Prosecution system

INDONESIA: Authorities cover up a journalist murder case

Dear friends,  Three police officers accused of the murder of journalist Ridwan Salamun have been acquitted. Ridwan Salamun was covering the communal clashes in Tual, Southeast Maluku in August last year as a camera man for SUN TV. The police officers witnessed the assault against Mr. Salamun but did nothing to prevent it, effectively consenting to […]

INDONESIA: Whistleblower illegally charged following his complaint about corruption at Manado State University

Dear friends,  The Minahasa district police in North Sulawesi charged Stanly Handry Ering, the whistleblower in a corruption case, with defamation. Ph E A Tuerah, Rector of the University of Negeri Manado (UNIMA) reported Stanly to the Minahasa district police for defaming him as an alleged corrupt person. Rector Tuerah and his subordinates tried to […]

SRI LANKA: Persecuting of NGOS under the pretext of prosecutions

These days there is considerable discussion about investigations into some NGOs in Sri Lanka. The president himself is talking in public about this issue and already implying that there is some kind of wrong doing on the part of some NGOs. This has also been followed by several media channels. Therefore some simple reflections on […]

THAILAND: Thailand needs to move beyond its human rights rhetoric

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Prachatai website, written by Mr. Pokpong Lawansiri. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the Prachatai website forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Pokpong Lawansiri Released on Sun, 06/03/2011 – 13:12 | by prachatai On 28th February […]

SRI LANKA: Police torture as an indicator of the constitutional degradation of the Rule of Law

Sofie Rordam Sri Lankan citizens are protected against torture and arbitrary arrest in sections 11, 12 and 13 of the Constitution of Sri Lanka. In addition Sri Lanka has ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture and Cruel and Inhuman Treatment in 1994. While the legislation is there, the effectuation is not. The gap between […]

PAKISTAN: Instability and growing religious fascism is the result of the government’s manipulation in the assassination of Salman Taseer

No action has been taken against the high ranking police officials responsible for hiring the killer of Salman Taseer and for allowing him to be a part of the assassinated governor’s security detail. Similarly, no questions have so far been raised amongst the killer’s colleagues, including the high police officials, about how they listened to […]

ASIA: Christmas and New Year Wishes from the Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. In all countries of Asia, this Christmas and new year will be celebrated in very difficult conditions. We extend our wishes to all families who are struggling in the midst of these difficulties to fight for their rights. We particularly […]

SOUTH KOREA: Prosecutors pleads four to five years imprisonment for two prominent human rights defenders

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that prosecutors have pleaded with the court to imposed four to five years of imprisonment on two human rights activists for organising an assembly. The assembly was to commemorate those who lost their family members in the January 20, 2009 Yongsan incident where five protestors and […]

PHILIPPINES: ‘Morong 43’ case–exposes a prosecution system directly under political control

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes with reservations President Benigno Aquino III’s order to withdraw the charges against 43 health workers, collectively known as ‘Morong 43′, as reported today. We strongly believe, based on the documents and information that we have also obtained, that they should have not been arrested, detained, and forced to […]

PHILIPPINES: Martial Law in Maguindanao province is devoid of constitutionality

It was officially announced yesterday, December 5, that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has placed Maguindanao, a province in central Mindanao where the November 23 massacre took place, under the State of Martial Law. President Macapagal-Arroyo signed the Proclamation, No. 1959, placing the province’s 36 Municipalities, except the areas previously identified as having been occupied by Moro […]

PHILIPPINES: Prosecution is not a political tool

The arrest and subsequent detention of four activists, including a labor lawyer, on separate occasions in October and November of this year raised serious questions regarding how public prosecutors function in the Philippines. The irregularities in the filing of charges in court and the manner in which they are dealing with cases raises the question: […]

BANGLADESH: Dysfunctional criminal justice system needs urgent reforms

A media report implies serious questions about the credibility of Bangladesh’s criminal justice system, including the investigation, prosecution and the judiciary, as well as the qualifications of the concerned professionals in those institutions. A Dhaka based national daily newspaper, The Prothom Alo, reported on 13 March 2008 that a court convicted three persons to rigorous imprisonment […]

INDONESIA: Impunity rules as country marks 62nd Independence Day

Indonesia, which received the second highest number of votes in elections to the United Nations Human Rights Council earlier this year, will celebrate its sixty second Independence Day on August 17, 2007. Given these election results, we could imagine that Indonesia is considered as being a moderate nation which consistently promotes and protects human rights. […]

INDONESIA: Refusal to amend the law on torture lends support to its widespread use by the State officers

Indonesia signed the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the 23 October 1985 and ratified it on the 28 October I 998 by the Law No. 5/1998. Since its ratification, there have been numerous calls by the CAT Committee- for instance in its “Concluding Observations: Indonesia” (01/11/2002. […]

INDIA: Re: Failure to provide adequate remedy under Article 2 of the ICCPR and under the law in India for a human rights defender who has complained of an attempted assassination on his life and further blackmail by the police

I refer to the complaint made by Dr. Lenin Raghuvansi [please refer to your case number 5840/24/97-98] of a well planned assassination attempt on his life. The attempt was on 18.02.1998. He has given detailed information that his house was surrounded by police officers from Ramnagar police station in an attempt to assassinate him the […]

BANGLADESH: Formal separation of judiciary must now be made reality

On January 16 the government gazette of Bangladesh announced that the interim president, Professor Iazuddin Ahmed, signed into law the separation of the country’s subordinate judiciary from the executive. This extremely important action was taken, after many years of delays, in accordance with an order from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court six days […]

INDONESIA: Refusal to cooperate with United Nations human rights mechanisms in investigation of Munir’s death

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-275-2006 November 06, 2006   A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission   INDONESIA: Refusal to cooperate with United Nations human rights mechanisms in investigation of Munir’s death     The wife of celebrated human rights defender Munir Said Thalib, who was poisoned and died on September 7, 2004 under highly […]

THAILAND: False criminal cases much more than a problem of money

An October 17 article in the Bangkok Post reported that the Ministry of Justice there has to pay hundreds of millions of Thai Baht in compensation to people who have been wrongfully prosecuted for crimes they did not commit. The law providing for compensation, the Compensation for Victims of Crime Act BE 2544 (2001), arises […]

SRI LANKA: Sixth day of mourning against executive interference into the judiciary and other independent institutions — Sri Lanka is ceasing to be a law based society

The numerous appointments to key national commissions by the executive president, contravening constitutional requirements, are a very clear indication of Sri Lanka’s drift from a law-based society to one in which the law plays a significantly reduced role.  While criticism against presidential actions has pointed to matters including the fact that no person is above […]

NEPAL: Supreme Court ruling on the Royal Commission for Corruption Control and the release of Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba welcomed

Statement | Nepal | 14-02-2006

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of Nepal on Monday February 13, 2006, which declared the controversial Royal Commission for Corruption Control (RCCC) unconstitutional and ordered it to be scrapped immediately. This has paved the way for the release of ousted Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, who had […]