Judicial system

UPDATE (SOUTH KOREA): Korean National Assembly Ratifies ICC Statutes

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by MINBYUN (Lawyers for Democratic Society) in South Korea that the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (ROK) has today ratified the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court (ICC).  AHRC welcomes this significant step by the government of Republic of Korea to show its […]

UPDATE (INDONESIA): Head of Militia is Presidential Advisor

We are forwarding an appeal from Eviction Watch and the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC) for your further action to protect Indonesian human rights defenders. After the second attack on UPC by the FBR (Betawi Brotherhood Forum) which caused many of you to write protest letters, 7 of the attackers have been arrested. 

ALRC Publication ;article 2 ; Internationally Launched at the UN in Geneva

Statement | Asia | 04-04-2002

The International Launching of the Bi-monthly –- article 2 The international launch of the article 2 was successfully held on the 3 April 2002 at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland on the occasion of the 58th Session of the Commission on Human Rights. The event was attended by a number of members of […]

AUSTRALIA: ‘Last resort’ for asylum seeker Stephen Khan

Last resort’ for asylum seeker Stephen Khan AUSTRALIA: Mandatory detention and denial of the right to asylum, denial of independent fair trial, serious risk of ill-treatment if expatriated ——————————————————————— AHRC has previously issued urgent appeals drawing attention to the brutal treatment of asylum-seekers and the appalling conditions in detention centres in Australia. Since last year […]

SRI LANKA: A severe case of rape without justice

One of the most shocking cases of the violation of the fundamental human rights of women took place in broad daylight in the town of Talawakelle in the Central Province of Sri Lanka on August 12, 2001.

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Concerns for Reforming the Judiciary

With the Speaker of the House deciding to place the impeachment motion before a select committee and reject the order of the Supreme Court to the contrary, on one hand, and with the government losing its majority in Parliament due to the withdrawal of its coalition partner, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), on the […]

INDONESIA: Restore Rule of Law in Aceh

The Indonesian parliament has authorised the Indonesian Military (TNI) to conduct a ‘limited military operation’ (re-labelled a ‘limited security operation’) in Aceh against the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), who are fighting for an independent Aceh. The operation is supposedly aimed at the leadership of the GAM. However, it is clear that the TNI have used this opportunity to target human rights defenders and to create terror amongst the civilians, as part of a prolonged campaign to destroy the rule of law in Aceh. The following are some recent incidents that have not been properly investigated:

MALAYSIA: Passing away of courageous judge prompts appeal for free judiciary

\”Judges who joined in downing their boss have been rewarded by promotion. Judges who did not, have been cowed into silence….When I am asked what I thought, my usual reply is that I wouldn’t like to be tried by today’s judges, especially if I am innocent.\”

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Sri Lankan Gang Leader Arrested

The leader of the Gang of 14 is a person called Piyal (who is 28 years old) according to the Wennapuwa Police.  MARCH 23: There has been a development regarding the Urgent Appeal we sent out on March 3, in which a Gang of 14 was operating with impunity in the Sirigampola area, Sri Lanka. […]

Sri Lanka: Judicial Officer’s Constitutional Rights Violated

AHRC UA990426 Sri Lanka 26 April 1999 ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEAL A Judicial Officer, Mr. M. Percy Wijesiriwardena, with nearly 12 years experience who had worked in several parts of the country has filed an application before the supreme court of Sri Lanka under section 126 of the Constitution complaining that the three […]

Sri Lanka: Independence of Judiciary Questioned

Sri Lanka was once known to have a very independent judiciary. It is well known that the former government (1977 – 1994) which ruled for over 17 years did a great deal to undermine the position of the judiciary. Many persons are worried about the situation that developed as a result of the neglect of […]

SINGAPORE: High Court upheld Dr. Chee’s conviction for speaking in public without a permit

Dear friends,   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal from the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) regarding the affirmation of the High Court of the guilty verdict on Dr. Chee Soon Juan for “speaking in public without a permit”.     For more details, please contact them at this website: […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (India): A lawyer assaulted in Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from People’s Watch Tamil Nadu concerning the torture, arrest and detention of a lawyer in Madurai. The victim was hospitalised after the incident, though no appropriate actions were taken against the police officers. For more information, please contact: Ms. S. Sabitha National […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Sri Lanka): Disappearance of Mr. Pattani Razeek, Executive Committee Member of FORUM-ASIA

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from FORUM ASIA concerning the disappearance of a human rights defender and member of the Community Trust Fund (CFT) in Puttalam, Sri Lanka who went missing on 11 February 2010. Complaints to the local police and the Human Rights Commission of Sri […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Thailand): Requesting Urgent Inquiry into Nationality Verification Process for Burmese Migrants

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward on an appeal from the State Enterprise Workers Relations Confederation (SERC), the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) and the Thai Labour Solidarity Committee (TLSC), regarding disturbing developments in the process to verify the nationality of Burmese migrant workers. We join the concern for […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Kyrgyzstan): Death of a journalist by police torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) regarding the torture and custodial death of a Kyrgyzstani journalist. For more information, please contact: OMCT urgent appeals appeals@list.omct.org Thank you. Urgent Appeals Desk Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) ———————————————————————– The International Secretariat of the World Organisation […]

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliation and peace in Burma. If the email bounces back, please check here: http://en.beijing2008.cn/bocog/contactus/. Please use a different subject line so your email does not […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Nepal): Human rights groups question the legality of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you a statement released on 28 May 2005 by 25 human rights organizations in Nepal questioning the legitimacy and legality of the present National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal and its concurrent officials. The NHRC was formed following an amendment to the National […]

CAMBODIA: A lawyer has been charged with aiding the escape of his client who is an opposition party activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Cambodia Centre for Human Rights regarding charging a lawyer with aiding the escape of a client, who is an opposition party activist. For more information, please contact: Ou Virak, CCHR President, tel: +855 12 40 40 51; e-mail: ouvirak@cchrcambodia.org; or Suon […]

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliation and peace in Burma. If the email bounces back, please check here: http://en.beijing2008.cn/bocog/contactus/. Please use a different subject line so your email does not […]