Right to fair trial

AHRC TV: Pakistan Supreme Court upholds Asia Bibi acquittal and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 246

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where the Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the acquittal of Asia Bibi on blasphemy charges. After repealing her conviction and death sentence last October, the Court was petitioned by Islamists to review the acquittal. That petition was dismissed on Tuesday, and Asia Bibi is finally free. […]

AHRC TV: Indian police fire at protesters without warning and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 244

This week Just Asia begins with India’s north eastern state of Tripura, where police opened fire without any warning against protesters on January 8. Two young men were shot in the chest and are in critical condition. They were peacefully protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016, which is seen as highly inimical to the indigenous peoples […]

ASIA: Regional Workshops – The Asian Human Rights Charter

Statement | Asia | 19-12-2018

On December 11 to 14, 2018, human rights defenders from South East-Asia and the laureates of Gwangju Prize for Human Rights participated in an international workshop on the ‘Asian Human Rights Charter” organized by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the May 18 Memorial Foundation, (Gwangju, South Korea) in Jakarta, Indonesia. During the workshop, human rights […]

AHRC TV: Bangladesh crackdown on civil society ahead of December elections and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 242

This week Just Asia begins with Bangladesh, where the government has intensified crackdowns on civil society prior to December’s general elections. Most recently, prominent freedom-fighter and civil society actor Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury and his institutions have come under terrorist attacks, while the pro-government media has been maligning Dr. Badul Alam Majumdar, head of the Hunger […]

AHRC TV: Protests as Pakistan’s Asia Bibi acquitted of blasphemy and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 241

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where the overruling of Asia Bibi’s blasphemy conviction and death sentence last week has mired the country in protests. To end the protests, the government made a deal with the Islamist hardliners, where Asia Bibi would remain in Pakistan while a final review of the Supreme Court ruling […]

AHRC TV: Over a thousand deaths in Indonesia earthquake and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 237

This week Just Asia begins with Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, which was hit by a 7.5-magnitude earthquake last Friday, followed by a tsunami. Official figures are reporting the deaths of 1,234 people. Indonesia’s geophysics agency (BMKG) has faced criticism over its handling of a tsunami warning. Indonesian President Joko Widodo is accepting international help for […]

AHRC TV: India’s Supreme Court decriminalizes homosexuality and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 235

This week Just Asia begins with India, where the Supreme Court has decriminalized sexuality. In a landmark and much-awaited judgment, the country’s top court held that Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code violates Articles 14,15,19 and 21 of the Constitution of India, insofar as it criminalizes consensual sexual acts between adults in private. India […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Journalists’ arrest threatens free press

On 12 December 2017, two Burmese journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, were arrested through a police sting operation in Yangon, and charged with breach of the Official Secrets Act, 1923. The Yangon district court filed charges against them under Section 3.1 (c) of the Act that penalises a person who “obtains, collects, records […]

INDONESIA: Woman convicted of blasphemy for commenting on Mosque’s loudspeaker volume

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding criminal charges against Mrs. Meiliana, for requesting to lower the volume of the Azaan (call to prayer) in the Mosque near her house. The local prosecutor then arrested her and indicted her under the Blasphemy article of the Indonesian Penal Code. Although Meiliana’s […]

NEPAL: Government must investigate custodial death of Ram Manohar Yadav

Statement | Nepal | 04-09-2018

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the custodial death of Ram Manohar Yadav, 30, a resident of Janaki Rural Municipality, Banke district. Yadav died in Police custody while on the way to Kathmandu for medical treatment. Police had admitted him to the Bardiya District Hospital in Gulariya and subsequently to the Bheri Zonal […]

AHRC TV: Nepal police fire tear gas at protesters and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 232

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where police fired five rounds of tear gas and baton-charged protesters in Kachanpur district. Two protesters were injured, while another two were arrested. The protests were against the arrest of Dilip Singh Bista on the rape and murder charge of 13-year-old Nirmala Pant. Kanchanpur residents claim that Dilip […]

INDIA: CBI verdict in Udayakumar case finds police guilty 13 years after custodial death

Statement | India | 17-08-2018

On 25 June 2018, a CBI Special Court in Thiruvananthapuram awarded the death penalty to two police officers accused of murder in a custodial death case for the first time, while another three accused are facing three years in jail. The case is infamously known as the ‘Urutti Kola’ case due to the torture technique used; the rolling […]

AHRC TV: Indian police given death sentence for torture and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 230

This week Just Asia begins with India, where two police officers have been awarded the death penalty for the custodial torture and death of 27-year-old Udaya Kumara in Kerala in 2005. For more than 10 years, Udaya’s mother was steadfast in her pursuit of justice. Udaya’s case is a reminder not only of police brutality […]

INDONESIA: Military court III-19 Jayapura Papua must examine witnesses from victim’s family

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information from the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a national human rights organization, regarding the trial of Mr. Isak, who was tortured to death by military personnel. So far, the trial in the Military Court III-19, Jayapura, Papua has only […]

INDONESIA: Military judges must effectively prosecute torture and death of Papuan man

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information from the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a national human rights organization, regarding the case of torture and death of Mr. Isak Dewayekua (23), an indigenous Papuan. Army personnel of Yonif 755/Yalet unlawfully arrested and detained Isak and tortured […]

INDIA: Public official’s escorts assault High Court lawyer in Manipur

Statement | India | 17-07-2018

The Asian Human Rights Commission has taken note of the aggressive treatment meted out to Mr. Sevananda Laimayum by a Government official and his escorts. Mr. Sevananda Laimayum is an advocate, serving as the treasurer in the High Court of Manipur’s Bar Association. According to news reports, at around 5:10 pm on the 29th of June […]

INDONESIA: Law enforcement in Papua must respect fair trial and due process principles

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the unlawful arrest and detention committed by police officers of the Timika Police Office (Polres Timika) between 9 and 10 June 2018. Five indigenous Papuans were arrested without any arrest warrant: Titus Kwalik (48), Polce Sugumol (31), Julianus Dekme (31), Alosius Ogolmagai (49), and Orpa Wanjomal (40). According […]

AHRC TV: Activist assaulted in Sri Lanka and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 227

This week Just Asia begins with Sri Lanka, where well-known rights activist Amitha Priyanthi was attacked by two motorcyclists on July 6. Dressed in black, with helmets covering their faces, the assailants hit Ms. Amitha on her head and other parts of the body, and took her handbag and mobile phone. There is reason to […]

NEPAL: Preventing torture

An article from my Republica forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Torture, though labelled as inhuman treatment, is still prevalent in Nepal despite the state’s obligation and repeated commitment to prevent it. Nepal is obliged to prevent torture because it has signed and ratified United Nations’ Convention against Torture (CAT) in 1991. As the world stands […]

INDIA: Victims of torture need effective accountability mechanisms

A Statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture June 26th every year is marked as the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) works closely with victims of torture through its network of partner organisations across the countries it works in. […]