Judicial system

PAKISTAN: Forced marriages and conversions stem from institutionalised intolerance

While religious diversity forms the bedrock of a civilized democratic state, the right to propagate and freely practice one’s religion is strictly restricted by Pakistan’s orthodox clergy, which is bent upon imposing its own version of the state religion. There is a growing concern within the country over the shrinking social space for minorities. Far […]

NEPAL: Nepal’s police in Madhesi-hunting spree

Statement | Nepal | 24-02-2016

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) partner organization the Terai Human Rights Defenders (THRD) Alliance have secured information that the Nepal police have started arresting Madhesi protesters in different cases, mostly related toevents that occurred during the 5 month long protests and blockade in the southern plains. This is a systematic trend of charging with […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 110

In this week’s episode, Just Asia covers the commemoration of the 1989 Talangsari Massacre in Indonesia. Although the Talangsari Massacre was mentioned by President Widodo as one of his government’s priorities, until now no concrete solution has been provided. Next, Just Asia looks at the unrest at India’s prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The unrest […]

PAKISTAN: Principal costs innocent student her life

Although the right to education is a fundamental human right recognised throughout the civilised world, girls in Pakistan still have to fight for the right. Many even lose their life in this battle, such as 17-year-old Saqiba. A student of the Government Girls Degree College in Muslim Bagh, Balochistan, Saqiba Hakim Kakar committed suicide on […]

PAKISTAN: Impunity shrouds disappearances

Torture, enforced disappearance, and extrajudicial killings have become endemic in the country marred by internal conflict. Rule of law and justice have become a distant dream for the victims and families of missing persons. And, disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture in custody and arbitrary detentions, have been given legal and constitutional coverage by the government. Through […]

INDIA: Hands off JNU, other campuses

The trouble fomenting in Indian varsities ever since the new government came to power has now reached one of the most prestigious universities of the country, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The stir ostensibly started after a group of students organized an event commemorating the death anniversary of Afzal Guru and called his hanging a […]

WORLD:Open letter from 22 ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ Laureates to the King of Saudi Arabia for freedom of poet Ashraf Fayadh

An Open Letterfrom 22 Right Livelihood Award Laureatesforwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) To, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Respected King, The poet, art curator and Palestinian refugee Ashraf Fayadh, was sentenced to death by beheading, on November 17, 2015, by decision of the government of Saudi […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 109

This week’s episode of Just Asia focuses on Hong Kong, where the first day of the Lunar New Year saw violent clashes between protesters and police. The unrest caused shock and increased the sense of uncertainty lingering in the wake of the disappearance of five booksellers in January. The violence erupted overnight as police attempted […]

SRI LANKA: It is the government’s responsibility to end this anarchy

One year has passed since the appointment of the new government. Undoubtedly, some changes have taken place and further changes are being discussed. However, there is one very important – perhaps the most important – issue, which has been entirely ignored. This fundamental omission concerns the stability of Sri Lanka as a nation; it is […]

NEPAL: Truth and disappearance

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Widely awaited yet secretly formed, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP) have spent the first year of their two-year term without doing any substantive work. Both the commissions have blamed the government […]

INDIA: Police officer murdered for not submitting to corruption

Dear Friends, The AHRC has received information about the cold blooded murder of a police officer, Mr. P.J. Marbaniang, in Ri Bhoi District of Meghalaya. The murder took place on the same day Mr. Marbaniang detained 32 trucks that were illegally transporting coal. The coal was being illegally transported despite the orders against such transportation […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 108

In this episode, Just Asia continues to cover critical human rights flashpoints in Asia. In Pakistan, three employees of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) have been killed in clashes near the Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, on February 3. The employees were on a countrywide protest against privatization of the national airlines. Around 30 persons have also been […]

PAKISTAN: Four trade union leaders disappeared following arrest by Rangers

On February 2, the Pakistan Rangers, who have been given unbridled powers by the Federal government, have taken into custody four trade union leaders. These leaders were picked up from different locations in Karachi. Since then their whereabouts are unknown. The Sindh police deny having the men in their custody; the Rangers are yet to […]

PAKISTAN: Baloch Activists Punished for Dissent

Since inception, Pakistan has been at war with its own citizens; time and again the State has indulged in gross human rights violation to muzzle voices of dissent. Ethnic Balochis have especially suffered discrimination and stigmatization, by successive military and civil governments. Due to State negligence, Baluchistan remains the least developed province even though its […]

BANGLADESH: Immediately release Mahmudur Rahman, arbitrarily imprisoned since 2013

Hong Kong, 03 February 2016 Geneva-Paris-Hong Kong, February 3, 2016. The authorities of Bangladesh should immediately release journalist Mahmudur Rahman, who completed 1,000 days in custody without trial on January 6, 2016 as part of the Government’s efforts to stifle critical voices in the country, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a […]

INDIA: From Khairlanji to Hyderabad: what post-outrage?

RohithVemula’s suicide will not be just another suicide in the statistical records of the National Crime Records Bureau. It will not be so in the same way the 2006 massacre in Khairlanjiwas not. These two cases separated by almost a decade,are far more than a statistic of ordinary crime, such as that committed in a […]

PAKISTAN: Government uses brutal force against protesters, killing three officers of national airlines

Personnel from the Pakistan Rangers have used brute force against unarmed protesters, causing the death of three Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees, who were out protesting against the privatisation of the State owned airlines. The dead include Zubair Ahmed, Manager HR department, Saleem Akbar, I.T Engineer, and Inayat Jafri, a senior officer.The demonstrators assembled peacefully […]

SRI LANKA/WORLD: A Suggested Overall Framework for Reconciliation Discourse

The author is sharing this writing, with a suggested over all frameworkfor reconcilation discourse in Sri Lanka. It is meant to provoke thought and discussion. Responsiblity for this view is the author’s alone. I The village where I was born, for all purposes, looked very quiet and peaceful. However, an internal structure of discrimination was […]

THAILAND: Launching Pattani Torture report of 2014-2015 at PSU Pattani on 10 Feb 2016

A Press Releasefrom Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF), Duay Jai Group, and Patani Human Rights Networkforwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) And Public discussion on the Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment in Thailand’s Deep South Project Rationale The eruption of the unrest in Thailand’s Deep South can be attributed […]

SRI LANKA: Policing Sri Lanka’s Police Force

An article published in the Sunday Leader, on 24th January 2016, which is an English translation of the same, published in the ‘Irudina’ newspaper on 17th January 2016, by WimalanathWeeraratne, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by WimalanathWeeraratne It seems that Sri Lanka Police never learns a lesson. Although it has the Dharmachakra (Wheel of the […]