Police violence

INDIA: Jal Satygraha attacked by Madhya Pradesh Police

Statement | India | 12-09-2012

AHRC is deeply perturbed with the crackdown on the Jal Satyagraha in Khardrapani village of Madhya Pradesh’s Harda district. Here, villagers have been staying in neck-deep water for the past 15 days protesting against state’s decision of increasing the water level in Indira Sagar Dam to 262 meters without compensating the villagers for the loss […]

BANGLADESH: 11 year old Indigenous girl raped by police in Chittagong Hill Tracts

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an incident of rape. An 11-year-old girl has been raped by a policeman in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The minor girl has suffered serious physical, psychological, and social trauma due to the sexual assault for which the local police initially refused to register […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent woman was physically and verbally abused by the Pamunugama Police who sided with the culprit of her complaint

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that when Ms. Warnakulasuriya Tresa Dorin Marcus tried to make a complaint to the officers of the Pamunugama Police Station that her son-in-law was in possession of an illegal weapon the officers sided with the culprit and verbally and physically abused her. Working under […]

NEPAL: For the ordinary folk, limited progress in liberties, opportunities and income in recent years

Statement | Nepal | 08-08-2012

A group of human rights lawyers and activists gathered for a two-day seminar on the Rule of Law and Criminal Justice in Dhulikhel, Nepal. This seminar was organized by Advocacy Forum and the Asian Human Rights Commission. Reviewing liberties, opportunities and income, the participants discussed a large number of issues relating to the recent developments […]

THAILAND: Five police convicted of murder in landmark ruling

The Asian Human Rights Commission greets with cautious optimism the landmark ruling of the Criminal Court in Bangkok to convict five police officers for the murder of a teenager during the “war on drugs” in 2004, and hopes that it will serve as a precedent of sorts for other cases of police and state officials […]

SRI LANKA: Eran Wickramaratne, MP, calls for police reforms

(Hong Kong, August 3, 2012)  Mr. Eran Wickramaratne, a member of parliament called for elimination of widespread practice of torture in Sri Lanka as in many other countries of the region in an interview to a radio program. He hoped that all members of Sri Lankan parliament regardless of their political affiliations will come together […]

NEPAL: Torture of an 18-year-old student by the police in Jhapa district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an 18-year old 10th grade student, Dipen Limbu, was tortured after being accused of extorting money from local shopkeepers. He was tortured repeatedly, first in a hotel in front of which he had been arrested by three police officers in civilian clothes from […]

PAKISTAN: Government turns a blind eye to the murder of Ahmadiyya Muslims

It is devastating for human rights activists the world over and those who stand for religious freedom, practise and tolerance, that the Government of Pakistan is not only stone deaf and dumb but also blind to the continuous murders of the followers of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. We have received the dreadful news that on […]

SRI LANKA: Attack on two courts – It is time for judges and lawyers to fight back

According to reports we have received, a group of criminals allegedly sponsored by a government minister, stoned the High Court and the Magistrate Court of Manner in a coordinated attack yesterday. A very tense situation is reported to be taking place in manner. According to information we have received, a mobile fishing hut was attacked […]

BANGLADESH: A call for urgent intervention for the protection of Human Rights Defenders in Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh plans to immediately arrest members of human rights organisations and activists suspected of providing information for the Human Rights Watch Report “Bangladesh: Torture, Deaths of Jailed Mutiny Suspects”. The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned from reliable sources that there are discussions among some quarters in the Bangladesh government of arresting […]

SRI LANKA: The OIC of Vanathavilluwa Police Station publicly tortures an innocent man

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Priyashantha, a married bako operator with a young daughter, was publicly and brutally assaulted by the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Vanathavilluwa Police Station for a crime that he did not commit. Mr. Priyashantha attended a musical show in which his […]

NEPAL: Torture victim receives death threat for filing a complaint

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a couple is facing death threats after filing a case under the Torture Compensation Act against a police officer in Danusha district. Ms Mukhiya filed a case at the Danusha District Court after being tortured by a police officer in relation to a […]

INDIA: Responsibility shot down at Kotteguda

Statement | India | 03-07-2012

96 hours after the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) firing in Kotteguda panchayat of Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh state, the union government and the state government of Chhattisgarh are on defensive mode, finding excuses to justify the police action that killed 20 villagers, of which at least five are children. The firing occurred on 30 […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is severely assaulted without explanation by the Gampola Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Jayasinghe, an agricultural labourer, was visited by police officers at his residence and assaulted without cause. His right leg was broken and he requires surgery so that he will be able to walk once again. The police officers did not show him […]

INDONESIA: Three Papuans engaged in a peaceful demonstration were killed allegedly by security officers while 45 others were arrested

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the shooting, beatings and assaults directed by security officers against peaceful protesters in Sentani, Papua on 4 June 2012. The shooting and attacks allegedly resulted in the death of three protesters while 45 others were arrested and some ill-treated. The protest was organised […]

INDIA: A nation without humanity practicing torture

Statement | India | 27-06-2012

Yesterday the world celebrated the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Ironically, it was also yesterday the Government of Kerala reinstated nine police officers to office following their suspension for suspected involvement in an infamous case of custodial torture and murder. The case is still under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation […]

SRI LANKA: The Officer-In-Charge and police officers of Chilaw Police Station trespassed and stole from an innocent family and are pressuring the family against pressing charges

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two police officers, one of whom was an Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Chilaw Police Station, broke into the home of an innocent family and stole a mobile phone, gold necklace, three-wheeler and Rs. 15,000. The owner of the house, Mr. Sebastian, filed a […]

INDIA: Robbed of sleep and freedom: illegal arrest, detention and fabrication of charges in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the illegal arrest, detention and torture of Mr Jalil Sardar and Mr Ramjan Tarafdar by personnel from Swarupnagar Police Station, Baduria Police Station and Kaijuri BSF Camp. Unlawful arrest and detention, torture, religious discrimination, fabrication of charges and a culture of […]

CAMBODIA: The culture of impunity and violence must stop

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission Phnom Penh, 30th May 2012– We, Cambodian and International civil society organizations represented in this statement, condemn the use of armed force and escalating violence against citizens peacefully defending their land, labor and natural resources rights. We are referring to not only the events earlier last […]

INDIA: Student tortured in West Bengal to extort confession

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning another case of police brutality by personnel of Raninagar Police Station, under the captaincy of Sub-Inspector Nilanjan Roy of Raninagar Police Station, against 19-year-old Golam Mujtuba and a few of his friends from Char Majhardiar Village. Such impunity on the part […]