Judicial system

PAKISTAN: In Memory of the desecrated All Saint’s Church, Peshawar

[On 22nd of September, last year] was the day when peaceful Christians of Kohati Gate, Peshawar  assembled for the Sunday prayer service inside the All Saint’s Church in Peshawar where they were cowardly attacked by a terrorist outfit. The attack resulted in nearly about 130 causalities and over 250 injuries. The world noticed the deadliest […]

THAILAND: Appeal Court upholds decision against freedom of expression

On 19 September 2014, the Appeal Court upheld the Criminal Court’s ruling in the case of Somyot Prueksakasemsuk. Somyot was found guilty of two violations of Article 112 of the Criminal Codeand sentenced to ten years in prison on 23 January 2013, with one additional year from a prior case for a total of eleven […]

BANGLADESH: European Parliament adopts resolutions on Bangladesh’s human rights status

TEXTS ADOPTED Provisional edition P8_TA-PROV(2014)0024 Human rights violations in Bangladesh PE536.999 European Parliament resolution of 18 September 2014 on human rights violations in Bangladesh (2014/2834(RSP)) The European Parliament, –    having regard to its previous resolutions on Bangladesh, –    having regard to the EC-Bangladesh Cooperation Agreement of 2001, –    having regard to Articles 33 and 35 […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Private company and government official pursue false charges against farmers after government agency grants them use of their land

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that over 200 farmers from Pantanaw Township, Delta Region, are being prosecuted for using government confiscated lands. Some had permission to use their former land, but are now being prosecuted regardless of their legal rights. Around 60 farmers have already been sentencing to jail […]

PAKISTAN: September 11, 2012 – when workers were forced to be burnt alive

Two years ago on 11th September  2012 a third degree fire broke out at the Ali Enterprises, garment factory in the industrial area of Karachi, where  259 workers perished – burnt alive. It was one of the most devastating tragedies known in the history of the garment industry. The tragedy sparked a debate but on a […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Twenty-one more farmers falsely convicted for pursuing their land rights

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that twenty-one more farmers from Kanbalu Township have been convicted regarding an attempt to defend their rights to their land, with sentences ranging from 3 months to 4 years. More farmers are being prosecuted this month and others are still facing trials. CASE […]

SRI LANKA: Lawyers Collective Condemns Death Threats to Attorneys Namal Rajapakshe and Manjula Pathiraja

The Lawyers Collective strongly condemns death threats to two of it’s leading members, Attorneys-at-Law, Mr. Namal Rajapakshe and Mr. Manjula Pathiraja. Mr. Rajapaske  and Pathiraja have  been  leading human rights activists and lawyers with long experience in public interest litigation. They appeared in series of sensitive cases challenging arbitrary actions of all organs of the […]

INDIA: Death of female government employee not adequately investigated

Dear friends, A group of women’s rights activists from the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that the Madhya Pradesh state government is failing to adequately investigate the death of Ms. Leena Sadhak, a Patwari (a government official who keeps records regarding the ownership of land) at the […]

PAKISTAN: Baldia factory fire tragedy-the compensation is not the only solution to deal with such an incident

The worst ever industrial disaster in Pakistan’s history occurred on 11th September 2012 when a massive fire in the three-storied garment factory called Ali Enterprises situated in the Baldia Town area of Karachi caused the deaths of 259 workers and serious injuries to 55 more. Two years have passed since that tragic accident sent shock waves […]

SOUTH KOREA: Military camps or government run torture centres?

Out of several recent incidents concerning conscripted men, two have sparked public outrage and triggered a call for an overhaul of the conscription system in South Korea. The first case concerns Mr. Lim, a young conscript, who turned his gun on his fellow conscripts and opened fire on 21 June 2014. As a result, five […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police tortured 13-year-old in custody, case is stalled

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that in July 2013 the police from Myaung Mya Township Police Station tortured a then 13-year-old boy accused of murder. They detained him for one month, tortured him, and sent him to court with documents that incorrectly stated his age. He was granted bail […]

HONG KONG/PHILIPPINES: Don’t have the man you want then convict the man you’ve got

(Note: this article was first published in the August 10, 2014 issue of the Sunday Examiner) What Fernando Obedencio and Haron Abubakar have in common is that they were both arrested in 2005 in General Santos City. Both were 25-years-old, accused on the grounds of planted evidence and both were tortured by the police to […]

SOUTH KOREA: We want the truth of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Gayoon Baek (sewolho416@gmail.com) For more, please visit www.facebook.com/solidarityforsewol or www.sewolho416.org/category/English. 1. Background The Sewol Ferry bound to Jeju Island from Inchon capsized on 16 April 2014 carrying 476 passengers, the majority of them students from Danwon High School. It is still unclear why the ship capsized but when it happened, […]

PAKISTAN: Internally displaced persons of North Waziristan, reproductive health and Gender

Pakistan like other developing countries that face, dearth of democracy and abundance of abusive authority has never been a homogenous country. There is the Pakistan of masses and there is the Pakistan of classes. For the poor and powerless of this sixth most populous country, human development based on essential core values like self esteem, […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Farmers attacked & shot by police during land grab protest

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that peaceful protestors from Mandalay Region have been beaten and shot. The protest centered on land confiscated by the Burmese military two decades ago and handed over to a Chinese company. The land has yet to be returned or compensated for as per law.  With this, […]

PAKISTAN/Sri Lanka: UN experts alarmed at deportations of Pakistani asylum seekers without assessment

GENEVA (14 August 2014) – Two United Nations human rights experts* today expressed their grave concern at the situation of Pakistani asylum seekers in Sri Lanka who are being detained and forcefully deported to Pakistan without an adequate assessment of their asylum claims.  “States must guarantee that every single asylum claim is individually assessed with […]

INDIA: BSF officer molests a woman & tortures her husband

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM – a human rights organisation based in West Bengal, India – concerning the torture of a man that dared to complain against a Border Security Force (BSF) officer. The man complained that the BSF officer had been found peeping into a room […]

SOUTH KOREA: Clandestine war for national memory

National history is written from a certain perspective. And, it can be rewritten later from other perspectives. However, it should not be forgotten that the purpose of having a national history, which itself underlines certain aspects of national memory, is so that accumulated wisdom from the past can circulate in society. Future generations can utilize […]

SOUTH KOREA: Sewol Families Committee’s Position on the Agreement Between the Rival Parties Regarding the Special Sewol Bill

For more information or media inquiry, please contact People’s Committee for the Sewol Ferry Tragedy (Ms. Gayoon Baek, sewolho416@gmail.com, +82 (0)2 723 5051). We oppose the agreement between the rival parties that squashed the family’s requests The Sewol Families Committee held a press conference in front of the National Assembly main building today on August […]

INDIA: Maternity Entitlements and Crèche – Two essential commitments for better days

Article | India | 07-08-2014

More than a Policy, Children Need Commitment! On 10th June 2014, Pawan Korku (4 years) and Durgesh Korku (6 years) climbed into an iron drum in their house along with their toys presumably as part of a game they were playing, in their house in Harrai village, District Betul, a tribal dominant district of Madhya […]