A Statement from COLLECTIVE FOR MAANBUMIGU MALAIYAHA MAKKAL forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Today (28th July 2023) groups of men and women working in the plantations, in the hill country will begin a walk from Thalaimannar to Matale. This walk is organized by COLLECTIVE FOR MAANBUMIGU MALAIYAHA MAKKAL. The walk will end only […]
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of the 73rd International Human Rights Day Nepal underwent its third cycle of the UN Human Rights Council’s Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva in January 2021. Nepal has ratified over 24 various human rights conventions and declarations but has been weak in its implementation. […]
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC UAC-012-2021 22 October, 2021 ———————————————————————————- NEPAL: A Dalit man is brutally assaulted and killed ISSUES: Caste-based discrimination, minorities ———————————————————————————- Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is bringing to your notice an incident where a Dalit man was brutally assaulted and killed […]
By Basil Fernando In answering the call of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Sri Lanka, the faithful living in various parts of the country wore black and attended the churches as a protest against the failure to provide justice for all those who were killed in the Easter Sunday bombings in 2019. They also participated […]
गरिब र न्यायमा कम पहुँच भएका मानवअधिकार उल्लंघनका पीडितहरुलाई कसरी उनीहरुको हक संरक्षण गर्न र न्याय खोज्नका लागि सहयोग गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने धेरै उदाहरणहरु छन् । हामीले यस अघि छलफल गरेका सामान्य सिद्धान्तहरूमा रहेर यहाँ गरिबीमा रहेकाहरूलाई न्यायको पहुँचबाट कसरी वञ्चित गरिन्छ, उनीहरूका लागि तत्काल कस्ता सहयोग गर्न सकिन्छ, अल्पकालीन र दीर्घकालीन रुपमा के गर्न […]
नेपाल सरकारले साउदी अरबलगायतका मध्यपूर्वी देशहरुका कार्यरत आफ्ना नागरिकहरुको स्वास्थ्य र जीवनरक्षाका लागि प्रयाप्त पहल गर्न सकिरहेको छैन । साउदी अरेबीयाको रियादस्थित एक कम्पनीमा कार्यरत पाल्पा रैनादेवी छहरा–३ का रामप्रसाद (३५)लाई जुन १२ मा कोभीड–१९ संक्रमण प्रमाणित भएको थियो । उनी रियादको आग्री न्यू खर्ज सडकस्थित एक उद्योगमा सवारी चालकका रुपमा कार्यरत थिए । संक्रमणका […]
An Oral Statement to the 18th Session of the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Mr. President, distinguished colleagues, and Excellencies: First of all, please allow me to reaffirm that the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) stand by the International Criminal Court […]
A Joint Oral Statement to the 42nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LWRC) Mr. President, The Asian Legal Resource Centre and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada thank the Special Rapporteur for her oral update. The Council is well aware of the […]
A Joint Written Submission to the 42nd Regular Session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre and Odhikar The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) and ODHIKAR – Coalition for Human Rights draw special attention of the Human Rights Council and the Special Procedures to the acts of violence, persecution, […]
Hong Kong, July 30, 2019 The journal with focus on the SDG 16 in particular which is “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” One of the targets of the SDG 16 is the achievement of rule of law. SDG 16 poses a serious challenges […]
This week Just Asia begins with Malaysia, which has become a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) after signing the tribunal’s founding treaty Monday. Malaysia becomes the 124th member of the court since its establishment in 2002, a boost to the court, which has suffered several setbacks recently. The ICC is the world’s only […]
This week Just Asia begins with Bangladesh, where the government has intensified crackdowns on civil society prior to December’s general elections. Most recently, prominent freedom-fighter and civil society actor Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury and his institutions have come under terrorist attacks, while the pro-government media has been maligning Dr. Badul Alam Majumdar, head of the Hunger […]
Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance (THRDA) that the local police illegally arrested and tortured 25-year-old Mr. Bikki Mehtar in order to obtain a confession regarding the murder of Ms. Asha Dev, who was found murdered on October 18. The police took Mehtar […]
Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance (THRDA) that 50 Dalit households are barred from entering the local Shiva Temple located at Jhawani, Bara District, despite providing monetary donations and their labor for its construction. The Dalits intend to enter the temple, and there […]
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by the foreseeable displacement of Khokana residents due to the Kathmandu-Terai Fast Track Project, one of Nepal’s ‘national pride’ projects. The 76-km long Fast Track is proposed along the Bagmati River corridor, and is expected to considerably reduce travel time and distance from Nepal’s capital Kathmandu, […]
A Statement from Office of the High Commission for High Commissioner forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation of the minority Rohingya Muslim population and other minorities in the Rakhine State of Myanmar Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad […]
The governments of Bangladesh and Myanmar have signed a bilateral arrangement concerning the repatriation of the Rohingya from camps in Bangladesh to Rakhine state in Myanmar. The agreement was signed by both governments on 23 November 2017 at Nay Pyi Taw. The bilateral agreement is only a first step in recognising the crisis. The agreement however does […]
Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Ko Ko Linn, a Rohingya community leader who was living in Bangladesh, has been picked up from a bus on 17 November 2017. Ko Ko Linn was travelling by bus from Cox’s Bazar to Chittagong in the evening of that day. The […]
This week Just Asia begins with the ninth ASEAN-UN Summit on Monday, where United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the UN wants to work with ASEAN to strengthen the regional bloc’s human rights body. This comes as several ASEAN countries face human rights related controversies. Particularly troubling is Burma’s violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority, […]
An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the Vice-President of the European Commission relating to the EU delegation’s visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh Honourable Ms. Federica Mogherini Vice-President / High Representative European Commission Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels Tel: + 32 2 29 63580 Email: federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu Dear Honourable Ms. […]