Judicial system

BANGLADESH: Militant attacks are the result of failed institutions

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the terrorist attack in Bangladesh’s capital city, Dhaka. The country experienced bloodshed on July 1 and 2. A group of militants attacked a Spanish restaurant in the diplomatic zone at Gulshan in Dhaka, at around 9 p.m. on Friday. Around 8 gunmen captured the Holey Artisan Bakery at gunpoint […]

INDIA: Ruby Rai and the joke called Juvenile Justice

Article | India | 01-07-2016

The Bihar police have arrested Ruby Rai, a 17-year-old girl, under Sections 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, and 120(B) of the India Penal Code on 26 June 2016 and have duly sent her to jail, i.e. an adult jail. Her alleged crime is that of cheating to secure top rank in the state senior secondary […]

NEPAL: Torture seen as ‘necessary evil’

Statement | Nepal | 24-06-2016

Nepal has been a party to the UN Convention against Torture (UNCAT) since 1991. Since then however, the government has failed to bring about any comprehensive anti-torture legislation in line with the Convention. Nepal’s Torture Compensation Act (TCA) of 1996 only provides compensation to victims if police officers are found guilty of practicing torture, with […]

SRI LANKA: British citizen tortured and arbitrarily detained in Sri Lanka

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Velauthapilai Renugaruban, a British citizen who was visiting his relatives in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, has been illegally arrested, detained, and severely tortured by Sri Lankan police officials. He is being accused of aiding and abetting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 127

Beginning with Thailand this week, Just Asia covers three human rights defenders who have been accused of criminal defamation and violation of the Computer Crime Act for publishing a report detailing 54 cases of torture by the Thai Army in the country’s southern provinces. The three defenders, Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, Director of the Cross Cultural Foundation […]

INDONESIA: Lack of genuine policy and rights in Papua

After monitoring 20 months of the human rights situation in Papua and West Papua provinces under President Joko Widodo’s administration, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is dismayed at the utter lack of progress in the protection and realization of people’s rights. Since President Widodo’s inauguration on 20 October 2014, there were considerable expectations for […]

SRI LANKA: Letter to AG on the acceptance of apologies for human rights violations

15th June 2016 Mr. Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC.,  The Attorney General The Attorney General’s Department  Hulftsdorp, Colombo 12,  Sri Lanka Dear Mr Attorney General, Regarding a State Counsel’s application to the Supreme Court to end a fundamental rights application relating to torture and fabrication of charges on a mere police apology We have learnt through media […]

WORLD: Judicial institutions which act as checks on executive power are being dismantled

Opening Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, made at the Human Rights Council 32nd Session on 13th June 2016 forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Distinguished President of the Council, Excellencies Colleagues and friends When the Inter-American Commission announces it has to cut its personnel by forty […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 126

This week Just Asia begins with the attack on a peaceful public protest in North Sulawesi, Indonesia on June 1, calling for professionalism by parliamentarians, and the prosecution of those involved in illegal drugs. While waiting to have a dialogue with some parliamentarians at the Manodo parliament office, the student protesters were suddenly attacked by […]

THAILAND: Government must continue to protect human rights defenders in Loei

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to mark 31 May 2016 as an important date in Thailand’s history with respect to the protection of human rights defenders. On this day, the Provincial Court in Thailand, Northeast, delivered its official verdict, convicting two military officers accused of violent assault against villagers who opposed a mine […]

PAKISTAN: Mothers set fire to daughters in Nuclear Nation

A State that prides itself on being a nuclear State, a symbol of strength and technological advancement, needs a double take. There is something very wrong in a nation and a society where the most fundamental human relationships are mired in violent brutality. Ms. Zeenat 17, was caught off guard when her own mother doused […]

SRI LANKA: Government’s delay in dealing with laws delays

See the YouTube Video relating to this article. Journalist, Poddala Jayantha in a moving article, written in Sinhala, recalls his ordeal which took place exactly 7 years ago in the evening of June 1st that shocked the entire nation. A threat which has been made to him by the brother of the then President Mahinda […]

NEPAL: Breaking barriers

An editorialfrom the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission After the historic election of OnsariGharti as the Speaker of Parliament and Bidhya Devi Bhandari as the President, Senior Supreme Court Justice Shushila Karki, on Tuesday, became the first woman member in the Judicial Council. Karki will be appointed as the chief justice […]

THAILAND: TLHR opinion concerning NCPO no. 25/2016

An article from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Not long after the second round of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Thailand. On 11 May 2016, several questions from member states concerning human rights situations in Thailand, including the military jurisdiction, the enforced disappearance, and the restriction of […]

SRI LANKA: An Article titled “Before we lose public confidence”

An Article titled “ Before we lose public confidence”, by Kamal Suneth Perera, Attorney-at-Law, which was published in the Daily News Issue of 6th June 2016, following the conclusion of the 2016, National Law Conference, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong. By Kamal Suneth Perera, Attorney-at-Law http://www.dailynews.lk/?q=2016/06/06/features/83776 This […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 125

This week Just Asia begins with the growing demands in Bangladesh seeking the return of disappeared persons. Families are taking to the streets and holding press conferences to voice their concern and seek justice. On May 26, relatives made a ‘human chain’ in front of Dhaka’s National Press Club, and were joined by prominent human […]

INDIA: Jungle-raj in the police and judiciary

Avinash Pandey Mathura, a city in Uttar Pradesh, witnessed a sensational encounter between the police and a semi-religious cult that left at least 21 dead, 2 senior cops among them, yesterday. The police had reportedly gone there to evict members of Azad Bharat Vidhik Vaicharik Kranti Satyagrahi who have been illegally occupying Jawahar Bagh for […]

नेपाल: छुवाछूतसम्बन्धी कानुनको चौथो वर्षगाँठ : कानुन कार्यान्वयनमा सरकारी उदाशीनता

Statement | Nepal | 31-05-2016

नेपालमा जातीय भेदभाव तथा छुवाछूत (कसुर तथा सजाय) ऐन, २०६८ कार्यान्वयनमा आएको चार वर्ष भइसकेको भए तापनि बढ्दै गएका जातीय भेदभाव तथा छुवाछूतका घटना र त्यसप्रति राज्यको उदाशिनताप्रति एसियाली मानवअधिकार आयोग र जागरण मिडिया सेन्टरको गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ । तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री झलनाथ खनालको पालामा वि.सं. २०६८ साल जेठ १० गते सो ऐन व्वस्थापिका–संसद्बाट पारित […]

PAKISTAN: Investigation failure leads to the killings of Ahmadis

Religious persecution has dominated human rights abuse in Pakistan. Ahmadi religious minorities have been the preferred targets of religious fundamentalists. Recently, another Ahmadi, Dawood Ahmad, was shot dead in the Gulzar Hijri area of Karachi, on the night of 24 May 2016. He was the target of religious malice and hatred against Ahmadis in Pakistan, […]

BANGLADESH: Stop the reprisals against Odhikar

Bangladesh Government must stop the new phase of attack in the saga of ongoing reprisal against human rights organization Odhikar through the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). The ACC has initiated an alleged “money laundering” complaint against this human rights organization. Such investigation is being conducted in an intimidating atmosphere in the office of ACC, an agency lacking […]