Inhuman & degrading treatment

NEPAL: Ganga Maya seeks update on red corner notice issued against Rudra Acharya

Statement | Nepal | 16-06-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you that Ganga Maya Adhikari, wife of late Nanda Prasad Adhikari, has filed a Right to Information (RTI) application. Ganga Maya, who has resumed her hunger strike in Bir Hospital, seeking justice for the murder of her son Krishna Prasad Adhikari who was allegedly murdered by […]

PHILIPPINES: ALRC, KARAPATAN to UNHRC: Spate of killings in PH remains

A Press Release from Karapatan Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Press Statement June 3, 2015 Reference:     Cristina “Tinay” Palabay, Secretary General, 0917-3162831 Angge Santos, Media Liaison, 0918-9790580 On the eve of the submission of the joint statement of the Asian Legal Resource Center (ALRC) and […]

NEPAL: The grave injustice of waiting and waiting for justice

Statement | Nepal | 09-06-2015

Ganga Maya Adhikari, who staged a 360-day hunger strike last year demanding action against the murderers of her son Krishna Prasad, has given a new 10-day ultimatum to the government to address her demands. Since Friday, 5 June 2015, she has only been taking juice and water, heightening her protest against the continuing injustice. Speaking […]

PAKISTAN: The reality of Pakistani Christians’ suffering under the blasphemy law

by Nasir Saeed Pakistani Christians are now regularly making nation and international headlines, not because they have achieved something, but because of their suffering for being Christians. Thus Pakistan is being maligned by the international community, which is de facto because of the government’s poor policies and obliviousness to Christians’ growing issues. They have been […]

INDIA: Assam Rifle officers assault and shoot upon villagers; one woman killed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of yet another killing of a woman in Manipur by the 20th Battalion of Assam Rifles posted in Pallel. The woman received a bullet injury as officers fired indiscriminately without warning towards a group of villagers, who were approaching to identify a masked man […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 74

In this week’s Roundup, AHRC TV reports on the refugee crisis in the Andaman Sea, where thousands of Rohingya people have languished in rickety boats for weeks, fleeing persecution in Burma. Finally, this week, after much international pressure, Malaysia, Indonesia, and The Philippines have allowed the boatpeople to come ashore for temporary shelter. A long-term solution […]

INDIA: A police officer brutally assaulted in Manipur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information about a police officer, Mr Amitabh Singh Arambam.  He was brutally beaten by the security contingent of the Manipur Assembly Speaker, while he was on his way home with his wife and children.  Mr Amitabh Singh Arambam is known for his honesty and integrity at […]

ASIA: “We need a new frontier in the human rights field. This frontier is the frontier of institutional reform.”

Article | Asia | 17-05-2015

An Article by Basil Fernando  This is a speech delivered by Basil Fernando at  The Fifth  Human Rights Cities Forum-  As the Keynote address for the Special  Session on Asian Human Rights – Human Rights in Asia and Vision of Human Rights City- 16th May 2015. It is useful, I think, to recall the aims […]

INDIA: Government might as well have legalised child labour

Statement | India | 15-05-2015

Misleading media headlines like “Govt. proposes complete ban on child labour till 14 years” notwithstanding, the Cabinet’s nod to amendments in the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012, is a hoodwink that will push more children into hazardous work, something the government claims it opposes.  The Cabinet has decided to ban employment of […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 73

In this week’s Roundup, AHRC TV brings to you critical stories from the region. The programme begins with an update on Nepal, where a second major earthquake has rocked the nation. Renewed rescue efforts, along with relief work, have recommenced, but are inadequate for the needs of the people of the Himalayan nation.  Staying in Nepal, […]

INDIA: Filling of the Mapithel Dam Reservoir threatens massive displacement in Manipur

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Mapithel Dam Affected Villages Organization, Citizens Concern for Dams and Development, and the Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur, regarding the imminent threat of displacement and livelihood insecurity faced by those affected by the Mapithel Dam. The AHRC has learnt that the […]

NEPAL: Let natural disaster not be compounded by State failure

Another earthquake, this one with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, struck Nepal on 12 May. It has led to 65 deaths and counting, adding to the more than 8,000 lives lost since the first earthquake hit Nepal two weeks ago on 25 April 2015. Tuesday’s earthquake was centred about 76 km (47 […]

INDIA: Stop forced land acquisition in Yaithibi Loukon.

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Affected Land Owners’Association against Forced Land Acquisition for Sports University and the Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur, regarding the forced acquisition of prime agricultural land despite protests from farmers and residents. The proposed acquisition to set up the National Sports University […]

THAILAND: Public statement on the discovery of dead Rohingya migrants: the state is obliged to take serious legal action against the concerned human trafficking ring and facilitate aid delivery based on human rights and humanitarian principles

A Statement from the Migrants Working Group forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission It was reported that on 1 May 2015, that police officials from Sadao District, Songkhla, uncovered a concealed camp at which they found 26 dead bodies in Ban Taloh, Tambon Padang Besar, Sadao District, Songkhla. It is almost certain that the […]

PAKISTAN: Corporal punishment is deemed fit by the schools to exert their authority on children

In a society infested with extremism and intolerance sadistic and violent behaviour is a natural outcome. As part of their daily lives, children all over Pakistan are spanked, slapped, hit, beaten and battered by parents and teachers. Corporal punishment may just be an impulsive reaction of an irritated parent or teacher. Yet In every case, […]

PHILIPPINES: Stop demolition against Laguna Lakeshore Community in Taguig

[RE: AHRC-HAC-005-2015: PHILIPPINES: Stop demolition against Laguna Lakeshore Community in Taguig Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information from Defend Job Philippines about the ongoing demolition and evictions targeting the urban poor community of the Laguna Lakeshore area of Taguig City. The authorities have already demolished the houses of community […]

INDIA: Attack on Greenpeace India is an attack on free speech

Statement | India | 06-05-2015

The announcement by Greenpeace India of its imminent shutdown is saddening. However, it was only a matter of time. How long could the organization have continued running with its bank accounts frozen and with a ban on foreign funds? That this has happened after the Delhi High Court’s judgments in two cases related to the […]

NEPAL: Earthquake exposes crisis in governance

Statement | Nepal | 05-05-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is particularly concerned about the residents of villages in Nepal devastated by the impact of a 7.8 Richter scale earthquake, and its destructive aftershocks. The loss of human lives, over 7,000 and counting, and the destruction of infrastructure supporting daily lives, already under stress in one of the poorest […]

PHILIPPINES: Stop demolition against Laguna Lakeshore Community in Taguig

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Defend Job Philippines about on-going demolition and evictions targeting the urban poor community of the Laguna Lakeshore area of Taguig city. This drive aims to clear the area to facilitate the Lakeshore Development project. It is the largest Public-Private Partnership Project of the […]

ASIA: Modern Slavery in the Southeast Asian Sea

Statement | Asia | 24-04-2015

On 19th to 24th of April 2015, the Asian-African Conference has been held in the Republic of Indonesia, with representatives of more than a hundred countries participating on the theme of “Strengthening South-South Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity”. During the event, several bi-national meetings have also been held. The host country President, Joko Widodo, has […]