Institutional reform

PAKISTAN: Government criminalises activists, increases online controls and cracks down on protests by the opposition and ethnic groups

A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The state of civic space in Pakistan is rated as ‘repressed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor. Ongoing concerns include the repression against the opposition, the censorship of journalists and attacks on peaceful protests by the opposition and human rights movements. Other ongoing concerns include the […]

How to Educate the Parliamentarians on Justice Reforms

IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC–OLT–002–2025 January 16, 2025 The third letter to the Honorable President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on How to Educate the Parliamentarians on Justice Reforms Honorable Anura Kumara Dissanayake President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat, Galle Face, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. +94(0) 11 2 354 354 +94(0) 11 […]

The Test of Effective Bribery and Corruption Control Investigations

Asian Human Rights Commission writes the second letter to the Honorable President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on needed bribery and corruption control investigations Honorable Anura Kumara Dissanayake President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat, Galle Face, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. +94(0) 11 2 354 354 +94(0) 11 2 340 340 […]

A letter to the Honorable President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on neededJusticeReforms

Asian Human Rights Commission writes a letter to the Honorable President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on needed Justice Reforms Honorable Anura Kumara Dissanayake President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat, Galle Face, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. +94(0) 11 2 354 354 +94(0) 11 2 340 340 December 19, 2024 Your […]

Human Rights Day: A challenge to the conscience of the international human rights community

Statement | World | 10-12-2024

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of Human Rights Day The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins the rest of the international community today to celebrate and at the same time to reflect on the challenges faced by the global human rights project at this very crucial moment.  We welcome […]

MYANMAR/BURMA: International conference calls for global action to address worsening humanitarian crisis and the prospects for peace with justice in Myanmar

A statement from the Christian Conference of Asia forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Bangkok, Thailand: An international conference organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) on ‘Towards a Global Advocacy for Democratisation, People’s Security, and Peace with Justice in Myanmar’ called for global action to address Myanmar’s worsening humanitarian crisis and the prospects for […]

SRI LANKA: Thinking with colors: Young persons kidnapped and killed inside a navy camp in Sri Lanka

The picture produced below shows how the kidnapping for ransom and killing of 11 young person’s inside a navy camp has become a problem troubling the conscience of the entire nation. This incident had a profound effect on the minds of everyone. On the one hand, there is a demand for justice. This demand has […]

ASIA: Civic Space – lessons learnt from three Asian countries – Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

We are sharing a short video commentary on the context between authoritarianism and democracy in three Asian countries, which are facing unprecedented struggles between the forces which represented authoritarianism of various forms and those of the opposition who are making extraordinary efforts to transform their societies into democracies based on the rule of law and […]

SRI LANKA:The most important step in the fight against corruption

Due to the recent elections, there is now a great expectation for some decisive change. Everybody agrees that the election results show a very definite rejection of the old way, the old leadership, and the traditional style. People want something very different. What is the most important change that the people are expecting, which can […]

BANGLADESH:Moment of hope and a new beginning for Bangladesh

The people of Bangladesh have created an opportunity for themselves by way of a mass intervention in order to oust the rule of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and as a result, she has fled the country after resigning from her position. The people were mostly led by students and independent movements of people rather […]

SRI LANKA: Respect the decision of the Supreme Court: The Honourable Speaker is not infallible

In a speech read to the Parliament today, the honourable Prime Minister challenged the validity of the interim order issued by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, stopping the incumbent Inspector General of Police (IGP) from functioning in his official capacity till a final decision is made by the Supreme Court on several petitions filed […]


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SRI LANKA: A recording of a group discussion on ways to deal with the challenges to system change caused by a bad constitution

 The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to share with you the following video produced by LEADS YouTube Channel.  It is a recording of a conversation among a group of persons interested in pursuing system change in Sri Lanka. Presenter Mr. Basil Fernando provides an initial outline of the problems caused by the existing constitution of Sri […]

SRI LANKA:Economic, governmental, legal: not three crises but one

(Sharing a link to a video explaining the Sri Lankan crisis of governance, Economy and Rule of Law. This video was prepared as a part of an ongoing discussion on the need of system change) Link to the Video  The purpose of this short article is to point to the need to focus on the […]


A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The CIVICUS Monitor added Pakistan to its watchlist of countries in March 2024, following the repression against the opposition, the censorship of journalists and attacks on peaceful protests around the elections. Other ongoing concerns include the criminalisation, threats and harassment of human rights defenders and the […]

SRI LANKA:Prosecuting crimes requires a system change

By Basil Fernando In the context of Sri Lanka, a crucial question arises: Does the country still possess the capability to effectively prosecute crimes? This query can be raised for numerous reasons. However, even before delving into these underlying issues, one glaring reality has become evident to the people of Sri Lanka in recent years: […]


A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The CIVICUS Monitor added Pakistan to its watchlist of countries in early March 2024, following the repression against the opposition, the censorship of journalists and attacks on peaceful protests around the elections. Elections were held in Pakistan on 8th February 2024. Ahead of the elections, the […]


A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The CIVICUS Monitor in December 2023 downgraded Sri Lanka’s civic space rating to ‘repressed,’ with authorities clamping down on protesters, stifling journalists and targeting activists amid mounting public frustration with poor governance and a lack of accountability. In January 2024, Human Rights Watch said […]

INDONESIA:Acquittalverdict of Haris and Fatia is a victory for the freedom of expression

(Hong Kong, January 16, 2024) The Panel of Judges at the East Jakarta District Court has issued an acquittal verdict regarding the case of criminalisation against Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanti (the Director of the Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence [KontraS] for the 2020-2023 period) and Mr. Haris Azhar (the Founder of the LOKATARU […]

INDONESIA: Emergency Protection for Human Rights Defenders

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of Human Rights Day In commemorating the International Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) highlights the theme of the lack of protection of human rights defenders in Indonesia. More than 20 years’ of political reform after former dictator President Suharto stepped […]