Freedom of religion

SRI LANKA: The destruction of the basic structure of Sri Lankan democracy

A response to Dr. Mark Cooray’s defence of the impeachment of the Chief Justice (This article initially appeared in GALLE –Law Journal- 2013 Vol. 2) “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is […]

SRI LANKA: The Privileging of impunity in Sri Lanka’s prosecutorial process and legal system

This article was initially published in LST Review- Vol.306 and 307 in May 2013 1. Introductory Remarks “We have every reason to be proud of the fact that our judicial system has been adopted in so many different parts of the world. At the heart of it is fairness to everyone who holds views with which […]

PAKISTAN: Serial rapist and stalker assisted by Sindh government; a Christian nurse living in fear as influential person tries to force her to marry and convert to Islam

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young Christian nurse and her family members are facing threats and harassment from a former assistant to a minister of Sindh province, an influential landlord, who is trying to convert her to Islam and marry him. The nurse has been threatened with […]

PAKISTAN: Youth- ignored and marginalised

“The destiny of any nation, at any given time, depends on the opinions of its young men under five-and-twenty.” – Goethe. If what Goethe said is true then what is the problem with the destiny of Pakistan? Why is its destiny twisting in a whirlpool of troubles though it is a rich country? It is blessed […]

INDIA: The midday meal scheme must continue despite the Bihar disaster

Article | India | 07-08-2013

Despite claiming to be a champion of the poor, the Government of India has in recent years expressed an increased interest in introducing cash transfers instead of subsidized food. In this context, the midday meal disaster in Bihar the 16th of July, where 23 children died from eating their school meal, plays nicely into the hands of […]

PAKISTAN: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan

The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international organisations like the Commonwealth and the UN. By contrast, the Pakistani government hardly mentions it and pays very little attention to the repression minority […]

SRI LANKA: Sandakada pahana (Moonstone) and inculturation

During the last few weeks the Sandakada pahanas (Moonstones) in a couple of churches in Kalutara District came under attack from Bodu Bala Sena, a Buddhist militant organisation led by Buddhist monks. They claimed that Sandakada pahana (Moonstone) is a Buddhist symbol found at the entrance to Buddhist temples, and therefore should not adorn the […]

SOUTH KOREA: The National Intelligence Service systematically disseminated ideas of mass killings, hatred and discrimination over the internet

As the allegations of illegal interference by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in the presidential election held in December last year drew increasing attention from the public, a search and seizure was carried out by the special investigation team at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office (DPO) on April 30, 2013. Based on the materials […]

INDONESIA: Discrimination, threats and intimidation against Ahmadi community in Cianjur continue

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the intimidation and threats on the Ahmadi community in Cianjur, west Java. Following the forced closure of their three mosques by non-tolerant groups supported by the local government on 12 April 2013, members of the Ahmadi community in the area have been […]

PAKISTAN: Christian women were attacked and paraded naked by a mob with the support of the ruling party

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that three Christian women were severely beaten and paraded naked in the village of Kasur, Punjab province, by armed men and a local landlord on the excuse that goats owned by the women entered the landlord’s fields and claimed that they damaged the standing […]

PAKISTAN: Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer remembered

Islamabad: June 12, Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer was a real advocate of Peace, humanist and a genuine scholar, who rendered his life for the well being of humans. He always stood for non violent behaviors and worked for peaceful society. This was observed by the speakers at a reference for the late religious scholar and […]

PAKISTAN: Do women have the right to live in Islamic societies – when the protector becomes the violator

From the early ages in Pakistan women have lived in a society which is anti-women where they are treated as unwanted creatures. Pakistan is a country where violations against women are the highest and conditions become even more alarming as women are discriminated against on the basis of gender even before birth. Women in Pakistan […]

AUSTRALIA/LAOS: Australian Scholars’ letter on the abduction of Sombath Somphone

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter addressed to Senator Bob Carr, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, from a group of Australian scholars expressing their concern about the abduction and disappearance of Lao activist Sombath Somphone in December 15, 2012. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis are once again persecuted even as the new government is formed

For some time now anti-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiya (Jaamat) activities have been escalating all over Pakistan and particularly in Lahore. The members of Jamaat have been mercilessly tortured and rebuked in public over fake and felonious accusations. They have been threatened physically and mentally tortured and now live in fear of their lives. They have even been harassed […]

SRI LANKA: My Esteem for the Buddha

An open letter at Wesak to my Buddhist Sisters and Brothers My good friend, the Ven. Bellanwila Wimalarathana wrote a letter to Christians on his understanding of Christ at Christmas last year.  This has prompted me to reciprocate with this letter to you at Wesak. A seekers vision I write in my personal capacity as […]

SRI LANKA: Buddha’s Birthday celebrated in Hong Kong tomorrow

The people in Hong Kong will be celebrating what they call Buddha’s Birthday tomorrow (May 17). The term ‘Buddha’s Birthday’ is similar to what is referred to in Sri Lanka as Vesak. However, the overall emphasis here is on birth and it is a sober celebration of life. The Chinese are imbibed with the philosophy […]

BURMA: Buddhist monk imprisoned for alleged deviant teaching

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has previously issued an appeal about an elderly religious leader in Burma who has been imprisoned for allegedly establishing a deviant Buddhist order. In this appeal, we bring you details of another case of a monk jailed for allegedly teaching the group’s doctrine. Although the prosecution brought no […]

BANGLADESH: A massacre of demonstrators

News reports from Bangladesh allege that a series of attacks on demonstrators have taken place, at around 3am today, May 6, 2013. The extent of the injuries and death is difficult to be ascertained at the moment. The Daily Star, a Bangladeshi newspaper, gave the figure of deaths as 5. However, several internet reports have mentioned that the […]

INDONESIA: Government collaborates with non-tolerant groups in closing down three Ahmadi mosques in Cianjur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the closure of three mosques belong to the Ahmadi community in Cianjur, West Java. It was reported that the closure was performed by hundreds of members of non-tolerant groups with the consent of local authorities. One of the mosques was vandalized by a […]

PAKISTAN: Why is General Kiyani dictating Islamic ideology as the basis of the country?

The General should be prosecuted for betraying his oath as a member of the Armed Forces Just twenty days before the general elections the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, has come out with a policy statement which gives the political views of the Army. The statement was delivered with the express […]