Right to education

PHILIPPINES: Immediately stop threatening a community with demolition and displacement

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information from Defend Job Philippines regarding the threats of a demolition drive affecting more than 5500 families, or 30000 people of San Roque, North Triangle, Quezon City. The aforesaid demolition and eviction drive for making way to the implementation of the Vertis North Project […]

PAKISTAN: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan

The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international organisations like the Commonwealth and the UN. By contrast, the Pakistani government hardly mentions it and pays very little attention to the repression minority […]

PAKISTAN: Special birthday for Malala-a significant inspiration for us all: when education is more powerful than weapons

The AHRC staff joins the international community in the celebration of Malala Day and sends sincere greetings to Malala for her 16th birthday “Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.” These words are from the well-known, young […]

CAMBODIA: Civil Society Organizations call for political parties to further promote women’s and children’s issues

(Phnom Penh, 10 July 2013) On 3 July 2013, a group of civil society organizations (“CSOs”) jointly organized a national political platform debate on “Special Measures to Solve Women’s and Children’s Issues” (the “Debate”).  CSOs were pleased to welcome to the Debate representatives from seven of the eight political parties who are contesting the National […]

PAKISTAN: Child poverty-a primary hindrance in fulfilling child rights

International and national researches, surveys and news reports have recognized that the incidence of poverty has been increased in Pakistan during the recent years.  Massive corruption, primarily from top to bottom, mismanagement, unemployment, inefficiency, incompetence, terrorism, extremism, energy crises, torrential rains and subsequent flood and a number of other reasons have resulted that more than […]

PAKISTAN: UN Day in support of torture victims was observed with jail inmates by HDO

To observe UN International Day in Support of Torture victims the Human Development Organization (HDO), a civil society organization that has been struggling for prevention of custodial abuses and rehabilitation of torture survivors in Hazara division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, arranged colorful program at Central Prison Haripur on June 26, 2013. The detainees, […]

INDIA: The promise and pretence of democracy

Article | India | 28-06-2013

The Constitution of India explicitly states that the right to life, equality, education, and to participate in elections as fundamental rights. When these rights are violated, the Indian system does not uphold the right to justice as a fundamental right. However, the right to justice is an essential feature of democracy. India may be pursuing […]

INDIA: Invest in Food Security for your own good

Article | India | 27-06-2013

The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been the center of much debate since it was introduced in Parliament by the UPA government in December 2011. One of the most persistent arguments against a food security bill from the corporate lobby, lead by the FICCI and CII, is that its costs will burden the budget and […]

PAKISTAN: Stand with Malala

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Citizen Rights Sustainable Development (CRSD). FORWARDED APPEAL: At this moment there are 57 million children without access to education and millions more who aren’t learning in school. Working together, we can lower that number to zero by 2015. On July 12 […]

PAKISTAN: Anti-torture day will be observed in Karachi, Lahore and other parts of the country

The UN International Day in Support of Torture Victims will be observed in Pakistan with a pledge to struggle to eliminate torture from society. Two seminars will be held on this occasion, as well as demonstrations against torture committed by law enforcement agencies, including the armed forces. Human rights activists will urge the government to […]

ASIA: Applying for The May 18 Academy 2013

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to forward to you the announcement from the May 18 Memorial Foundation, Gwangju, South Korea regarding applications for the May 18 Academy 2013. The detailed information as well as downloading of the application form can be found at here. ——————– The May 18 Academy is an education/training program for domestic/international […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearances and extrajudicial killings continue unabated in Balochistan — the civilian governments remain callously indifferent

During the first four months of the year 2013 no restraint was observed on the part of the military in their actions. Abductions by unknown persons, disappearances and extrajudicial killings continue unabated in the war torn zone of Balochistan province. During the months from January to April, according to the Voice of Baloch Missing Persons […]

PAKISTAN: International Day on Child Labour-enslavement and exploitation of children must end

KARACHI, June 13: With similar renewed pledges as of yesteryears to eliminate exploitation of child labour, their empowerment and granting them their due rights, the global Child Labour Day was observed on June 13 (CLD). The world have been observing the day since 2002 after recognised by the United Nation. Every year on June 12, […]

AUSTRALIA/LAOS: Australian Scholars’ letter on the abduction of Sombath Somphone

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter addressed to Senator Bob Carr, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, from a group of Australian scholars expressing their concern about the abduction and disappearance of Lao activist Sombath Somphone in December 15, 2012. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong […]

PAKISTAN: Lawyers threatened and forced a High Court judge to change his ruling

A judge of the Lahore High Court changed his decision less than two minutes after ruling in favour of the accused in a blasphemy case when lawyers and members of fundamentalist groups threatened him. The judge, in the fear of the dire consequences, quickly withdrew his decision of granting bail to the accused persons. May […]

PAKISTAN: A second human rights defender is assassinated within two months from the same organization and area

It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that Abdul Waheed Khan projects are continued so that his death will not be in vain On May 13 a well known human rights defender, social activist and educationist was assassinated, allegedly by religious extremists suspected to be members of the Taliban. Mr. Abdul Waheed Khan […]

SRI LANKA: Resolution on the rule of law and judicial independence in Sri Lanka

REFERRING to the Statements we have previously issued expressing our grave concern about the flawed impeachment process by which Chief Justice Bandaranayake was removed from the office of Chief Justice in defiance of the judgements of the highest courts in Sri Lanka REFERRING also to the statements of concern issued by the UN Special Rapporteur […]

PAKISTAN: CHRE welcomes the ban on seeking votes on religious grounds

Centre for Human Rights Education and its member organisations all over Pakistan welcomed the ban by the Election Commission of Pakistan on seeking votes on religious grounds and demanded concrete measures for the implementation of ECP’s directions. Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE) is a human rights body, working for democratic development and the promotion […]

BURMA: Lawyers’ report on Letpadaung released in English

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2013) A Burma-based lawyers group has released its findings on the Letpadaung land struggle in English. The 39-page illustrated report was submitted by the Lawyers Network (Myanmar) and the Justice Trust in February to the government’s investigation commission into events at Letpadaung, recounts the land struggle and subsequent crackdown on protestors. […]

BURMA: Community educator charged for teaching political science

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about charges brought against a community educator in Burma for teaching political science. Min Min, a human rights defender based in the country’s lowland, is being prosecuted because he refused to heed warnings that he not teaches a course on political science at his […]