Judicial system

PHILIPPINES: The government must take full responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of Temogen ‘Cocoy’ Tulawie

In September 2012 the Supreme Court of the Philippines approved the transfer of the trial of Temogen ‘Cocoy’ Tulawie for murder charges from Davao City to Manila City; and at the time of writing he is now awaiting trial in Manila. Prior to this, in June 2011 the Supreme Court also granted the petition of […]

SRI LANKA: Justice must be served: An appeal by lawyers on impeachment process

Lawyers for Democracy (LfD), raises serious concerns with the process that has commenced to impeach the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Hon. Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake. The impeachment follows in the wake of several other attempts in recent times to interfere and intimidate the judiciary, most recent incident being the attack against the Secretary of the […]

SRI LANKA: The Supreme Court should resign before the executive destroys the judiciary as a separate branch of governance through the persecution of the Chief Justice

The political attack on the Chief Justice, which is in retaliation to some independent judgements given by the Supreme Court, is quite clearly an attempt to stop the Supreme Court judges doing what they are mandated to do. It is not just an attack on one person; it is an attack on the entire Supreme […]

SRI LANKA: It’s Not Mahinda vs. Shirani; It’s the Rajapaksas vs. the Rest

No questioning arises from subservient lips”. Andrée Chedid (For Rushdie) Ideally Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranaike would have prevented her husband from accepting Rajapaksa largesse; ideally. Ideally, the Supreme Court would have resisted the 18th Amendment; ideally. Ideally the term-limit provision would be in place and a post-Rajapaksa future just five years away; ideally. But as […]

SRI LANKA: Is impeachment a synonym for beheading?

In May 1993, a UN sponsored election was held in Cambodia to elect a government. The country had faced a civil war after Polpot’s catastrophic revolution. At the time, a large part of the country was under the State of Cambodia, of which Hun Sen was the head. His party was one of the two […]

SRI LANKA: Commonwealth Secretary-General concerned about parliamentary move to impeach Sri Lankan chief justice

Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma today expressed concern about the recent move by the Parliament of Sri Lanka to impeach the country’s Chief Justice, Dr Shirani Bandaranayake. Speaking in London, the Secretary-General said: “The Commonwealth’s principal consideration is that the provisions of Sri Lanka’s constitution are upheld with regards to the removal of judges, respecting the […]

SRI LANKA: The procedure in Article 107 of the Constitution is incompatible with principle of the separation of powers and with the ICCPR article 14 says the UN Special Rapporteur

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Gabriela Knaul in a statement issued yesterday (November 14, 2012), stated that, “……the procedure for the removal of judges of the Supreme Court set out in article 107 of the Constitution of Sri Lanka allows the Parliament to exercise considerable control over the […]

SRI LANKA: The mega issue is the ending of the judiciary as a separate branch of the state

The impeachment is not about the individual that is Shriyani Bandaranayake, the Chief Justice. The real issue is about ending the position of the judiciary as a separate branch of the state. What is now being faced is a momentous transformation of the very structure of governance in Sri Lanka. It is the final completion […]

SRI LANKA: Speak out in defending judicial independence, before it is too late

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the Judges of Sri Lanka Honourable Judges: I am writing on behalf of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) under extraordinary circumstances as the gravity of the issues involved compels me to do so. The issue that I wish to seek your attention is the […]

INDIA: Despicable policing

Statement | India | 12-11-2012

Once again, the country’s judiciary has underlined the fact that there is something fundamentally wrong with the police in India. On 7 November, the Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court, Justice Vikramajit Sen, while hearing a case said, “I never understand why the police always take the side of villains. Whether it is Haryana or Karnataka, […]

SRI LANKA: Now there is no justice

When I talked to a Sri Lankan friend about the killings of prisoners which happened yesterday and tried to convince him that people should demand justice, his instance reply was, “ Dhang justice naah” (now there is no justice) . In the past, this expression meant that there were serious concerns about justice. However, now it […]

SRI LANKA: Reflections on the killings in the prisons and the impeachment of the Chief Justice

Basil Fernando Humankind has at least a few millenniums of experience in keeping prisons. It is part of the unfortunate predicament of humanity that there is this need to have prisons. However, over these long years, through bitter experiences, humanity has learned to lessen the suffering involved for the inmates of prisons and to make […]

SRI LANKA: Shameful stifling of freedom of expression

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Sunday Times, Colombo, Sri Lanka, written by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-FAT-039-2012 November 11, 2012 An article from the Sunday Times, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Shameful stifling of freedom […]

SRI LANKA: Make the Impeachment Boomerang on the Rajapaksas

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article written by Tisaranee Gunasekara who is a Sri Lankan columnist based in Colombo Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article written by Tisaranee Gunasekara, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Make the Impeachment Boomerang on the Rajapaksas Tisaranee Gunasekara […]

SRI LANKA: Special Task Force kills 11 prisoners and injures many others

Yesterday (9th of October), at least 11 prisoners were gunned down and around 35 were injured by the STF. The shooting was carried out when the STF entered the Welikada prison for some inspections. (Photo Courtesy: Sunday Times, Sri Lanka) According to an eye witness, interviewed by the BBC Sinhala service, when some prisoners who […]

SRI LANKA: BASL has failed to act positively

The series of events which are naked attacks on the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in the recent past are well recorded.  These events culminated in the unprecedented action of the JSC chaired by the Chief Justice and constituted of two other Supreme Court Judges releasing a statement to the public […]

SRI LANKA: How does the Attorney General file indictments and how do Members of Parliament sign impeachment petitions?

Basil Fernando The Chief Justice (CJ) has refuted all allegations made against her contained in the much publicized impeachment motion filed in parliament. (File Photo of the Chief Justice, Mrs. Shirani Bandaranayake) The CJ’s legal representatives have said in a letter “In the circumstances, in summary: (a) Our Client has declared all her operative bank […]

SRI LANKA: Why is Sri Lanka abandoning a court centered, law based system of justice?

A reflection on the 16th murder in Kahawatte, gruesome violence in Galle and the petition for impeachment The 16th murder of a woman took place at Kahawatte last week. The woman is said to be 65 years old and was staying alone in the house until her son came back, when she was brutally murdered. […]

SRI LANKA: Judging a judge — Politics and pitfalls in the process

For the third time in 30 years, Members of Parliament have launched impeachment proceedings against a Chief Justice of Sri Lanka setting the stage for a crucial struggle for the preservation of independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. In many democratic countries impeachment of a judge is among the rarest of events […]

SRI LANKA: Hell Hath No Fury….

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article written by Tisaranee Gunasekara who is a Sri Lankan columnist based in Colombo Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article written by Tisaranee Gunasekara, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Hell Hath No Fury…. Tisaranee Gunasekara “Tyrant, why swell’st thou thus, of […]