
SRI LANKA: Man rescuing his brother illegally arrested, detained and produced in Court on fabricated charges

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. Mutthuswamy Sathgunam, 47, of No: 2/2, Maberitenna, Digana, Rajawella, in Kandy District. Police Officers illegally arrested, detained and produced him before the Teledeniya Magistrate’s Court on fabricated charges. According to Sathgunam, the police officers conducted themselves in an unlawful manner to take revenge […]

SRI LANKA: A patient suffering from mental illness tortured by the Polpithigama Police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. Rajapaksha Mudiyanselage Thilakoon Bandara, a resident of Kandubodagama, Ma-Eliya in the Kurunegala District, who has been tortured in detention after being illegally arrested by the Polpithigama Police. He has been charged with a fabricated offence and produced before the Mahawa Magistrates’ Court. Bandara […]

SRI LANKA: Another innocent man illegally arrested and prosecuted on a fabricated charge by the Teldeniya Police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. Anthonysamy Callistus from Rajawella, Digana in the Kandy District. On 28th March 2017, he was arrested illegally, detained and produced before the Teldeniya Magistrate’s Court on a fabricated charge by police officers attached to the Teldeniya Police. Callistus denies all such charges, and […]

INDONESIA: Stop persecution against the right to freedom of expression and opinion

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has become aware that persecution against people who exercise their right to freedom of expression and opinion is very widespread in Indonesia. The violations are mostly committed by hardline groups. This persecution has been prevalent since the Police investigated and prosecuted Mr. Rizieq Shihab, the leader of an anti-tolerant […]

AHRC TV: Civilian casualties in wake of Philippines’ martial law and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 173

This week Just Asia begins with civilian casualties in the aftermath of martial law imposed in Mindanao, Philippines. One ethnic Moro resident was killed in North Cotabato due to aerial bombings, and at least two farmers were illegally arrested in Maragusan, Compostela Valley. There are concerns that martial law will empower the military to supersede […]

SRI LANKA: Schoolteacher illegally arrested, detained, tortured and brought before the Courts on fabricated charges

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. R.M Padmasiri Bandara (46) of Kandubadagama, Ma-Eliya, Polpithigama in the Kurunegala District. On 2 January 2017, he was illegally arrested, detained, tortured and brought before the Court by police officers attached to the Polpithigama Police Station. He was not involved in any crime. […]

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Defender illegally arrested, detained and produced in Court on fabricated charges

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. Murugan Velu Rajagopal (56), No: 1/1, Maberitenna, Rajawella, Digana in Kandy District. On 28 March 2017, he was illegally arrested, detained and produced before the Teledeniya Magistrate’s Court on fabricated charges by police officers of the Teldeniya Police Station. Rajagopal states that the […]

SRI LANKA: A farmer killed by Police attached to the Central Anti-Vice Unit of Walana, Panadura and the Police Special Task Force

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning Mr. Jayalath Kandambige Chaminda (39), a resident of Meegahajandura, Bandagiriya in Hambantota District in Sri Lanka. He had been extra-judicially killed on 27 April 2017, by officers attached to the Central Anti-Vice Unit of Walana, Panadura and Police Special Task Force (STF). No […]

PAKISTAN: Four persons including a writer, teacher and Ahmadi disappeared after arrest

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearances of four persons from Sindh province–a famous writer, a teacher, a government employee, and an Ahmadi–after their arrests by men in uniforms. All four persons are from Badin district. The police deny their arrest and have advised family members to […]

SRI LANKA: A letter to the public from a retired Judge

  I am writing this to the public as a judge who has presided over the affairs of the public for 16 years as a Magistrate and as a District Court Judge. For all those 16 years, my record has been impeccable. I want to bring to the notice of the public that, due to […]

SRI LANKA: Military must investigate the sexual abuse of young boys by senior students at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a 15 year old, boy Z, was sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp between 16th-23rd February 2017. This is the 3rd individual case out of ten boys who were abused. A group of 23 male students from the Pilawela Maha Vidiyalaya, […]

INDONESIA: Seko Indigenous People victims of torture, ill-treatment and land grabbing

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture and ill-treatment of Seko indigenous people in North Luwuk, South Sulawesi province. The North Luwuk police favored the Seko Power Prima Company (PT. Seko Power Prima). They arrested, detained and forced the local people to accept the company’s plan to develop […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Soldiers who raped teenage girl not punished for crime

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained information that two soldiers in the north of Burma (Myanmar) raped a 17-year-old girl. Although the girl and her family complained promptly after the rape, in April 2014, up to now they have no evidence of action being taken against the soldiers. The whereabouts of […]

SRI LANKA: Second boy complains of being sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to the information I have received, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Perera and Malani Srasinghe, residents of No: 17/1, Arangala, Nattaranpotha in Kandy District had complained to them of being sexually abused together with 10 other boys at the Rantambe Military Camp, between 16th-23rd February 2017. This […]

AHRC TV: ‘Indonesian government succumbs to pressure on blasphemy cases’ and other stories on JUST ASIA, Episode 171

This week, Just Asia begins with Indonesia, where, after massive pressure from hardliner and anti-tolerance groups, judges of the North Jakarta District Court sentenced Jakarta Governor, Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, to 2 years imprisonment on 9 May 2017. Just Asia speaks to Chris Biantoro for more details. Next, in a grim reminder of the Nirbhaya incident […]

SRI LANKA: Innocent man illegally arrested by Police to satisfy a corrupt businessman

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mr. Harischandra Raja Niroshan (27) of No: 62, Ambakotte, Kengalla in the Kandy District. He was illegally arrested, detained and produced before the Courts on fabricated charges. Mr. Niroshan stated that, when his service was terminated, he requested the rights and benefits due him […]

SRI LANKA: Eleven year-old child tortured by his class teacher at Vidiyartha College Kandy

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Mr. K M M G Sudath of No: 19/1, Watagoda Temple Road, Aruppola, Kandy, about maltreatment of his oldest son. His child was tortured and harassed by his class teacher. Though he lodged a complaint with the Police, they have not investigated these […]

AHRC TV: Indian judgments spotlight arbitrary nature of death penalty sentencing and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 170

This week Just Asia begins with the arbitrariness of the ‘rarest of the rare’ doctrine in India regarding the death penalty. The Supreme Court upheld the death penalty awarded to four convicts in the 2012 Delhi gangrape and murder case on May 5. Another judgment in the same week was passed in the 2002 Bilkis […]

PAKISTAN: Attempted lynching to dislodge Hindu business

Mob violence continues to grab national headlines; most recently, a mob of some 500 persons gathered outside a police station in Balochistan, demanding that Hindu trader Prakash Kumar, arrested on blasphemy charges, be released so they could publicly lynch him. When police refused, the mob opened fire and started beating police officers, resulting in the […]

PAKISTAN: Four Ahmadis gun downed with impunity during the first five months of 2017

In the last 60 days, five Ahmadis, including a woman professor were shot dead. One person was shot and injured in a calculated manner in order to eliminate Ahmadis from the country. For many decades the Ahmadi places of worship (mosques), houses, cemeteries, clinics and educational institutions were attacked and many professionals murdered. On May […]