To All Friends, Standing up for media freedom and independence in Sri Lanka Dear colleagues and friends, As you know by now, we as a group have been for the past two months campaigning to raise 20 million SL rupees (US $ 154,000 apprx.) […]

SRI LANKA: The debate on multiculturalism, uniculturalism and monoculturalism

We need to define the concepts of multiculturalism, uniculturalism and monoculturalism before entering into a debate on their application, practice and future direction in Sri Lanka. Multiculturalism refers to that trend in the society where the different cultures are made inclusive, tolerated and accommodated, and these trends are institutionalised in legislation to respect other cultures. […]

PHILIPPINES: Why journalists should be convicted for libel for publishing a police report?

After nine years of trial, on September 3 Stella Estremera, editor-in-chief of Sun.Star Davao; and Antonio Ajero, the newspaper’s former publisher, were convicted by a local court in Digos City for a criminal case of libel. They were convicted based on the complaint of Baguio Saripada, a former city government employee, after his name was […]

INDIA: Remembering Ayodhya that was not the fountainhead of sectarian strife in the subcontinent

Article | India | 04-09-2013

By Avinash Pandey Ayodhya was in news, for all the wrong reasons, again. Vishva Hindu Parishad, that venomous organization with equal hatred for the minorities and the nation, had tried to infiltrate into Ayodhya yet again. They were stopped by the state government. It was a game well played. A communal organization has attempted to […]

SRI LANKA: The destruction of the basic structure of Sri Lankan democracy

A response to Dr. Mark Cooray’s defence of the impeachment of the Chief Justice (This article initially appeared in GALLE –Law Journal- 2013 Vol. 2) “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is […]

SRI LANKA: From immunity to impunity: A critique of Constitutional and statutory immunities in Sri Lanka

Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena*, Gehan Gunatilleke** & Prameetha Abeywickreme*** Originally published in the LST Review, Volume 23, Issue 306 & 307, April & May 2013 Introduction The Nature of Impunity Those who abuse power almost invariably enjoy the power to abuse. Impunity is both a corollary of power and a tool for power retention; a phenomenon that, by […]

SRI LANKA: The Privileging of impunity in Sri Lanka’s prosecutorial process and legal system

This article was initially published in LST Review- Vol.306 and 307 in May 2013 1. Introductory Remarks “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is fairness to everyone who holds views with which […]

PAKISTAN: Who is responsible for the mockery of booking journalists on charges of terrorism?

The Balochistan government has registered a case under the Anti-Terrorism Act against the chief executive and three other employees of a television channel, ARY Digital, for releasing a documentary about the attack on the former residency of the father of the nation. The three other employees are the Executive Director, Owais Tohid, the Quetta bureau […]

BANGLADESH: Adil, the man I know

You said to me “ I can bear anything” with stubborn eyes you faced the sun until blindness became a ball of flame and the flame turned the sea to salt. – Lu Xiaobo : Ne enemies , No Hatred It was few days ago that they came and dragged him to their vehicle and took […]

SRI LANKA: The need to introduce studies in Killology — Part Two

Newspapers have published discussions between the president and the representatives from the Rathupaswela, Weliweriya incident. A possible settlement was mentioned by way of the removal of the factory, Venigross Ltd., a subsidiary of Dipped Products PLC, from its present location. However, the reports do not mention a word about the killings of at least three […]

BANGLADESH: Adilur’s arrest, a punishment and threat to the civil society

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the arrest and detention of Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, Secretary of Odhikar. The police arrested Adilur on 10 August at around 10:20 p.m. And on 11 August, at around 8 p.m., the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police raided Odhikar’s office, seizing documents and computers. The arrest and […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Activist sentenced to eleven years’ jail for opposing army copper mine

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has previously issued a statement on the ongoing targeting and arrests of activists and farmers opposed to the expansion of an army-backed copper mining operation in the Letpadaung Hills of Sagaing Region (AHRC-STM-108-2013). In this appeal we bring you the full details of the numerous charges brought […]

BANGLADESH: Human rights defender, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan arbitrarily detained

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police has arrested Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, one of most respected human rights defenders in Bangladesh and the Secretary of Odhikar. A group of plain clothed men picked up Mr. Adilur from his residence at 10:20 p.m., […]

BANGLADESH: Stop stifling the whistleblower, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan arrested

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is informed that, at 10:20 p.m., on 10 August, officers from the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police have taken into custody, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, one of the most respected human rights defenders in Bangladesh, from his residence in Dhaka. Adilur is the Secretary of Odhikar, a prominent […]

CAMBODIA: UN expert calls for free, fair and peaceful elections, and full respect for human rights

GENEVA (26 July 2013) – On the eve of the National Assembly elections in Cambodia on Sunday 28 July, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, reiterates his call for free, fair and peaceful election that is underpinned by respect for human rights before, during and […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Three people detained and charged for fighting for farmers’ land rights

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the arrest of three activists whowere involved in a network to support for farmers whose land was confiscated by the armyin central Burma. Thelocal authorities have lodged charges against all three of them for failing to register their network as an organization, and […]

BURMA: Identifying and freeing remaining political prisoners

The president of Burma, or Myanmar, U Thein Sein in his recent visit to the United Kingdom has made a commitment that all political prisoners in his country will be released by the end of the year. According to him, a committee is continuing to review all relevant cases and determine those persons who are […]