Judicial system

SRI LANKA: Obstruction of Bp Rayappu, Bishop of Mannar to visit the Tamil prisoners in Anuradhapura prison on Easter Sunday

Hon. Mohan Peiris Chief Justice Chamber of Chief Justice Complex of the Supreme Court Hulfsdorp Colombo 12. Your Honour, This is to keep Your Honour informed of some events in relation to the Prison of Anuradhapura.Yesterday, being Easter Sunday I was to conduct the Easter Religious Services in the Catholic Chapel situated inside the prison […]

PAKISTAN: Protests against disappearances rise and the level of tolerance from the law enforcement agencies declines

The people of Pakistan watched the brutal attack by the police on a peaceful demonstration for the recovery of disappeared persons in front of Parliament House in Islamabad on April 28. There were more than 250 persons including a good number of women and children who were from the family members of disappeared persons. The […]

PAKISTAN: Sarabjit Singh — can the judiciary still claim to be independent?

It is one year now since Sarabjit Singh, an Indian prisoner, was killed in Lahore prison on April 26, 2013 when he was struck on the head in an attack by two Muslim fundamentalists. He was hit with bricks and his neck and torso cut with sharp weapons from which wounds he subsequently died in […]

THAILAND: Scholars call for release of political prisonerSomyot, abolition of lese majesty offence

(Hong Kong, April29, 2014) Scholars from around the world gathered for a Thai studies conference in Sydney have called for the release of SomyotPrueksakasemsuk and other persons imprisoned under Thailand’s antiquated lese majesty laws. In an open letter issued last Thursday, 35 academics from Thailand, Australia and other countries attending the 14th International Thai Studies […]

PAKISTAN: Drought in Thar-A ray of hope!

Cyclic drought and rise in temperature due to climate change has again brought havoc to the people of Tharparkar. The worst affected being women and children. Shahid Hussain Tharparkar is one of the 23 districts of Sindh province and is spread over 77000 square kilometres. It is the continuation of ancient Indian Desert – the […]

THAILAND: Demanding Immediate Explanation and Investigation by Relevant Officials Regarding the Disappearance of a Karen Hill-Tribe Human Rights Defender

Cross Cultural Foundation For immediate release on April 20th, 2014 Public Statement Demanding Immediate Explanation and Investigation by Relevant Officials Regarding the Disappearance of a Karen Hill-Tribe Human Rights Defender ​According to a news report, Mr. Billy or Por Cha Lee Rakcharoen has disappeared since the afternoon of April 17th 2014. At the time of […]

ASIA: Global recognition for persecuted Bangladeshi human rights defender

Statement | Asia | 24-04-2014

Adilur Rahman Khan, Human Rights Defender of Bangladesh; AHRC File Photo Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, a renowned human rights defender, who has been relentlessly persecuted by the incumbent regime in Bangladesh, has been recognized for his courage by the global human rights community. Adilur has been awarded the 2014 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, which he […]

SRI LANKA: CPA complaint against the Independent Television Network of Sri Lanka (ITN) to be taken up on 24th April 2014

23rd April 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Complaint filed by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and its Executive Director (Complaint No: HRC/3083/13) before the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) against the Independent Television Network of Sri Lanka (ITN) and its Chairmen will be taken up for hearing tomorrow (Thursday, 24th April 2014) […]

THE PHILIPPINES: Lawyers for Lawyers raises the alarm: Filipino lawyer at risk

• Labeling of lawyers by military continues • Practice of labeling root cause of extrajudicial killings • Pattern of ongoing threats against legal profession Philippines, 23 April 2014 – Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) warn in an open letter to President Aquino of the Philippines for the continued labeling of lawyers […]

SRI LANKA: Condemnation of the BBS who stormed the meeting of Buddhist monks

The ‘Standing Committee on Rule of Law of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka’ condemns the behavior of the members of the ‘Bodu Bala Sena’ who stormed Nipon Hotel where a group of Buddhist monks headed by Rev Watareka Vijitha Thero and other representatives of Civil Society organizations were holding a press conference to explain […]

INDIA: Judiciary not a traffic warden

Statement | India | 23-04-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the Supreme Court of India’s initiative to institute a panel that will suggest measures to prevent road accidents and to ensure road safety in the country. The court has set up the panel after hearing a public interest litigation, filed by Dr. S. Rajaseekaran, (295/2012) which requested judicial […]

PHILIPPINES: The AHRC’s comments on Manila mayor’s apology to 2010 bus hostage victims

(Hong Kong, April 23, 2014) Yesterday, Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and his delegation arrived in Hong Kong reportedly to offer an apology on behalf of the City of Manila to the victims and families of the 2010 Manila bus hostage incident. In August 2010, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) had also expressed its concerns and […]

SRI LANKA: ‘Lawyers for Democracy’ condemn the harassment of the editor of Lakbima Newspaper

‘Lawyers for Democracy’ condemn the harassment of the editor of Lakbima Newspaper, Sman Wagaarachchi by calling him to appear before the CID for questioning for the mere reasons that the caption to a photograph published in the paper has caused embarrassment to a party.   While conceding that it may have coursed embarrassment, we are surprised […]

INDIA: National shame

Statement | India | 17-04-2014

The Supreme Court of India and its subordinate courts have, over the past six decades, issued more than a dozen directives and orders prohibiting the practice of manual scavenging in India. The evil practice, of literally carrying human faeces or cleaning the same from public toilets, is widespread in the country. In most cases the […]

PAKISTAN: Protect kiln workers from torture, illegal detention and attacks

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that brick kiln owners, with the patronage of the Punjab provincial government, have been holding children, women, and men in illegal detention. Women who have been demanding compliance of the minimum wage and social security have been beaten, their clothes stripped, and their children […]

INDIA: Criminal justice reform duty of state, not court

Statement | India | 16-04-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the observations made by the Supreme Court of India that the Indian criminal justice process will immensely benefit from crime investigating agencies adopting scientific investigation methods. The apex court has said that the old style of conducting investigations, relying on confession statements and oral evidence in criminal trials, […]

PAKISTAN: Negotiating with the wrong people

The collusion between the Pakistan military and the Taliban is so strong that the military does not want to hold an operation in North Waziristan If anything flagrant is to be noticed in North Waziristan, it is the lack of seriousness and the obvious collusion of the state with the terrorists organisations based in that […]

PHILIPPINES: The response by the AHRC to Al Jazeera’s questions on Hacienda Luisita massacre

(Hong Kong, April 14, 2014) On April 12, Al Jazeera broadcasted a report, titled: “Philippine farmers fight for land rights” indicating that none of those involved in the massacre of farmers in Hacienda Luisita, owned by the family of current President Benigno Aquino III, have been punished for the massacre ten years on. Below is the transcript of Al […]

PAKISTAN: Fishermen launch ‘anti-arrest campaign’

Civil society organisations working for the protection of the rights of fishermen in Pakistan and India have launched a month-long joint campaign from April to May this year on both sides of the border to ensure release of fishermen and find permanent solution to avoid disturbing the fisher people of the two countries. Spokesman for […]

INDIA: Election but a ritual in nation lacking rule of law

Statement | India | 10-04-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates the people of India for their participation to elect the 16th Lok Sabha. The process has attracted, as usual, considerable media attention across the world. Media claims the process to be ‘the largest democratic exercise of the world.’ Contestants are in what may be termed as a lobbying overdrive. […]