Prosecution system

INDIA: No one killed 22 Dalits- Jehanabad Court

Statement | India | 15-01-2015

Citing lack of evidence against those accused of killing 22 Dalits in Shankar Bigha of Jehanabad, the district civil court acquitted all of the suspects. Coming a full 15 years after the massacre on the eve of 26 January 1999 – ironically the Republic Day – the verdict is not a standalone case of justice […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Writer charged with insulting religion for speech about Buddhism

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission is gravely concerned about growing use of courts to attack freedom of expression in matters of religion in Burma. In the latest case, a writer was charged for allegedly insulting Buddhism. He criticised the people and monks who used Buddhism as a tool of discrimination and did not […]

INDIA: A law against torture is of no use

Statement | India | 25-06-2014

Four years have passed since the Government of India mooted the idea of drafting a legislation criminalising torture. The Prevention of Torture Act, 2010, after being passed by the lower house of the Indian Parliament, was discussed in the upper house. The upper house constituted a Parliamentary Select Committee to review the law, a process […]

PHILIPPINES: Investigation commences on a mother falsely charged for complaining against a principal who beat her son

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a separate investigation is now being conducted on how and why a mother, whom we reported to have filed a complaint against a school principal for beating her son, ended with herself being arrested, detained and prosecuted on false charges. UPDATED INFORMATION: (Based on […]

PHILPPINES: Tortured and falsely charged activist detained for nearly nine years to be freed today

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that the charges against Fernando Obedencio, a human rights activist whom we reported to have been tortured, falsely charged and held for nearly nine years, have been dismissed. The court granted his petition to dismiss the fabricated charges of possession of illegal […]

INDIA: Restore the rule of law, curb sexual violence in U.P.

Statement | India | 13-06-2014

Since India’s general election, Uttar Pradesh has witnessed sharp escalation of sexual violence and lawlessness. The rape of a session court judge in her official residence, guarded by the Provincial Armed Constabulary round the clock, highlights the extent of violence and lawlessness in the state. There is no indication that the Uttar Pradesh state government, […]

NEPAL: Recently passed Truth & Reconciliation Law is a mockery of the rule of law and transitional justice process

Statement | Nepal | 15-05-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expresses its concern over the recently passed Truth and Reconciliation Law in Nepal. The law violates international standards, the Supreme Court verdict of January 2, 2014, and also the Interim Constitution and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of Nepal itself. The last time the government came up with the […]

PAKISTAN: World Press Freedom Day — 57 journalists killed during the last 15 years

The United States, the United Kingdom and a delegation of the European Union on Friday called upon the Government of Pakistan to resolutely defend media freedom in the country, adding that gags on the media and attacks on journalists were not acceptable. While marking the World Press Freedom Day today, May 3, the European Union […]

PHILIPPINES: The mother of a 12-year old son who was beaten by a school principal was falsely charged by the latter for child abuse

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed of the case of a mother that is facing a fabricated charge filed in court against her. The lady was pursuing justice for her 12-year old son who was beaten by a school principal. In the principal’s attempt to escape from his liabilities for […]

NEPAL: Killing its citizens in the name of justice

Statement | Nepal | 27-03-2014

A girl recently killed herself in Kathmandu after the police dilly-dallied in helping her to find justice. The girl had been raped by her father’s business partner. Instead of acting quickly, the police delayed registering a case. Registration was done only after some pressure. The girl became psychologically fragile, but there was no one to […]

PHILIPPINES: Torture victims speak out – “They tortured me, used me to get reward” Video interview 14

(Hong Kong, February 6, 2014) On January 14, the Court of Appeals (CA), Fifth Division, has concluded that Rolly Panesa, a 48-year-old security guard, could not possibly be Benjamin Mendoza, a leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), rejecting the claim of the police and soldiers as justification for his arrest. In its press release, […]

WORLD: We apply the law without distinction, fear or favour – ICC Chief Prosecutor

Statement | World | 05-02-2014

In an exclusive interview with Nilantha Ilangamuwa, the editor of Torture – Asian and Global Perspectives, Ms. Fatou Bensouda, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), said, “We apply the law without distinction, fear or favour. We follow the mandate that has been given to us under the Rome Statute. Regrettably, often the lack of full […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Amnesty does not free all political detainees

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes Order No. 51/2013 of 30 December 2013 by the president of Burma (Myanmar), issuing a general amnesty for all persons imprisoned or facing trial or investigation for certain categories of political offences. The categories include persons accused or convicted of offences under the colonial-era Unlawful Associations Act, for charges […]

PHILIPPINES: An ailing man detained for another man freed today

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that an ailing man whom we reported earlier to have been arrested and detained in place of another man wanted for murder will be released today. The police arrested him, not because he was the real suspect, but because he ‘looked the […]

PHILIPPINES: Indigenous people falsely charged, threatened for planting crops on their ancestral land

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal regarding the fabrication of charges, death threats and forcible eviction of indigenous people from their ancestral land in Porac, Pampanga. The victims were targeted by two big corporations for demanding that the land, which is rightfully theirs, be given to them. […]

BANGLADESH: Release Human Rights Defender Elan Immediately

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the detention of ASM Nasiruddin Elan and demands his immediate release. Mr. ASM Nasiruddin Elan, Director of Bangladeshi human rights organization, Odhikar, has been detained in prison by the Cyber Crimes Tribunal of Dhaka, today, November 6, 2013. This detention is part of the continued repression against the whistle-blowers […]

ASIA: Watershed legislation criminalising torture & custodial violence enacted in Bangladesh

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission ASIA: Watershed legislation criminalising torture & custodial violence enacted in Bangladesh The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates the people of Bangladesh for the enactment of the Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Act, 2013. The Jatiyo Shangsad (National Parliament) enacted the draft law, the Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Bill, […]

PAKISTAN: New draconian laws provide legal cover to disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture, & unfair trial

The government of Pakistan has – within a short period of less than two weeks – promulgated two draconian laws, ostensibly, to combat terrorism. The first ordinance was promulgated on October 11. It has amended the Anti-Terrorist Act, 1997, and curtailed fundamental rights of citizens. Now the government has gone ahead and promulgated another ordinance […]

PAKISTAN: A reference against three judges of the Supreme Court has been filed before the Supreme Judicial Council

The Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA), the largest bar association of the country, in a general body meeting has passed a resolution against the conduct of three judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan including the Chief Justice, Iftekhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The resolution has demanded that a reference be filed against them before the […]

INDIA: Stop immediately the threats to Mr. Jiten Yumnam and other Human Rights Defenders in Manipur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information. It has come from the Citizens Concern for Dams and Development, Committee on the Protection of Natural Resources in Manipur, North East Dialogue Forum and the Centre for Research and Advocacy. It has to do with threats to the life and person of […]