International human rights mechanisms

SRI LANKA: The Sri Lankan state shows complete disregard for its international human rights obligations

(The state’s failure to implement the views and recommendations of the Human Rights Committee on individual complaints, and the failure to implement the Human Rights Committee’s and the CAT Committee’s recommendations after periodic reviews.  The resulting situation of the bewildering absence of protection to the citizens and the total absence of effective mechanisms to investigate, […]

SRI LANKA: Diplomacy on human rights issues seriously under threat

It was reported in the Sri Lankan press (Daily Mirror September 27, 2006 – Sri Lanka signs convention on transnational crime and child abuse) that Sri Lanka has recently ratified the Transnational Organized Crime and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and […]

SRI LANKA: The order of the United Nations Human Rights Committee dated 26 June 2006 on communication number 1250/2004

The Asian Human Rights Commission draws your kind attention to Sundara Arachige Lalith Rajapakse who was the author of the communication mentioned above. The AHRC understands that a copy of the decision has been sent to you by an Attorney-at-Law on behalf of Lalith Rajapakse.  I refer to the letter by R.S. Weerawickrama, Attorney-at-Law dated […]

SRI LANKA: The recent judgement of the Supreme Court on the Singarasa case is an attack on the sovereignty of the people

Earlier the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) circulated the complete text of this judgement (please see AS-217-2006).  Among the many completely baseless legal positions on which this judgement is premised there are some outstanding issues.  The AHRC intends to explore a comprehensive critique on this judgement soon.  In the meantime we would like to mention some […]

SRI LANKA: Need for a UN mission & problems for application of international law

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) greatly appreciates your address to the second session of the UN Human Rights Council on September 18, 2006, and in particular the attention you gave to the perilous circumstances in which the people of Sri Lanka find themselves.  As you may be aware, the AHRC has been directly concerned […]

SRI LANKA: Have no illusions — the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka is a part of the human rights violation mechanism

We reproduced below a judgement made by a bench of five judges, presided over by the Chief Justice, Sarath N. Silva, of Sri Lanka, which leaves no doubt that the court wishes to nullify the impact of Sri Lanka being a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) as well as […]

SRI LANKA: Supreme Court removes country from obligations under international law, raises unprecedented questions for UN

A judgment made by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka on Friday, September 15 has all but removed the country from the international human rights community. The court declared that neither United Nations conventions signed by Sri Lanka nor the directives of monitoring bodies are binding on the country. The decision has tremendous ramifications both […]

BANGLADESH: UN should stop deploying Bangladeshi peacekeepers until government disbands Rapid Action Battalion

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to draw your attention to the fact that personnel from Bangladesh being deployed for United Nations peacekeeping missions abroad may be responsible for systemic and grave abuses of human rights in their own country, and to request that you review their role in these missions with a view […]

BANGLADESH: Determined UN involvement needed to address uncontrolled torture in Bangladesh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you to seek your determined involvement to end the uncontrolled use of torture by the police and other government security forces in Bangladesh, which we strongly believe is posing a grave threat to the entire system of policing and justice there.  You may be aware that […]

BANGLADESH: Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights obliged to respond to rampant killings, torture and impunity in Bangladesh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you today to draw the attention of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the rampant and unrestrained abuses of human rights that are daily occurring in Bangladesh, contrary to the impression given by its government internationally, and to call for your intervention.  […]

BANGLADESH: Failure to establish National Human Rights Commission makes Bangladesh unsuitable for UN Human Rights Council

This is the last in a series of five open letters that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has felt compelled to write to the UN Human Rights Council over the horrible human rights situation in Bangladesh, and its causes. As we have noted throughout, we are doing this as we are deeply concerned for […]

BANGLADESH: Failure to address rampant corruption makes Bangladesh unsuitable for UN Human Rights Council

This is the fourth of five open letters that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) feels compelled to write to the UN Human Rights Council on the horrible human rights situation in Bangladesh, and its causes. As noted, we are doing this as we are deeply concerned for the integrity and credibility of the Council […]

BANGLADESH: Failure to stop extrajudicial killings makes Bangladesh unsuitable for UN Human Rights Council

This is the third of five open letters that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) feels compelled to write to the UN Human Rights Council about the horrible human rights situation in Bangladesh, and its causes. We are doing this as we are deeply concerned for the integrity and credibility of the Council if Bangladesh […]

SRI LANKA: Will not the UN resist authoritarian actions in Sri Lanka to bypass the Constitutional provisions in order to make appointments to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal and several vital independent institutions?

The Asian Human Rights Commission has previously informed you about the controversy that started when the Executive President bypassed the constitutional provision requiring the appointments of judges in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal and members of several important, independent commissions such as the National Police Commission, Public Service Commission and Human Rights Commission […]

SRI LANKA: Sixth day of mourning against executive interference into the judiciary and other independent institutions — Sri Lanka is ceasing to be a law based society

The numerous appointments to key national commissions by the executive president, contravening constitutional requirements, are a very clear indication of Sri Lanka’s drift from a law-based society to one in which the law plays a significantly reduced role.  While criticism against presidential actions has pointed to matters including the fact that no person is above […]

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Council a new forum to discuss Sri Lanka’s human rights record

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 11, 2006 AS-105-2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SRI LANKA: Human Rights Council a new forum to discuss Sri Lanka’s human rights record An article published in Mirror Politics by Champika Liyannarachchi, entitled ‘Failed States and unfair indexes’ is an interesting example of how commonly known facts […]

UNITED NATIONS: People’s engagement with Human Rights Council must now begin

The new Human Rights Council was elected on May 9, 2006. According to the General Assembly Resolution of April 3, 2006,  When electing members of the Council, Member States shall take into account the contribution of candidates to the promotion and protection of human rights and their voluntary pledges and commitments made thereto; the General […]

INDONESIA: Pledge must be followed by action as Indonesia bids for Human Rights Council membership

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) notes that the Government of Indonesia is bidding for membership within the United Nations Human Rights Council. Elections are to be held on May 9, 2006. Indonesia has made a voluntary pledge and commitments to human rights as part of its bid, but the AHRC considers that the country […]

THAILAND: Four things that Thailand must do if it wants to join the Human Rights Council

On April 24, the government of Thailand submitted the country’s candidacy for the new UN Human Rights Council. The election of the council’s first members is planned for May 9. The election should be viewed as a good opportunity for serious examination of the human rights records of candidates, including Thailand. In this respect, Thailand’s […]

CAMBODIA: Attacks on UN special envoy and human rights staff in Cambodia reminiscent of Pol Pot tactics

On March 29 and 30 Prime Minister Hun Sen mounted successive attacks on the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia, Professor Yash Ghai. The special representative had just finished his second visit to the country and in a March 28 press conference had painted a dark picture of human rights […]