Police negligence

NEPAL: Police resume crackdown on protests and conduct mass arrests in Nepal’s Tarai

Statement | Nepal | 19-06-2017

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is alarmed by the Nepal police’s unjustified use of force and arbitrary arrests of protesters in various Tarai districts. The AHRC also condemns the acts of surveillance by security personnel against the leaders and cadres of the Rastriya Janata Party Nepal (RJPN) in various districts. The RJPN has been demanding for […]

AHRC TV: Pakistan observes World Day Against Child Labour and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 175

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, which observed World Day Against Child Labor on June 12. Despite official fanfare and praise, child labour continues to increase in the country, and child rights groups have criticized the government for not criminalizing it. Civil society is urging the government to formulate policies and laws to eliminate child labour and take […]

AHRC TV: Sri Lanka second best place for children in Asia and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 174

This week Just Asia begins with Save the Children’s new report ‘Stolen Childhoods’ in Sri Lanka. Launched on June 1, the report explores a unique index presenting the major reasons why childhood comes to an early end. Sri Lanka is ranked as the 61st best country in the world for children to grow up in, […]

SRI LANKA: Military must investigate the sexual abuse of young boys by senior students at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a 15 year old, boy Z, was sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp between 16th-23rd February 2017. This is the 3rd individual case out of ten boys who were abused. A group of 23 male students from the Pilawela Maha Vidiyalaya, […]

SRI LANKA: Second boy complains of being sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to the information I have received, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Perera and Malani Srasinghe, residents of No: 17/1, Arangala, Nattaranpotha in Kandy District had complained to them of being sexually abused together with 10 other boys at the Rantambe Military Camp, between 16th-23rd February 2017. This […]

INDIA: Arbitrary death sentencing policy must go

Statement | India | 22-05-2017

On May 5, 2017, the Supreme Court of India(SC) passed the much-awaited judgment in the case of Mukesh & Anr. Vs the State for NCT of Delhi & Ors. or more colloquially known as the ‘Nirbhaya’ case. The gangrape and murder of the 23year old physiotherapy student in New Delhi on the night of Dec 16, 2012 shook […]

AHRC TV: ‘Indonesian government succumbs to pressure on blasphemy cases’ and other stories on JUST ASIA, Episode 171

This week, Just Asia begins with Indonesia, where, after massive pressure from hardliner and anti-tolerance groups, judges of the North Jakarta District Court sentenced Jakarta Governor, Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, to 2 years imprisonment on 9 May 2017. Just Asia speaks to Chris Biantoro for more details. Next, in a grim reminder of the Nirbhaya incident […]

An Open Letter from Devi Sunuwar – mother of late Maina Sunuwar

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support for the longest 13 years journey, where I undertook the painful battle to get justice for the murder of my daughter. Yet, I need your support once again. Since it has been more than a decade now, let me refresh your […]

AHRC TV: Indian judgments spotlight arbitrary nature of death penalty sentencing and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 170

This week Just Asia begins with the arbitrariness of the ‘rarest of the rare’ doctrine in India regarding the death penalty. The Supreme Court upheld the death penalty awarded to four convicts in the 2012 Delhi gangrape and murder case on May 5. Another judgment in the same week was passed in the 2002 Bilkis […]

BANGLADESH/WORLD: Establishing effective governance is way to stop refugee flow out of the country

Two recent reports prove the predictions that the Asian Human Rights Commission has been making for several years, that Bangladesh is likely to become a major refugee producing country in the Asian region. The UK basedIndependent published a report on 5 May 2017, with the title “Bangladesh is now the single biggest country of origin for refugees on boats as new route to Europe […]

PAKISTAN: Four Ahmadis gun downed with impunity during the first five months of 2017

In the last 60 days, five Ahmadis, including a woman professor were shot dead. One person was shot and injured in a calculated manner in order to eliminate Ahmadis from the country. For many decades the Ahmadi places of worship (mosques), houses, cemeteries, clinics and educational institutions were attacked and many professionals murdered. On May […]

NEPAL: Fingers chopped off after a Dalit tried to worship on non-Dalit land

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Terai Human Rights Defenders’ Alliance (THRDA) that 32-year-old Ramparkhan Kori (Chamar) was abused and beaten by local non Dalit villagers for worshiping in a temple located on a non-Dalit’s land. The villagers tried to chop off his head to sacrifice before the […]

INDIA: Biometric identity cards, shelters for stray cows, what for wasted children?

Statement | India | 04-05-2017

The government of India recently informed the Supreme Court that it has formed a Committee for looking into ways to stop the smuggling of cattle–cows in particular. It is headed by the Joint Secretary of the Home Ministry. The government had taken this step in response to a 2015 Public Interest Litigation seeking the Supreme […]

AHRC TV: ICC asked to charge President Duterte with crimes against humanity and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 168

This week Just Asia begins with a call from Filipino lawyer Jude Josue Sabio, asking the International Criminal Court to charge President Duterte with mass murder and crimes against humanity. A 77-page complaint to the Court on Monday states Mr. Duterte was the “mastermind” of a campaign that has killed more than 9,400 people since […]

INDONESIA: Considering Victims to Strengthen Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about an essay with title “Considering Victims to Strengthen Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”This essay reflect from the book “Just and Unjust Peace and Ethic of Political Reconciliation.” The writer also used other books to extend his view on politic of reconciliation. This essay is also reflect to the experience of politic of reconciliation in Indonesia, […]

PAKISTAN: Stop crusade against Ahmadiyya community

A new wave of persecution and killings of the Ahmadi sect has started after an Islamabad high court judge took a position on religious matters of individuals, particularly about free discussions on social media. Judge Shaukat Siddiqui is generally known as a bigot and hate monger. Leading the movement for the release of Constable Mumtaz […]

AHRC TV: Violence continues in Nepal’s Terai region and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 167

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where violence in the Terai region shows little sign of abating. Protests and killings have been occurring since 2015. In early 2016, more than 50 people died. During the March protests this year against the nationwide campaign conducted by the CPN UML, police started shooting to contain the […]

INDIA: Government must investigate racist attacks and establish forums to promote inclusive atmosphere

Statement | India | 06-04-2017

On March 26, in Greater Noida, near New Delhi, India was home to a blatant display of racism, following the death of a teenage boy, Manish Khari. The teenager’s family and neighbours registered an FIR against five Nigerians in the locality, accusing them of ‘cannibalism’ and Manish’s murder, as well as of being drug peddlers […]

SRI LANKA: Fourteen year old male Cadet and ten other boys sexually abused by senior students at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a 14 year old, boy X, and 10 other boys were sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp between 16th-23rd February 2017. Boy X together with a group of 23 male students from the Pilawela Maha Vidiyalaya, Pilawela, Kundasale School in the […]

SRI LANKA: Suspect in the sexual abuse of a 15 year-old girl released without proper investigation

Dear Friends, According to information I have received a 15-year-old girl was sexually abused on 25th February 2017. Despite the family members filing a complaint with the Maskeliya Police Station, the case has not been properly investigated. The alleged suspect, who comes from a wealthy family, was simply released. He had appeared before a Magistrate […]