Human rights defenders

BANGLADESH/MYANMAR: Visiting EU delegation should study challenges to the rule of law to succeed in its peace building and sustainable development dialogues

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the Vice-President of the European Commission relating to the EU delegation’s visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh Honourable Ms. Federica Mogherini Vice-President / High Representative European Commission Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels Tel: + 32 2 29 63580 Email: Dear Honourable Ms. […]

NEPAL: Maligning campaign against Ms. Mohna Ansari, Member, NHRC and our request for prompt action

15 November 2017 Mr. Anup Raj Sharma Honourable Chairperson National Human Rights Commission Pulchowk, Lalitpur NEPAL Fax: +977 1 55 47973 Tel: +977 1 5010015 Dear Mr. Anup Raj Sharma, Re: Maligning campaign against Ms. Mohna Ansari, Member, NHRC and our request for prompt action The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing […]

INDIA: Arbitrary detention of Mr. Chandrashekhar Ravan makes a mockery of the rule of law by the UP state government

Article | India | 14-11-2017

By Avinash Pandey Mr. Chandrashekhar Ravan, the founder of the Bhim Army remains in custody despite the Allahabad High Court granting him bail in all the cases registered against him. Ravan is in custody because of the Government of Uttar Pradesh has registered a case against him under the provisions of the draconian, National Security […]

INDIA: MASUM activists intimidated and falsely charged by corrupt police in West Bengal

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, our partner organization in West Bengal, about the tactics used by police personnel to intimidate and suppress a human rights activist employed with MASUM, due to their reporting and data collection on human rights violations and abuse of power by Border Security […]

INDONESIA: Anti Communist mob forcibly dispersed access to rights workshop

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the forced dissolution of a national workshop on access to economic, social and cultural rights for victims and family members of past human rights abuses in Indonesia. The workshop was part of an advocacy effort by victims and human rights groups to seek […]

INDIA: Do Not Endanger The Life Of Chandrashekhar Ravan, Revoke NSA and release him NOW

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expresses its deep concern over the inhuman and degrading treatment being meted out to Dalit rights activist Chandrashekhar Ravan by the government of Uttar Pradesh. Last reported, Mr. Ravan, was rushed to the Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College from Saharanpur on Nov 8, 2017 for ‘stomach infection’. Mr. […]

INDIA: Civil Society must unite to get NSA against Chandrashekhar Ravan revoked

A Statement from The Committee for the Defense of Bhim Army (CDBA) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The Committee for the Defense of Bhim Army (CDBA) expresses it shock at the act of the Uttar Pradesh government and the Saharanpur district administration in slapping charges under the National Security Act on Bhim Army founder President […]

SRI LANKA: The need to protect the integrity of the Judiciary & Lawyers who work to uphold the Rule of Law

A Letter from article from Mr. Nagananda Kodotuwakku, Attorney-at-Law ( SL) and Solicitor( UK) and public interest Attorney, on 09th November 2017, to the Bar Association of Sri Lanka forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission READ LETTER HERE The Secretary The Bar Association No 153, Mihindu Mawatha Colombo 12 09th Nov 2017 The need to […]

SRI LANKA: Tensions unravelling across the reform road-map

The weekly Times column, Focus on Rights, titled ‘Tensions unravellingacross the reform road-map’ by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena, in the Sunday Times, Sri Lanka, on 05 November 2017, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena There appears to be a brisk uptick in the tone of visiting European lawmakers to Sri Lanka this week as compared […]

SRI LANKA: That the Constitution allows enforced disappearances is a big lie (Loku boruwak!)

By Basil Fernando This article is a response to an article titled “International Convention on Enforced Disappearances violates the Constitution” published in a reputed newspaper The Island of 22nd October 2017, written by Neville Ladduwahetty. The crux of the argument in that article is that the definition of enforced disappearances as contained in the International Convention on […]

ASIA: A social revolution that is underway in Kerala, India

Statement | Asia | 18-10-2017

On 8 October 2017, the Kerala State Public Service Commission (PSC) announced the list of candidates who have been recommended by the PSC to be appointed as priests in Hindu temples in the state. Out of the 62 persons named in the list 36 are non-Brahmins. Out of this, 6 persons are from the Dalit […]

NEPAL: Diluted proportional electoral system

Article | Nepal | 16-10-2017

by Raksha Ram Harijan The government has announced the date for elections in the Federal and Provincial levels, with the Election Commission (EC) deciding to conduct the polls in two phases: the Member of House of Representatives (Federal Legislative) elections will be held on 26 November 2017, and the Member of State Assembly elections will […]

AHRC TV: Dalit girl paraded as ‘thief’ and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 192

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where a distressing case of caste discrimination saw a 14-year-old Dalit girl paraded in Belbari Municipality-2 of Morang district with shoes around her neck, soot smeared on her face, and the tag of ‘thief’ stuck on her body. She was also beaten with nettle greens, causing her body […]

NEPAL: One-man struggle for medical sector reform deserves more public support

Statement | Nepal | 12-10-2017

Dr. Govinda KC, a senior orthopedic surgeon at Nepal’s Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), and professor at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), was compelled to start his 13th hunger strike on 5 October 2017, after the government failed to meet its agreements from the previous 12 hunger strikes. Dr. KC has been staging hunger strikes […]

AHRC TV: Boat capsize kills 60 Rohingya and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 191

This week Just Asia begins with the death of 60 Rohingya in a boat capsize off Bangladesh on September 28, as they were fleeing violence in Burma. A UN spokesman said 23 people were confirmed dead and 40 more were “missing and presumed drowned”. Dozens of Rohingya have already died trying to cross into Bangladesh […]

PAKISTAN: Protests in Azad Kashmir against enforced disappearances by intelligence agencies

A strong resentment from the people of Pakistani held Kashmir against the enforced disappearances, torture, and other criminal activities of Pakistani intelligence agencies, have led to a series of protests throughout the territory known as Azad Kashmir. On September 26, a big demonstration and rally was held in Neelam valley, which divides Indian and Pakistani […]

WORLD: Urgent Appeals Programme – celebrating 20 years of unique resistance

Statement | World | 29-09-2017

Twenty years ago, when the Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) Urgent Appeals Programme started, we embarked on a new venture to demonstrate the potential of the Urgent Appeals in creating a culture that respects the sufferings of the victims, and to create a counter culture of concern and protest. It is time now to assess […]

WORLD: AHRC urgent appeals celebrates its 20th year

Statement | World | 28-09-2017

Asian Human Rights Commission is proud to announce that it is today celebrating the twentieth anniversary of its Urgent Appeals Programme. The first urgent appeal was issued on 17 September 1997. Ever since Asian Human Rights Commission’s Urgent Appeal Programme has continuously issued urgent appeals relating to human rights violations, reported from many countries of […]

NEPAL: Women’s rights activist accused of being a ‘witch’ and beaten

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that 55-year-old Mrs. Raj Kumari Upadhaya, resident of Birgunj Metropolitan city, has been accused of being a witch. She was beaten by her neighbors Sarita Shrestha (20), her sister Sonu Karki (24), Sonu’s husband Yogendra Karki, who is a Constable at the Armed Police […]

PAKISTAN: State infringement of peoples’ rights allows militancy to continue unabated

By: Javeria Younes In the face of the world pointing accusatory fingers at the State for harbouring terrorists and militants, plus US President Trump’s threat of sanctions against Pakistan, State Officials are denying the existence of militancy in the country. The timing of the world’s most dangerous militant organization ISIS to announce its presence in […]