Prosecution system

NEPAL: Moment of truth

Commissioners from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Commission on Investigation of Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP) have been working to fulfil their mandate for some time now. But their work remains hobbled for a number of reasons. Most crucially, the Enforced Disappearances Enquiry, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act that governs the transitional justice […]

THAILAND: Two accused convicted and sentenced for trafficking Rohingya and Immigration Act violations

The Migrant Working Group has provided legal representation for the Rohingya, who have become trafficking survivors and have successfully requested to become co-plaintiffs in the case filed by the public prosecutor of Pak Phanang, Nakhon Si Thammarat against Mr. Sunon or KoMit Saengthong, defendant no.1, Mr. Suriya Yodrak, defendant no.2 and Mr. Warachai Chadathong, defendant […]

INDIA: Mewat rapes and murders expose the total failure that is the police

Avinash Pandey Shri M.L. Khattar, Chief Minister of Haryana, finally announced the constitution of a Special Investigation team (SIT) to probe the armed robbery, double murder, and gang rapes in Dingerheri Village of Mewat that occurred on 25 August 2016. In the incident, armed robbers broke into a house, gang-raped two women of the family, […]

PAKISTAN: Indigenous Kalash tribe under threat from Muslim religious groups

Arsalan Barijo The smallest ethnic and religious community of Pakistan is fighting for the survival of its culture and religious identity, in the face of religious extremism, forced conversion, migration, and climate change. Are we going to allow this rich culture to vanish from the pluralistic land of Pakistan? The Kalash people live primarily in […]

PAKISTAN: Enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings continue unabated in Balochistan

The 30th of August is marked internationally as Enforced Disappearance day but in Balochistan the blatant violation of human rights, extrajudicial killings, and enforced disappearances of the Baloch are continuing at the hands of the State agencies.  The State institutions and politicians justify their blatant human rights violations under the pretense of Pakistani patriotism; despite […]

PAKISTAN: CPEC being paved with the blood of Baloch lawyers

August 8, 2016, will forever remain etched on the collective memory of the nation for years to come. The planned suicide attack on the lawyers, the crème de la crème of our society, shows the vindictive designs of the establishment. The State has aided and abetted non-State actors to silence the voices of dissent against […]

PHILIPPINES: Failed justice system cause for extrajudicial killings

The extraordinary measures taken by the newly appointed President of the Philippines, to allow the killing of persons involved in the drugs trade and notorious criminals, has received global attention. It is one of the most unusual moves made in any country in recent times. While President Rodrigo Duterte has said about 6,000 people may […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 136 marks International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance

This week Just Asia marks the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance, August 30, by looking at the situation of disappearances around Asia. Enforced disappearances are frequently used to terrorise individuals, communities and societies. Pakistan is notorious for widespread enforced disappearances, with state agents finding it an easy way to keep persons in their […]

THAILAND: Spotlight on Torture

A Panel Discussion 7pm, Wednesday 24 August, 2016 Members: free, Non-members 450 Baht, Thai journalists and Students with VALID ID: 150 Baht On 24 May 2016, Thailand’s Cabinet passed the draft Bill on Prevention and Protection against Torture and Disappearances. Torture and enforced disappearances are now criminalized with higher sentences and improved safeguards for detainees. […]

THAILAND: Restore rule of law and democracy

On 7 August 2016, Thailand held a referendum to decide upon the country’s new constitution, as drafted by the military. Preliminary results indicate that 62 percent voted in favour of the constitution, while a majority also agreed that a military nominated Senate should be allowed to select the Prime Minister together with the House of […]

AHRC TV: Lawyers targeted in Quetta and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 134

This week Just Asia begins with the senseless and brutal attack on lawyers in Quetta, Balochistan on August 8. The blast killed 97 persons, including 63 lawyers, and more than 120 persons including women and children were injured. The attack occurred amidst a gathering to pay respects to the assassinated President of the Bar Association. […]

PAKISTAN: Children suffer for being the progeny of lesser gods

A wave of anxiety has gripped the most populated province of Punjab, following the kidnapping of more than 700 children within this past year.. Several areas in Punjab particularly Lahore, the capital city, has witnessed a sudden surge in child kidnappings. There have been reports of the dead bodies of missing children surfacing in deserted […]

PAKISTAN: The UN must probe the massacre and the continued killings of lawyers in Balochistan

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins everyone who is shocked and dismayed by the senseless and brutal attack on civilians in Quetta, Balochistan on Aug 8, 2016. According to the leaders of the Balochistan Bar Association, the attack has killed 97 persons which includes 63 lawyers, and two journalists, the photographer of Dawn and […]

PAKISTAN: The AHRC asks UN working group to re-open the case of Ehsan Arjumandi, missing since 2009

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been actively following the case of disappearance of human rights defender Ehsan Arjumandi, a dual national of Norway and Iran, who has been missing since August 2009. For the past seven years, after he was picked up by the Pakistani security agencies, the whereabouts of Mr. Ehsan are […]

PAKISTAN: Reasons behind rejection of the Government’s Commission for Missing Persons

By Nasurullah Baloch, Chairman, Voice of Baloch Missing Persons In 2010, a Commission was founded by the Pakistan Government to probe the missing persons’ cases and trace those still missing and unaccounted for. On 16 July 2016, this Commission presented its report to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Then, the head of the body, (retired) […]

AHRC TV: Involvement of Indonesian officials in drug trade and other stories in JUST ASIA Episode 133

This week Just Asia begins with Indonesia, where the debate on the death sentence is heating up after executed Freddy Budiman’s message shocked the country. Before his July 29 execution, the drug kingpin broadcasted a message that he had cooperation from the police and the National Narcotic Board for smuggling drugs to Indonesia. Calls are […]

INDONESIA: Death penalty and criminal defamation is not a solution, Mr. President

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely dismayed by President Joko Widodo’s decision to continue the execution of death row inmates. Prior to the July 29 executions, the AHRC issued an open letter urging the President to stop the third execution, to no avail. President Widodo’s administration has so far executed 19 death row inmates, most […]

INDIA: State supported mob violence against Dalits and Muslims not internal matter

Article | India | 04-08-2016

Avinash Pandey One doesn’t often see a respected international media house asking a democratic republic’s prime minister to break his silence in an editorial. Even more rare is it to see this “silence” tagged with the adjective “shameful”. The New York Times did exactly that today, 8 August 2016. The editorial forewarns Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of […]

PAKISTAN: Exception swims in a sea of executions

The Pakistan government and its foreign minister were so happy when the Indonesian government stopped the execution of a Pakistani convict, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah, at the last minute. Both the Pakistani government and the Foreign Ministry tried to take credit, as it was an outcome of their best attempts at diplomacy, having stopped the […]

INDIA: Save yourselves, women of India, as the Republic will not

Article | India | 02-08-2016

Avinash Pandey Delhi, the national capital of India, has witnessed another gory incident involving the rape-murder of a minor. This time, a 16-year-old was allegedly raped, strangled, and then set on fire in her own house in East Delhi. The police reportedly tried to pass off the crime as suicide, filing a case of rape and […]