
SRI LANKA: Yet another innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and forced to sing fraudulent documents after being accused of participating in a demonstration

Dear friends, On 2 August 2012 around 3,000 people from Thambutthegama took part in a demonstration in front of the Thambuththegama Police Station. The demonstrators were carrying the dead body of a lady and blamed the police for bailing out a drunken driver of the vehicle that was responsible for the death of the lady. […]

BANGLADESH: A black hole for disappeared victims

The people of Bangladesh are scared. Incidents of abduction by plain-clothed people, who often claim to be law-enforcing agents of the country, are ongoing, without any indication of being on the want. The people of Bangladesh are scared because their brothers and sons are disappearing. The stories of disappearances are being exposed by the media […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is illegally arrested, detained, tortured and forced to sign false documents by the Rattota Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. G R Sampath Prasanna Piyadasa (37) is a three wheeler driver by profession. After witnessing a group of unknown persons damaging his vehicle he and his wife made a report to the Rattota Police Station. Instead of investigating his complaint the officers […]

SRI LANKA: A prisoner is in critical condition in hospital after being subjected to severe torture by prison officers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Sundaram Sathies Kumar was a detainee under the prison authorities of Sri Lanka. As a result of severe torture suffered during his incarceration Sundaram is now in critical condition at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka in Colombo (NHSL). He is presently […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and laid with fabricated charges by the Bandaragama Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Gallalagama Arachchige Thilanka Niroshan Gamaarachchi of Bandaragama in the Kalutara District was illegally arrested, detained and tortured by officers of the Bandaragama Police Station. Although he has presented his case to the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) of Horana the only action […]

SRI LANKA: Two more innocent men have been detained for almost three years without being charged

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Sivapalan Pradeepan (28) of Batticaloa was arrested shortly after his brother-in-law by officers of the Terrorist Investigation Department. After being assured that he would be released after a statement was taken from him Sivapalan was sent to the CID offices where he […]

PHILIPPINES: Floods caused by torrential rains threaten food security of fishermen and urban poor in CALABARZON

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Workers Assistance Center Inc about the floods caused by torrential rains that has imperiled the food security of a vast population in the CALABARZON area of Philippines. Here, the floods affecting more than 3 million people have already taken a toll of 95. […]

INDIA: घरेलू हिंसा से अशांत होता समाज

Article | India | 27-08-2012

रोली शिवहरे भारत में महिलाओं के विरुद्ध घरेलू हिंसा में निरंतर वृद्धि हो रही है। इसका प्रभाव अंततः व्यापक तौर पर समाज में महिलाओं के प्रति दुव्र्यवहार एवं यौन हिंसा के रूप में भी सामने आ रहा है। हमें यह ध्यान में रखना होगा कि जब तक हमारे घरों में हिंसा खत्म नहीं होगी तब […]

SRI LANKA: Complainant of human rights violation case is illegally arrested and severely tortured at the SP’s office of Negombo

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Dilshan Suran Janz (27) was severely tortured by police officers of the Negombo police because he refused to withdraw an earlier complaint of police brutality. He has been threatened with a fabricated charge of the possession of illegal substances if he continues […]

PAKISTAN: A mentally retarded minor is arrested on the charges of blasphemy; her mother and sister remain missing after their arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a minor Christian girl, Miss Ramsha, 11, was arrested on the charges of blasphemy when she burned some copies of newspapers which were collected from the garbage. The Muslim population of the slum area attacked her house and beat her mother and sister […]

INDIA: Challenging fundamentals

Statement | India | 18-08-2012

The Chief Minister of West Bengal is once again in the news. This time the minister is critiqued for her comments on judicial corruption. However, if truth is the best defence, and if such a defence is bona fide, then in public interest none can blame the minister for her ‘expressing opinion.’ In fact, it […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been in custody without being charged for three years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Mahalingam Sasikumar (34) of Maratha Madhu, Chettikulam in Mannar District has been in jail for more than three years without being charged. He was arrested by the Sri Lankan Army who accused him of aiding and abetting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil […]

PHILIPPINES: Supreme Court held the State of Emergency in Sulu unconstitutional

The Free Cocoy Tulawie Movement is happy to announce the Decision of the Supreme Court dated July 3, 2012 which GRANTED the Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition filed by Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie against Governor Sakur Tan for declaring the Province of Sulu in a State of Emergency last March 31, 2009. Penned by Associate Justice […]

PAKISTAN: Forced conversions and religious intolerance forcing Hindus to abandon the country

By Altaf Hussain The mass exodus of minority Hindus from Pakistan particularly from Sindh, has stirred the lethargic and ignorant government authorities who otherwise had kept mum over the security concerns of the Hindu community. Significant number of families of Pakistan’s Hindu community particularly from Sindh, reportedly have started migrating to neighboring country, India, because […]

INDIA: The Independence Day speech they would never deliver!

There is nothing amiss here. The nation is in celebratory mode and it is celebrating with aplomb. The national flag, the tricolour, is everywhere: being waved in the hands of children, tattooed on the cheeks of enthusiastic youth, flying high on the walls. And, it has, for a change, ensured a full meal to the […]

INDIA: True value of independence

Statement | India | 14-08-2012

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates India and the people of this great country on the eve of the 65th anniversary of independence. Occasions like this are opportunity for the country and its people to reflect and introspect on the promises they made, both 65 years ago, when celebrating newfound freedom, and subsequently. The […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been detained for almost three years on false charges of terrorism

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Alexander Thayaparan was abducted by carders of the LTTE in 1991 and was only released after he lost his leg. At the closing of the civil war he and his family attempted to flee to safety but were arrested by the Sri […]

PAKISTAN: Death in waiting

In a republic obsessed with nuclear arsenal, citizenry has nothing much to celebrate the country’s 65th anniversary of independence. Nafees Mohammad Pakistan is said to have been aggressively pursuing its nuclear weapon program and poised to leave behind countries like France and Britain within a decade if no change in policy takes place. Wow! A […]

INDIA: Reform dishonesty first

The government is again planning to change the criminal justice mainframe of the country. Again, the ruse is that of justice to the people and national security. The proposal is open; its true purpose clandestine. If the 2007 report of the Committee on National Policy on Criminal Justice, chaired by Dr. N.R. Madhava Menon, is […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and forced to pay money to expedite his release

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that when Mr. Dadallage Ajith Kusumsiri (38) of No.113/1, ‘Sriya Niwasa’, Kandakatiya Aluth Para, Ratmalwala, Tangalle in Hambantota District attempted to make a complaint against threats and intimidation he found himself becoming the victim. He was tortured and forced to pay a bribe by […]