Judicial system

SRI LANKA: Attacks on Sri Lankan Human Rights Defenders, NGOs & opposition politicians through the Independent Television Network (ITN)

State media (newspaper, TV and radio) in Sri Lanka has been used often to attack Human Rights Defenders HRDs in Sri Lanka in the last few years. The ITN had started a fresh round of attacks in May this year. Those targeted have included prominent heads of NGOs, lawyers, journalists, clergy, academics and activists in […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis are once again persecuted even as the new government is formed

For some time now anti-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiya (Jaamat) activities have been escalating all over Pakistan and particularly in Lahore. The members of Jamaat have been mercilessly tortured and rebuked in public over fake and felonious accusations. They have been threatened physically and mentally tortured and now live in fear of their lives. They have even been harassed […]

INDONESIA: The President is legally obliged to address continuous violations on the rights of victims of enforced disappearance

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of the Republic of Indonesia Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat INDONESIA Fax: +62 21 348 34759 Dear Mr. President, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to remind you of your […]

SRI LANKA: Undoing constitutional tomfoolery

That the United National Party (UNP) has published a few ideas on the changes to the constitution they would bring about if they come to power is an indication that a serious critique that has been made about the 1978 Constitution can no longer be ignored. As it is good to have even an inadequate […]

SRI LANKA: Judge caught while taking a bribe

The District Court Judge of Homagama, Sunil Abeysinghe and his guard Constable were arrested yesterday (May 30, 2013) allegedly while receiving a bribe of Rs. 300,000/= in order to return a favourable judgement to the bribe giver. Immediately after the illegal removal of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayke and the appointment of Mohan Peiris as the […]

HONG KONG/PHILIPPINES: Daughter of falsely charged activists to speak on fabrication of charges at a forum

(Hong Kong, May 29, 2013) Twenty-three year old Nicolette ‘Nikki” Gamara, whose parents have been laid with fabricated charges, will speak at a public forum tomorrow, May 30 from 7–9pm (please see below for the details of the venue), about the ongoing and systematic practice of fabricating charges against human rights and political activists in […]

SRI LANKA: My Esteem for the Buddha

An open letter at Wesak to my Buddhist Sisters and Brothers My good friend, the Ven. Bellanwila Wimalarathana wrote a letter to Christians on his understanding of Christ at Christmas last year.  This has prompted me to reciprocate with this letter to you at Wesak. A seekers vision I write in my personal capacity as […]

PAKISTAN: Stop factories from becoming slaughterhouses of workers

A Press Release from National Trade Unions Federation Pakistan forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Karachi, May 24: The governments and International Brands are directly responsible for the gory incidents in Ali Enterprises Baldia Karachi and garment factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh, as their criminal negligence resulted in loss of lives of thousands of […]

PAKISTAN: Lawyers threatened and forced a High Court judge to change his ruling

A judge of the Lahore High Court changed his decision less than two minutes after ruling in favour of the accused in a blasphemy case when lawyers and members of fundamentalist groups threatened him. The judge, in the fear of the dire consequences, quickly withdrew his decision of granting bail to the accused persons. May […]

SRI LANKA: Vesak Greetings – Let us end the Angulimala Complex

On the Vesak Celebration for this year, the Asian Human Rights Commission offers the following greetings.

WORLD: The Cost of Freedom

The days I spent at the RFK Centre, with those who desired personal liberty and freedom Change cannot be achieved by forcing others to accept the world that you have conceptualized as per your will, desire and imagination, it happens through the attitudes that you improved throughout the work in which you engaged in and […]

INDONESIA: Lenient punishment for police officers who tortured and shot a young man to death

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the punishment of three police officers who tortured and shot a 23-year-old man, Yusli, in 2011. The court sentenced two of the officers to two years of imprisonment and the other one to five years. It found the officers were responsible for […]

SRI LANKA: Ganeshan Nimalaruban case: Chief Justice Mohan Peiris denies petitioner’s lawyers right to see replies filed by Attorney General

The Fundamental Rights case of Ganeshan Nimalaruban was taken before the Supreme Court yesterday. The Bench consisted of: Mohan Peiris CJ, P. A Ratnayake PC J and S Hettige J. In the course of submissions by the petitioner’s lawyers, Chief Justice Mohan Peiris made the following remarks: “When the prison is under siege do you […]

INDONESIA: After 15 years of reform justice remains beyond the reach of victims of past human rights violations

The twenty first of May 1998 is celebrated by the Indonesians as the birth of reform in their country. It marks the resignation of the then President Soeharto who, at that time had been leading Indonesia for over 30 years. The road to this birth, however, was a bloody one. In May 1998 two gross […]

SRI LANKA: Serious doubts on the inquiries into the mass graves at Matale

Serious doubts have emerged regarding the future investigations into the mass grave at Matale where the remains of 156 persons have been found. In today’s press it was reported that the Judicial Medical Officer in charge of the investigation has been transferred (JMO in charge of Matale mass grave also to be transferred — Sri Lanka […]

SRI LANKA: Concern over appointment of commission regarding the mass grave in Matale

PRESS RELEASE The standing committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) on Rule of Law at its meeting on 10th May decided to express its concern on the appointment of a commission regarding the unearthing of the mass grave in Matale, when in fact what is necessary is to proceed under the normal […]

INDIA/CHINA/BANGLADESH: Dimapur declaration on water and indigenous communities’ rights

We, the representatives of the indigenous people’s organizations of India’s North East concerned over the issue of water and adverse impacts of mega development processes, such as mega dam constructions, mining in the region, coming together on 17 – 18 May 2013 at Dimapur, Nagaland unanimously resolved to: Affirm that water is life and inherent […]

SRI LANKA: Buddha’s Birthday celebrated in Hong Kong tomorrow

The people in Hong Kong will be celebrating what they call Buddha’s Birthday tomorrow (May 17). The term ‘Buddha’s Birthday’ is similar to what is referred to in Sri Lanka as Vesak. However, the overall emphasis here is on birth and it is a sober celebration of life. The Chinese are imbibed with the philosophy […]

SRI LANKA: A radical abdication of the court’s authority – a blow to the separation of powers

Chief Justice Mohan Peiris stopped further inquiries into a Fundamental Rights application yesterday, stating that the courts do not have the technical competence to go into the issues raised in the case. This decision was made in a case filed against the Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation. The BBC Sinhala service reported that […]

SRI LANKA: Two testimonies on enforced self paralysis

Lal Wickrematunge, the brother of the assassinated editor of the Sunday Leader, Lasantha Wickrematunge, and until very recently the owner of Leader Publications, spoke yesterday to the BBC Sinhala Service. He stated that it is dangerous today to be engaged in publication work in Sri Lanka. Giving views other than the government’s version of things […]