Institutional reform

INDIA: Government dumps the Court’s Order in a sewer

Statement | India | 20-07-2015

A total of 180,657 rural households continue to engage in manual scavenging in India, despite the inhuman practice being repeatedly outlawed by the Parliament and Judiciary. This is the state a year after the launch of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission), a flagship scheme of the incumbent government, covering 4,041 statutory towns, aiming to […]

ASIA: Mob justice—a symptom of degenerating rule of law

Javeria Younes The mob justice meted out to 13-year-old Samiul Alam Rajon, who was beaten to death in Bangladesh by an angry mob resolute on teaching the youngster a lesson for stealing a bicycle, is a classic case of mob madness witnessed on our streets every day. Throughout Asia, deteriorating rule of law and ineffective […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 81

An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission This week’s Roundup begins in the Indian state of Kerala. The state government has initiated a process of police reforms. This unique initiative involves enabling the police to undertake scientific crime investigation. AHRC TV interviews AHRC Executive Director Bijo Francis to learn more about the outlook for […]

PAKISTAN: Gender bias is entrenched in the criminal justice system

Gender jurisprudence is unheard of in the realm of Pakistan’s criminal justice system. In fact, it is continuously at discord with social norms that are enforced by the biases of the criminal justice system. While there is a preconceived notion that the criminal justice system primarily revolves around men, as men are predisposed to violence, […]

INDONESIA: Stop fabrication of charges and ensure continuation of police reform

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the actions of the police of the Republic of Indonesia, which has been actively working towards fabricating charges in numerous recent cases. Last month, the AHRC issued an urgent appeal AHRC-UAC-070-2015 in such a case, wherein a senior Corruption Eradication Commission investigator has been arrested and charged. Since President Joko […]

INDONESIA: Hentikan Rekayasa Kasus dan Lanjutkan Reformasi Kepolisian

Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) mengecam tindakan dari Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, yang telah secara aktif melakukan rekayasa kasus dalam beragam kasus baru-baru ini. Bulan lalu, AHRC juga mengeluarkan surat desakan dengan nomor AHRC-UAC-070-2015 tentang rekayasa kasus, dimana seorang investigator senior dari Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) ditangkap dan dipidanakan. Sejak Presiden Joko Widodo akhirnya membatalkan pencalonan Komisaris Jenderal Pol […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 80

This week’s Roundup begins in Cambodia, where forty international NGOs are urging for the withdrawal of the draft bill called LANGO, which, if implemented, would severely curtail human rights. The proposed law aims to give government ministries sweeping, arbitrary powers without the possibility of judicial review. Freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, expression and opinion are […]

INDONESIA: Time to release all political prisoners in Papua and West Papua provinces and revise the Penal Code

Mr. Setya Novanto Chairperson of the House of Representative  Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Gedung Nusantara III DPR RI, Lt I Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, INDONESIA Tel    : +62 21 571 5311 / + 62 21 5715868  Fax    : +62 21 573 1967 / +62 21 5715368 Email    : Dear Mr. Novanto,  INDONESIA: Time […]

CAMBODIA: 40 International Rights Organisations urge withdrawal of LANGO

H. E. Hun Sen Prime Minister Royal Government of Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia 6 July 2015 Re: Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations Dear Prime Minister Hun Sen, We, the undersigned international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and membership organizations call on the government of Cambodia to immediately withdraw the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations […]

SRI LANKA: Who should be nominated as party candidates for the forthcoming elections?

These are crucial days for the selection and submission of party candidates for the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections to be held on 17th August 2015. This is a moment at which the nation has the right to expect from leaders of all the political parties the exercise of utmost responsibility in making these selections. A simple criteria […]

PHILIPPINES: Respect the rights of those in the Philippines who protect the rights of others

A Statement from the Hong Kong Campaign for the Advancement of Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines ( HKCAHRPP ) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The Hong Kong Campaign for the Advancement of Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines (HKCAHRPP) is alarmed to just learn that two more human rights defenders […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Time to sign and ratify the UNCAT

Burma got a new government in 2010, after decades of military dictatorship. The change, by general election and under a new constitution, converted Burma from a military to a semi-military government. Some things changed, but most have remained the same.  Torture is still part and parcel of the way the military and law enforcement agencies […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 78

This week’s special Roundup coincides with International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The programme tunes in to AHRC partners from around the Asian region as they deliver their message to the world on this special day. Viewers can also watch AHRC TV’s special short video produced for DIGNITY Day, which is being celebrated in Copenhagen today. The […]

PAKISTAN: Spy agencies intimidate activists and AHRC staff for marking anti-torture day

Throughout the world, June 26 is marked as international day in support of torture victims. In Pakistan, the Asian Human Right Commission has played an active role in mobilizing civil society with support from many partner organisations. Several activities have been planned to commemorate the day and raise awareness amongst the masses about the implications […]

INDIA: Place primacy on reforming the criminal justice process

June 26 is observed as the international day in support of victims of torture. Torture is a crime under international law, just as is slavery and genocide. When committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack, torture also qualifies as a crime against humanity. Torture […]

PAKISTAN: Police torture to extort money from a Dubai returned mason

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture in police custody of a young man, Faisal Muhammad Raja, who is a mason by profession. As Faisal is employed in Dubai, the Phularwan Police, Sargodha District, Punjab Province, have attempted to extort money from him by torturing him. The police demanded Pakistan Rupees […]

INDIA: Violence is no means to resolve conflict in Manipur

Statement | India | 16-06-2015

Amidst claims and counter claims related to the recent militant attack on the Indian Army, as well as a retaliatory strike against militant groups by the Indian Army, lives have been lost in Manipur. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the use of force with impunity by state and non-state actors in Manipur that […]

NEPAL: Reform the police, rather than outsource policing

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is dismayed by the attempt of the government of Nepal to outsource policing functions to a paramilitary organization. Rather than reform the police, something the nation and its people sorely need, the attempt to allow the Armed Police Force (APF) to take over policing functions and issue arrest warrants […]

WORLD: ‘The greatest factory of shame is the blanket denial of human rights’

A Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Human Rights Council 29th Session forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Mr. President, Excellencies, Colleagues, Seventy years after the founding of the United Nations, what can we conclude about our achievements in the protection and promotion of human […]

WORLD: An Open Letter of Appreciation to Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury of Bangladesh

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury of Ban I am writing this short letter to express my appreciation with regard to the statement reported in the media; you have been quoted to have said, “you [referring to tribunal judges] misused your power”. We, in South Asia as well […]