Police negligence

INDONESIA: Government collaborates with non-tolerant groups in closing down three Ahmadi mosques in Cianjur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the closure of three mosques belong to the Ahmadi community in Cianjur, West Java. It was reported that the closure was performed by hundreds of members of non-tolerant groups with the consent of local authorities. One of the mosques was vandalized by a […]

BANGLADESH: Intervene now, to save the life of the detained journalist, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman

Yesterday, on 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. When Rahman was brought before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court in Dhaka, he reportedly said: “… I know well that if I appoint any lawyer, he or she will submit prayers for my […]

BANGLADESH: Intervene immediately to save the life of detained journalist Mr. Mahmudur Rahman

Today, 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh have arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. Officers raided Rahman’s office at about 8:30 am and taken away by the Detective Branch of Bangladesh Police. Rahman’s arrest is an attempt to stifle dissenting voice. Rahman is in a serious […]

INDONESIA: Government of city of Bekasi close down an Ahmadi mosque, allegedly at the demands of non-tolerant groups

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information regarding the closing down of an Ahmadi mosque in the city of Bekasi, West Java. Since its establishment fourteen years ago, the mosque has been complying with the legal requirements prescribed by law. Authorities of the city of Bekasi referred to the joint […]

BURMA: Lawyers’ report on Letpadaung released in English

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2013) A Burma-based lawyers group has released its findings on the Letpadaung land struggle in English. The 39-page illustrated report was submitted by the Lawyers Network (Myanmar) and the Justice Trust in February to the government’s investigation commission into events at Letpadaung, recounts the land struggle and subsequent crackdown on protestors. […]

BURMA: Two sharply contrasting reports on the struggle for land at Letpadaung

The Asian Human Rights Commission has since mid-2012 closely followed, documented and reported on the struggle of farmers in the Letpadaung Hills of central Burma against the expansion of a copper mining operation under a military-owned holding company and a partner compay from China. After repeatedly being refused permission to demonstrate against the operation under the […]

BANGLADESH: UN rights experts appeal to all sides to immediately stop the ongoing violence

A Statement from the United Nations forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission GENEVA (29 March 2013) – A group of United Nations independent human rights experts today called on all parties in Bangladesh “to cease violence immediately and return to peaceful demonstrations,” after worrying levels of violence have been reported following large-scale protests across […]

INDIA: A girl murdered in Manipur, allegedly by two minors acting upon instructions from a man

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the murder and probable rape of a 16-year-old girl in Imphal West District, Manipur State. On the 5 March 2013, local fishermen found the body of pregnant girl, deceased, Ms. C1 (name withheld), floating in Haorang cannel. Although a confessor has emerged and taken […]

INDIA: The national dishonour is judicial hypocrisy

Statement | India | 22-03-2013

Some in India would consider the country’s honour preserved, and finally respected, once the marines from Italy return to stand trial in India. The marines’ return is an issue, in which the Supreme Court of India sailed through unchartered waters, at the risk of a complete breakdown of bilateral relationships between India and Italy. The […]

BANGLADESH: Shoddy tribunal has pushed the country to the verge of a civil war

The tribunal on war crimes established in March 2010 has pushed Bangladesh to extreme violence. Since 28 February, the events have taken a violent turn in which almost 100 persons including women, children and police officers have lost life. Several hundreds more are injured, and properties destroyed of which no body in the country has […]

NEPAL: One year on, no progress in the investigations into Chhori Maiya Maharjan’s disappearance

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the lack of progress in the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Chhori Maiya Maharjan which occurred one year ago. Chhori Maiya went missing on February 28, 2012 in Kathmandu, after visiting a friend to whom she had lent money to […]

SRI LANKA: Police and Military block family members of disappeared heading to UN in Colombo — UN should act

NfR, a network of Sri Lankan journalists and human rights defenders, expresses its strongest indignation to the Government of Sri Lanka for its dastardly act of blocking Tamil civilians travelling to Colombo to demand justice for the disappeared. Police has used their trucks to block the buses they were travelling with. on 5th March 2013 […]

INDONESIA: Poso video calls for establishment of independent procedures for reviewing the use of force by police officers

A video depicting ill-treatment and excessive use of force by police officers has recently been released to the public. In the video, several men who were suspected of being terrorists were lying down on the grass with their hands bound while the police officers asked them questions. One of the suspects was shot in his leg while […]

SRI LANKA: “We Will Teach You a Lesson”

(London) – Sri Lankan security forces have been using rape and other forms of sexual violence to torture suspected members or supporters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. While widespread rape in custody occurred during the armed conflict that ended in May 2009, Human […]

SRI LANKA: De-jure Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake under strict surveillance by ‘Officially’ sanctioned police acting ‘Unofficially’

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake who is regarded as the De-jure Chief Justice of Sri Lanka despite being “removed” from Office by President Mahinda Rajapaksa after what seemed like a “witch trial” was conducted by seven Government parliamentarians of an eleven member Parliamentary select Committee is being kept under Strict surveillance by “Officially” sanctioned Police acting […]

INDONESIA: Korban penyiksaan di Papua bicara mengenai kekerasan yang dilakukan polisi

(Hong Kong/Jakarta, February 22, 2013) Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) telah merilis video interview dengan dua warga Papua yang telah menjadi korban penyiksaan oleh oknum aparat Polri. Video tersebut dapat diakses di Saluran AHRC di Youtube di http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMI1HouWMv4. Dalam video yang direkam dan awalnya disebarkan oleh seorang aktivis lokal, Eneko Pahabol dan Obed Bahabol mengungkapkan bagaimana […]

INDONESIA: Torture victims in Papua speak out on how the police had ill-treated them

(Hong Kong/Jakarta, February 22, 2013) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has released the video of interview with two Papuans who were tortured by the Indonesian Police. The video is available on AHRC’s YouTube Channel on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMI1HouWMv4. On the video which was originally recorded and disseminated by a local activist, Eneko Pahabol and Obed Bahabol told […]

INDIA: The great thamasha

Bijo Francis* Overcoming initial reluctance, the Maharashtra state police have finally registered a case in the infamous Bhandara rape and murder incident. This is a case, not much discussed in India, other than for sparse reporting in a few Indian dailies, of the rape murder of three sisters, all minors. Missing of three miserable village […]

INDONESIA: Allegation on physical threat towards journalists in Padang should be seriously investigated

Brig. Gen. Pol. Wahyu Indra Pramugari Chief of West Sumatera Regional Police Jl. Sudirman No. 55 Padang, Sumatera Barat 25231 INDONESIA info@sumbar.polri.go.id Phone: +62 751 33416 Fax: +62 751 33416 Dear Mr. Pramugari, The AHRC is writing to make enquiries regarding a physical threat directed against seven journalists by a civilian on 13 February 2013. […]

PAKISTAN: A journalist cum human rights defender has been implicated in an honour killing and police refused to protect him

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a journalist/human rights defender has been implicated in an honour killing by a powerful tribe to punish him for raising the issue of the domestic abuse and murder of a woman, who had been declared Kari (black woman-a bad character). The victim is […]