
UPDATE (India): No compensation to family of adivasi, murdered by forest official, despite a four year wait

[Re: UA- 50 -2005: INDIA: Three and a half year wait for justice for the brutal murder of an Adivasi (tribal person) by a forest official in Gujarat] Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information on the case of Manishbhai Motibhai Vasava (30), an adivasi who was murdered by an Indian […]

SRI LANKA: A man tortured and prosecuted with false charges by the Samanalaweva Police Post

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man named Heeralu Mohottalalage Punchi Banda (39) was illegally arrested and tortured by the Sub Inspector (S.I.) Dhammika Bandara of Samanalaweva Police Post in Balangoda on 26 August 2004. Due to brutal torture, the victim still suffers from severe pain on his […]

PAKISTAN: A young woman killed by her husband on the pretext of honour killing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 30-year-old woman named Ms. Hidayat was allegedly killed by her husband, Mr. Momin Ali Mahar in Dal village, Lakhi Ghulam Shah Town, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 29 February 2004. The case was registered at the Chak Police Station. However, a human […]

UPDATE (Malaysia): Media Statement on the “ISA 7” from the Aliran Executive Committee

Dear Friends We forward to you a Media Statement from Aliran, reagarding the “ISA7”. Media Statement from Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) (National Consciousness Movement) http://www.aliran.com/ The Education Minister Should Show Compassion to the “ISA 7” Students Aliran is deeply disturbed by Education Minister Musa Mohamed’s insistence that the so-called “ISA 7” students should apologise for their […]

SINGAPORE: Oppositionist fined and imprisoned for defending his right to freedom of assembly in defiance of police warning not to hold the rally for workers’ rights.

On 8 October 2002, Singaporean Court sentenced Chee Soon Juan, Singaporean opposition leader, and Ghandhi Ambalam for five and four weeks jail for breaking Singapore’s Public Entertainment and Meeting Act by holding a public event without a permit, after they refused to pay a S$4,500 (USA$2,540) and S$3000 fine, respectively. Ambalam has since been released, as his family paid the fine, but Chee continues to be imprisoned.

MALAYSIA: The Federal Court decision has not resulted in the release of four political prisoners

Dear Friends, We are forwarding you the following urgent appeal issued by SUARAM, a highly respected human rights organization in Malaysia, regarding the release of political prisoners held under the Internal Security Act (ISA). On September 6, 2002, the Federal Court, the highest court in Malaysia ruled that the first 60 days of the five […]

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): Call for Red Cross to aid hunger striking ISA detainees

Dear Friends We are asking for your urgent action in the light of dramatic developments in the struggle of the ISA detainees for proper medical and legal treatment. The 8-day long hunger strike and several days without water has seriously weakened the six detainees to the point where two have been put on intravenous drip […]

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): 120 hours into Hunger Strike for Freedom

We are forwarding the following urgent press release from SUARAM, a human rights organisation in Malaysia. It concerns the HUNGER STRIKE FOR FREEDOM which six prisoners of conscience in Malaysia’s Kamunting Detention Camp began on Wednesday 10 April. Since Wednesday, one of the six, Badrulamin Bahron, who is suffering from high blood pressure, has been so weakened that he is bed-ridden, two others are suffering severe migraine attacks and the others are losing weight quickly and weakening. However, the Malaysian authorities have refused to bring Badrulamin to hospital, in spite of the doctor’s advice.

MALAYSIA: Update on ISA detainees and appeal letter to join

Dear Friends,  As this year comes to an end, we cannot but help reflect on the human rights situation in Asia and worry about our friends who are still suffering under miserable conditions. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is involved in the campaign to abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA) in Malaysia as well […]

UPDATE: MALAYSIA: Request for Solidarity Messages

Dear Friends,  We are requesting you to send solidarity messages to the six ISA detainees who are boycotting prison food in protest of the harsh treatment they are facing. The messages will be read out to the prisoners at a protest rally which is being organised in Malaysia at Kamintang Detention Centre on 27th October. […]

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): Abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA) Campaign

The last year has been an eventful year for Malaysians and seen a tremendous growth of the resistance of the people against a government which became more oppressive as it became more insecure of its support from the people. 

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): One ISA detainee released; one more detained

Dear Friends,  We have received news that Khairul Anmad Zainuddin, one of student activist who was arrested on July 5, 2001, was released on July 28, 2001. Khairul was held without charge under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for 23 days.  However, while giving with one hand, the Malaysian government has taken with the other. […]

MALAYSIA: Family of ISA Detainee refused entry and detained

The Malaysian government has stepped up yet again its deprivation and violation of the basic rights of the ISA detainees. Ms. Mabel Au, fiancee of Mr. Tian Chua (one of the six men detained for 2 years under ISA), has been denied entry into Malaysia. Ms. Au – a Hong Kong resident and coordinator of the Committee for Asian Women Workers (CAW) based in Bangkok – has visited Mr. Chua at the Kamunting Detention Centre in Malaysia once previously since his arrest under the notorious Internal Security Act (see BACKGROUND), but this time was refused entry for unspecified ‘security reasons’. Not only was she not allowed to enter the country, she herself was detained in an airport lock-up for 13 hours pending her deportation flight. She was denied the right to contact her embassy. Her mobile phone was rendered inoperable by the guards after she managed to make a brief call to other family members waiting outside. 

MALAYSIA: 41 arrested on 100th day of ISA detentions

Dear Friends We are forwarding you the following Urgent Appeal from Suaram, a highly respected human rights organisation in Malaysia. Yesterday, July 15th – marked 100 days since the government of Malaysia started arresting those perceived to be their political opponents under the infamous Internal Security Act. In the last 100 days, 12 persons have […]

MALAYSIA: Denial of right to freedom of association and expression, continuous arrests under the ISA

Dear Friends, Regarding continuous crackdown in Malaysia, we are forwarding the following appeal by SUARAM, one of prominent human rights group in Malaysia. Recently two student leaders were arrested under the ISA. The students join the six other political prisoners (Tina Chua, Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Nor, Saari Sungib, Hishamuddin Rais, Lokman Adam and Badaruddin Ismail) […]

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): U.N. Letter-Writing Campaign for the Release of ISA Detainees

Because of concerns with the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA) in Malaysia to deny the Malaysian people their human rights, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to promote a U.N. letter-writing campaign for the release of detainees being held under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the abolition of the ISA, a campaign which was originally launched by the Malaysian human rights group, SUARAM.

UPDATE: MALAYSIA: Letter from Tian Chua, one of the ISA detainees who is serving a two-year detention order in Malaysia

We are sending you a copy of a letter received from Tian Chua, one of the ISA detainees who is serving a two-year detention order in Malaysia.

UPDATE(MALAYSIA): Four ISA detainees served two years detention order

Three political and social activists which were held under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA), namely, Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor (national youth chief of the National Justice Party or Parti Keadilan Nasional), Saari Sungib (chairperson of the April 14 People Memorandum Rally) and Hishamuddin Rais (a columnist and social activist), have been sent to Kamunting Detention Centre to serve a two-year detention order. Datuk Abdullah Badawi, the home minister who has previously denied much knowledge about the arrest, is solely responsible to execute the detention order.

MALAYSIA: Two Years Detention Under Internal Security Act

The following people in Malaysia have been served with detention orders that will imprison them for two years without trials under the Internal Security Act (ISA), an act which violates all international norms related to arrests, detentions and fair trials:

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): Internet campaign for the release of pro-reform activists detained under the ISA

Dear Friends, Malaysian police have arrested opposition political leaders and pro-reform activist during last month. Until today, all ten activists are being held under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows the authorities to detain people indefinitely without trial. In order to draw your attention and solidarity action, we are forwarding this following Internet campaign […]