Inhuman & degrading treatment

INDIA: A country where torture is the norm

Statement | India | 23-06-2017

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture India is the only country in Asia that has during the past seven decades remained a parliamentary democracy, having elected its government through a transparent and accountable democratic process. Its judiciary is independent, and […]

INDONESIA: Torture occurs repeatedly as perpetrators enjoy impunity

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Torture remains a serious problem in Indonesia, even after 18 years of police and legal reform. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has noted some fundamental problems that prevent the elimination of torture in […]

SRI LANKA: Recommendations of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment on his mission to Sri Lanka

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture On occasion of the International in Support of the Victims of Torture 2017 we think it is appropriate to recall the recommendations made by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or […]

SRI LANKA/WORLD: UN Rapporteurs point to glaring system failures in the Sri Lankan Justice system

READ Report on Independence of Judges and Lawyers  READ Report on Torture The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly endorses the reports of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of Judges and Lawyers, Ms. Monica Pinto and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Dr. Juan E Mendez. For […]

AHRC TV: Pakistan observes World Day Against Child Labour and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 175

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, which observed World Day Against Child Labor on June 12. Despite official fanfare and praise, child labour continues to increase in the country, and child rights groups have criticized the government for not criminalizing it. Civil society is urging the government to formulate policies and laws to eliminate child labour and take […]

PAKISTAN: World Day Against Child Labour-Ending child labour requires measures to end poverty

The theme for the 2017 World Day Against Child Labor is to protect children from child labour in conflicts and disasters. “The world aims for the elimination of child labour by 2025, under the sustainable development goal. Pakistan has committed to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking […]

PAKISTAN: Supreme Court declares blasphemy accusation as tool of oppression and releases Christian after 11 years

The Supreme Court of Pakistan’s acquittal of a man accused of blasphemy 11 years ago is a breath of fresh air amidst the country’s suffocating patronage of religious extremism and mob justice. The three-member appellate bench found Mr. Mushtaq innocent and absolved him of all charges after spending more than a decade in jail. The […]

AHRC TV: Sri Lanka second best place for children in Asia and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 174

This week Just Asia begins with Save the Children’s new report ‘Stolen Childhoods’ in Sri Lanka. Launched on June 1, the report explores a unique index presenting the major reasons why childhood comes to an early end. Sri Lanka is ranked as the 61st best country in the world for children to grow up in, […]

NEPAL: Chief Justice exposes partisan politics and factionalism in the judiciary

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates Chief Justice (CJ) Sushila Karki for successfully completing her term before retiring on 7 June 2017 due to her age. Before leaving her office, she exposed pertinent issues marring the judiciary in Nepal. The exposure buttresses the AHRC’s long-time position that there is political interference in the judiciary […]

WORLD: “Evading human rights mechanisms or betraying the commitments to the people is intolerable” – Zeikd Ra’ad Al Hussein

Opening Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 6 June 2017 Distinguished President of the Council, Excellencies, Colleagues, Friends, Fifty years ago, this was the day I first heard the sound of war. I was three and a half years old and, while fragmentary, I can still remember military […]

SRI LANKA: A False confession: Did it really happen?

By Sanjeewa Weerawickrama Criminal offenses such as thefts, rapes, homicides, assaults and kidnappings should be investigated according to existing laws. A criminal investigation is team work where multiple entities are involved. Analysis is necessary to establish that a crime was committed by a particular person or persons. Reliable and correct evidence should be gathered with […]

INDIA: A clown judge is the prelude to right-wing forces completely destroying the republic

Statement | India | 05-06-2017

A former judge of Rajasthan High Court, Mr. Mahesh Chand Sharma, has claimed that a peacock does not mate with a peahen to breed, and it was because of this quality that it was declared India’s national bird. Elaborating his knowledge on the subject, Sharma said “a peahen gets pregnant after swallowing the tears of […]

INDONESIA: Stop persecution against the right to freedom of expression and opinion

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has become aware that persecution against people who exercise their right to freedom of expression and opinion is very widespread in Indonesia. The violations are mostly committed by hardline groups. This persecution has been prevalent since the Police investigated and prosecuted Mr. Rizieq Shihab, the leader of an anti-tolerant […]

AHRC TV: Civilian casualties in wake of Philippines’ martial law and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 173

This week Just Asia begins with civilian casualties in the aftermath of martial law imposed in Mindanao, Philippines. One ethnic Moro resident was killed in North Cotabato due to aerial bombings, and at least two farmers were illegally arrested in Maragusan, Compostela Valley. There are concerns that martial law will empower the military to supersede […]

INDONESIA: Anti-terror unit should be evaluated in wake of suicide bombing

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the suicide bombing and explosion in Kampung Melayu, Jakarta, Indonesia, which killed five persons and injured 10. Three police officers and two alleged perpetrators died in the blast. In the last one year, the suicide bombing in Kampung Melayu is the second such incident. Earlier, there was a […]

BANGLADESH: Peoples’mobilization needed to end enforced disappearances

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances, and Odhikar, on the International Week of the Disappeared Hong Kong/Dhaka/Manila; 25 May 2017: Enforced disappearance is universally recognized as a ‘crime against humanity’ under International Law. This crime is widespread across the world. Every year, on the last week of May, […]

INDIA: Officers like Leetul Gogoi are the real threat to national security

The Indian Army, on May 22 announced that Major Mr. Leetul Gogoi has been awarded a commendation for his ‘sustained efforts in counterinsurgency operations.’ The Army Chief, General Mr. Bipin Rawat made the announcement. Gogoi tied a man, Mr. Farooq Dar, to his army vehicle, and used him as a a human shield against stone-pelting protesters in April this […]

INDIA: Arbitrary death sentencing policy must go

Statement | India | 22-05-2017

On May 5, 2017, the Supreme Court of India(SC) passed the much-awaited judgment in the case of Mukesh & Anr. Vs the State for NCT of Delhi & Ors. or more colloquially known as the ‘Nirbhaya’ case. The gangrape and murder of the 23year old physiotherapy student in New Delhi on the night of Dec 16, 2012 shook […]

PAKISTAN: Glamourizing ‘good’ terrorists-new way to serve state interests

Glamorizing terrorists as born again saviours of humanity is the new tactic adopted by the state to abet home grown terrorism. Those who dare demand their rights are shunned as separatists while the radicals who commit barbarity are released on the pretext of being innocent. The recent news of the release of ISIS operative Naureen […]

AHRC TV: ‘Indonesian government succumbs to pressure on blasphemy cases’ and other stories on JUST ASIA, Episode 171

This week, Just Asia begins with Indonesia, where, after massive pressure from hardliner and anti-tolerance groups, judges of the North Jakarta District Court sentenced Jakarta Governor, Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, to 2 years imprisonment on 9 May 2017. Just Asia speaks to Chris Biantoro for more details. Next, in a grim reminder of the Nirbhaya incident […]