Police negligence

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 126

This week Just Asia begins with the attack on a peaceful public protest in North Sulawesi, Indonesia on June 1, calling for professionalism by parliamentarians, and the prosecution of those involved in illegal drugs. While waiting to have a dialogue with some parliamentarians at the Manodo parliament office, the student protesters were suddenly attacked by […]

PAKISTAN: Mothers set fire to daughters in Nuclear Nation

A State that prides itself on being a nuclear State, a symbol of strength and technological advancement, needs a double take. There is something very wrong in a nation and a society where the most fundamental human relationships are mired in violent brutality. Ms. Zeenat 17, was caught off guard when her own mother doused […]

PAKISTAN: Call for release of minor in Parachinar and protection of Shia community

Fifteen-year-old Javaid Hussain was arrested on 11 May 2016 by the Frontier Corps (FC) of Pakistan Army, for allegedly attacking security forces. According to the media, an event was organized in Kurram Agency, Federally Administration Tribal Areas (FATA) to commemorate the birth of Hazrat Ali, son in law of Prophet Muhammad, and several religious scholars […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 125

This week Just Asia begins with the growing demands in Bangladesh seeking the return of disappeared persons. Families are taking to the streets and holding press conferences to voice their concern and seek justice. On May 26, relatives made a ‘human chain’ in front of Dhaka’s National Press Club, and were joined by prominent human […]

PAKISTAN: Girls burned alive in country that prides itself on elite nuclear membership

In a country where 52 percent of the population suffers sexual and domestic violence, intolerance and extremist behaviours are only to be expected. Pakistan’s media reports daily abuse against women: burning alive, burying alive, mauled by dogs, honour killings, acid throwing, and physical torture. While proudly claiming its place in a nuclear club among the […]

INDIA: Jungle-raj in the police and judiciary

Avinash Pandey Mathura, a city in Uttar Pradesh, witnessed a sensational encounter between the police and a semi-religious cult that left at least 21 dead, 2 senior cops among them, yesterday. The police had reportedly gone there to evict members of Azad Bharat Vidhik Vaicharik Kranti Satyagrahi who have been illegally occupying Jawahar Bagh for […]

PAKISTAN: A nuclear state remains unable to protect the fate of women

In retaliation for the recently passed Women’s Protection Act by the Punjab provincial government, Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology has made parallel suggestions for amending the Act, including allowing a husband to lightly beat his wife for defying him, banning co education after primary level, and banning women from receiving male visitors. The Council of […]

PAKISTAN: Investigation failure leads to the killings of Ahmadis

Religious persecution has dominated human rights abuse in Pakistan. Ahmadi religious minorities have been the preferred targets of religious fundamentalists. Recently, another Ahmadi, Dawood Ahmad, was shot dead in the Gulzar Hijri area of Karachi, on the night of 24 May 2016. He was the target of religious malice and hatred against Ahmadis in Pakistan, […]

SRILANKA/ASIA: Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, Mr. Juan E. Mendez

Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, Mr. Juan E. Mendez following his visit to Sri Lanka from 29th April – 7th May 2016 forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Colombo, 7 May 2016 *This statement should be read in conjunction with […]

AHRC TV: UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Speaks with JUST ASIA, Episode 123

This week Just Asia begins with highlights from an exclusive interview with UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Professor Juan E. Mendez. Speaking to the editor of Torture Magazine, Nilantha Ilangamuwa, Mr. Mendez shares his views on various issues, including his most recent visit to Sri Lanka. […]

INDIA: Police reforms must be priority for new governments

Statement | India | 19-05-2016

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates all the candidates who have secured a victory in the elections to the State Legislative Assemblies that have concluded in the four states and a union territory of India, i.e. in Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Puducherry. Elections were largely held in a peaceful manner, and […]

PAKISTAN: Transgender activists continue to face police abuse and discrimination

Discrimination and abuse from police and government officials continues to be faced by transgender rights defenders. Furthermore, many activists have been abducted, beaten, and raped for raising their voice against the atrocities meted out to them. Pakistani society by and large ostracises persons of transgender. Being social outcastes and shunned by their families, many transgender […]

INDIA: The Elephant in the Room: The brutal rape and murder case in Kerala and the need for police reform

An article by Bijo Francis and Urmila Pullat The press has reported on three rapes in Kerala in the last month. The one that everyone is talking about is the brutal rape and murder on April 28 of the Dalit law student, whose dismembered body was found by her mother in their home. The ones not discussed […]

PAKISTAN: Deafening silence on the rape of Hindu girls

In this month five-year-old Hindu girl, Shazia Bheel, was murdered by Zahid Sheikh, a man who was dressed as a woman when he raped and murdered the child in Hyderabad. An FIR (# 22/2016), was lodged for murder and rape against the culprit on the compliant of the father of the deceased child. Women and […]

SRI LANKA: Letter to the HRC-SL; Request for special action regarding Ms M K Malani– tortured, sexually abused and incarcerated under fabricated charges by Nawalapitiya Police

Dr. Deepika Udagama Chairman, National Human Rights Commission Head Office,  No. 165 Kynsey Road,  Borella, Colombo 08 Sri Lanka Dear Dr. Deepika Udagama, Request for special action regarding Ms M K Malani, presently being held at the Dumbara-Bogambara Prison – tortured, sexually abused and incarcerated under fabricated charges by Nawalapitiya Police The Asian Human Rights […]

THAILAND: Drop charges against pro-democracy activist mother

Ms. Patnaree Chankij, a 40-year-old single mother of four children, including anti-junta student activist Mr. Sirawit, aka, ‘Ja New’, has been charged with defaming the monarchy. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deems Ms. Patnaree’s arrest a new low in the junta-ruled country. Mr. Sirawit is a Thammasat student activist who has been actively involved […]

PAKISTAN: Judicial inquiry for assassinated rights defender a must

Militants in Karachi assassinated a prominent human rights defender, Khurram Zaki, on May 7. He was on the hit lists of ISIS, Taliban, and their affiliated outfits. He had informed the police, and the governments of Sindh Province and Pakistan, about the death threats he had been receiving. But as per usual, in the policy […]

PAKISTAN: live burning of a girl exposes the state of human rights in the country

In a harrowing incident of honor killing a 16-year girl, Miss Amber, from Makol village near the town of Dunga Gali, distrct Abbottabad Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa (KPK) province was burned alive on 29th April 2016 for helping her friend elope. Because of her help her friend was married The incident caught media attention after a […]

INDIA: Two people killed and several injured due to police firing at a public protest in Arunachal Pradesh

Dear Friends,  The AHRC has received information from its partner organization Human Rights Alert in Manipur, that two persons have been killed and others injured due to police firing at a public protest in Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. The public protest was organized to demand the release of activist Lobsang Gyatso, who has been protesting […]

SRI LANKA – The new AG and IGP – Tasked to revitalise the dying system

Now, there is a new Attorney General and a new Inspector General of Police. Whatever be the disputes about the manner in which their appointments were made, they are now the operators of two of the most vital systems of the state apparatus in Sri Lanka, the Attorney General’s Department and the police service. That […]