Freedom of expression

UPDATE(Republic of Korea): Send your petition letter to the South Korean government requesting release Mr. Song Du-yul immediately

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) requests your urgent solidarity for Mr. Song Du-yul, who was arrested and indicted for violating the National Security Law of Republic of Korea. Mr. Song has received intensive investigations about his alleged pro-North Korea activities by the prosecution of the Republic of Korea for two months since […]

Republic of Korea: The revision bill of the Law on Assembly and Demonstration clearly violates the right to expression

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned about the upcoming planned revision of the Law on Assembly and Demonstration of South Korea, which severely restricts the Korean people’s right to expression. On 19 November 2003 the Home Affairs Committee of the National Assembly approved a revision bill of the Law on […]

UPDATE (REPUBLIC OF KOREA): Scholar Song Du-yul indicted for violating the National Security Law

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Korean-German scholar Song Du-yul, 59, was indicted by the prosecution for violating the National Security Law on 19 November 2003. Mr. Song has received intensive investigations about his alleged pro-North Korea activities by the prosecution of the Republic of Korea for two months […]

REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Arrest of scholar Song Du-yul under the National Security Law

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Korean-German scholar Song Du-yul, 59, who returned to Republic of Korea (ROK) after 37 years of exile in Germany, was arrested for allegedly violating anti-communist provisions in the National Security Law on 22 October 2003. He was arrested after he refused to make […]

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): Irene Fernandez sentenced to jail for 12 months

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) that Irene Fernandez was sentenced to jail for 12 months by the Magistrates Court 5B, Kuala Lumpur, on 16 October 2003. However, she is out on bail in the amount of RM 3,000 and filed an […]

UPDATE (INDIA): Update on expulsion of Sr Vanaselvi while in detention

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) had previously issued urgent appeals and wrote appeal letters to the Congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary calling for the justice for Sr. Vanaselvi who was exqelled by the Congregation while she was in detention. Sr. Vanaselvi was arrested by the Suramangalam Police of Salem […]

UPDATE (BURMA) Professor Salai Tun Than Released

Dear Friends Great news! Professor Salai Tun Than has been released! The Irrawaddy Online (05 May 2003) reported that, on Sunday, 4 May 2003, eighteen political prisoners, including Dr Tun Than, were released. Full story:, and part below: Dr Salai Tun Than arrived home yesterday (04 May 2003) from Insein Prison after serving 18 months […]

INDONESIA/ACEH: Acehnese democracy activist targetted by police

INDONESIA/ACEH: Denial of freedom of expression; threat to people’s movement for peace and democracy ———————————————————————- \”I will politically take reponsible for what I have done in Sura Peace Rally on January 9, 2003. I will also keep on calling for democracy until fundamental freedom and independence prevail in Aceh. Repression will never stop me.\” The […]

SRI LANKA: A journalist assaulted by police and charges fabricated

SRI LANKA: Assault, fabrication of charges by police, and an attack on freedom of expression ——————————————————————– – Name of the Victim: Mr. Uvidu Kurukulasuriya – Date of the Incident: November 15, 2002 – Assaulted by: Police of the Maharagama police station CASE DETAILS Uvidu Kurukulasuriya, a journalist from the well known Sinhala newspaper, Ravaya was […]

SINGAPORE: Oppositionist fined and imprisoned for defending his right to freedom of assembly in defiance of police warning not to hold the rally for workers’ rights.

On 8 October 2002, Singaporean Court sentenced Chee Soon Juan, Singaporean opposition leader, and Ghandhi Ambalam for five and four weeks jail for breaking Singapore’s Public Entertainment and Meeting Act by holding a public event without a permit, after they refused to pay a S$4,500 (USA$2,540) and S$3000 fine, respectively. Ambalam has since been released, as his family paid the fine, but Chee continues to be imprisoned.

KASHMIR: Pakistani police assault peaceful demonstrators

On September 30, 2002, police clashed with protestors peacefully demonstrating against the Mangla Dam extension in Mirpur, a city in the Pakistani controlled area of Kashmir. The police attacked the demonstrators with batons and tear gas, arresting 13 people and injuring others. Mr. Najeeb Asfar, a member of the Association of British Kashmiris, reported that following the incident, most of Mirpur City was put under curfew.

KASHMIR: Prominent journalist in Srinagar, Muzamil Jaleel, assaulted by Indian police

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is alarmed to learn that a close associate of AHRC and an associate member of the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), Muzamil Jaleel, has been assaulted by several police officers who were escorting Superintendent of Police (East) Rafiqul Hassan on the night of Aug. 31, 2002.  Mr. Jaleel is […]

SRI LANKA: Threat to a journalist for reporting torture cases

Asian Human Rights commission (AHRC) is bring to your notice threat to a journalist for reporting torture cases – T.J. A Abeynayake, journalist of Island¡¯s new paper group

INDONESIA: Sign petition for attorney general to bring justice to May 1998 riot victims

Sign petition for attorney general to bring justice to May 1998 riot victims INDONESIA: Denial of right to adequate remedy for victims of systematic gross human rights violations ——————————————————- The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has prepared an online petition to call on the attorney general of Indonesia to finally act to deliver justice to […]

MAY DAY 2002: State violence and repression in Asia

State violence and repression in Asia INDONESIA/MALAYSIA/SINGAPORE/AUSTRALIA: Repression and violence against human rights defenders on May Day 2002 ——————————————————————– Last Wednesday was International Labour Day – the day to remember and continue the struggle for basic human rights for workers around the world. Far too often the efforts of worker activists for justice end in […]

UPDATE (PALESTINE): UN Envoy says Jenin devastation ‘horrific beyond belief’ – requires immediate intervention

Richard Cook, Director of UNRWA operations in the West Bank: 
“The reports we are getting are of wholesale destruction of a kind more normally associated with natural disasters such as earthquakes…. We implore the Israeli authorities to open up the camp to allow our relief teams to help its desperate population.” 

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): Call for Red Cross to aid hunger striking ISA detainees

Dear Friends We are asking for your urgent action in the light of dramatic developments in the struggle of the ISA detainees for proper medical and legal treatment. The 8-day long hunger strike and several days without water has seriously weakened the six detainees to the point where two have been put on intravenous drip […]

UPDATE (INDONESIA): Head of Militia is Presidential Advisor

We are forwarding an appeal from Eviction Watch and the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC) for your further action to protect Indonesian human rights defenders. After the second attack on UPC by the FBR (Betawi Brotherhood Forum) which caused many of you to write protest letters, 7 of the attackers have been arrested. 

UPDATE (INDONESIA): NGOs condemn latest attack on human rights defenders at Komnas HAM

(RE: UA-11-2002: Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity)  UPDATE (INDONESIA): Further attacks on human rights defenders, public threats made with impunity  ———————————————————————-  Dear Friends  We are including here a joint statement by 48 Indonesian NGOs in response to another attack by the FBR (Betawi Brotherhood Forum) on […]

INDIA: A Statement of Solidarity to Arundhati Roy

Statement | India | 06-03-2002

A Statement By the Asian Human Rights Commission – AHRC   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is saddened by the Indian Supreme Court’s judgement on 6 March 2002 against Arundhati Roy for a statement she made in her affidavit to the court in an earlier case. In her affidavit, Arundhati Roy explained her criticism […]