Right to fair trial

AHRC TV: ICC asked to charge President Duterte with crimes against humanity and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 168

This week Just Asia begins with a call from Filipino lawyer Jude Josue Sabio, asking the International Criminal Court to charge President Duterte with mass murder and crimes against humanity. A 77-page complaint to the Court on Monday states Mr. Duterte was the “mastermind” of a campaign that has killed more than 9,400 people since […]

PAKISTAN: Government adding fuel to fan religious violence

Coming on the heels of the recent lynching, killing and attacks in Pakistan on the pretext of blasphemy, the legislative assembly of Pakistan controlled Azad Kashmir has unanimously passed two resolutions regarding the finality of the Prophet Hood (SAW) and honour and respect of the Prophet’s companions and family (Sahaba Karam and Ahle-Bait (RA)). The […]

INDONESIA: Acid attack against anti-corruption activist in Palembang, South Sumatera province

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about an acid attack against anti-corruption activist, Mr. Sukma Hidayat (38) and his wife. Sukma was attacked after he requested the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to tackle a corruption case. So far, the investigation process of the acid attack against Sukma and his wife […]

INDIA: Breaking down the Supreme Court judgment in the Babri Masjid demolition case

By Urmila Pullat On April 19, 2017, the Supreme Court of India(SC) passed an important judgment with respect to the fraught Babri Masjid demolition case. The matter in question pertained to FIR 198 of 1992 which was one of many FIRs filed on Dec 6, 1992 after the demolition of the Babri Masjid. FIR 198/92 […]

INDONESIA: Considering Victims to Strengthen Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about an essay with title “Considering Victims to Strengthen Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”This essay reflect from the book “Just and Unjust Peace and Ethic of Political Reconciliation.” The writer also used other books to extend his view on politic of reconciliation. This essay is also reflect to the experience of politic of reconciliation in Indonesia, […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearances continue in Sindh with government officer and headmaster missing after recent arrest

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the new wave of enforced disappearances in Pakistan’s Sindh province, which has been under the Rangers’ operation for the last two years. The law enforcement agencies have cracked down against Sindhi nationalist groups, and in April itself, one government officer, a school […]

CAMBODIA: Prime Minister Hun Sen Was A Successful Wartime Leader But Certainly Not One In Peacetime Cambodia

An article, titled “Prime Minister Hun Sen Was A Successful Wartime Leader But Certainly Not One In Peacetime Cambodia” by Mr Ou Ritthy, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Ou Ritthy Cambodia’s historic “July 22, 2014” ended disputing political parties’ electoral political deadlock and violence. It unleashed a “culture of dialogue” between Hun Sen’s ruling […]

PAKISTAN: Abolish blasphemy laws entirely

The horrific mob lynching of Mashal Khan has raised many questions about the utility of an archaic and draconian law that has been misused with impunity. Pakistan’s blasphemy law is a mockery of rule of law, and in fact defies common sense. What is the utility of a law that allows people to challenge the […]

SRI LANKA: Lawlessness and the Meethotamulla Garbage Dump Collapse

An Article Basil Fernando For many decades Sri Lankans have ignored the collapse of their legal system, the crisis of the judicial system and the virtual disappearance of all legal traditions. For this reason, the bond between law and social structure is now weak. This means that the law is unable to keep the political, […]

NEPAL: Thirteen years after murder of Maina Sunuwar, court sentences ex-army officials to 20 years’ imprisonment

Statement | Nepal | 19-04-2017

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to share that the Kavrepalanchowk District Court has finally sentenced three army officers to 20 years’ imprisonment for the murder of 15-year-old Maina Sunuwar at the height of the Maoist insurgency in February 2004. On April 17, a single bench of Judge Medini Prasad Paudyal convicted the former army officers Colonel […]

PAKISTAN: Stop crusade against Ahmadiyya community

A new wave of persecution and killings of the Ahmadi sect has started after an Islamabad high court judge took a position on religious matters of individuals, particularly about free discussions on social media. Judge Shaukat Siddiqui is generally known as a bigot and hate monger. Leading the movement for the release of Constable Mumtaz […]

AHRC TV: Violence continues in Nepal’s Terai region and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 167

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where violence in the Terai region shows little sign of abating. Protests and killings have been occurring since 2015. In early 2016, more than 50 people died. During the March protests this year against the nationwide campaign conducted by the CPN UML, police started shooting to contain the […]

INDONESIA : What are you going to do for Papua, Mr. President?

Since Suharto stepped down in 1998, and political reform occurring for the last 18 years, Papua has yet to enjoy real reform, as enjoyed by other provinces in Indonesia. While there have been initiatives to address human rights problems in Papua and West Papua provinces, they have not resulted in significant improvements on the ground. […]

AHRC TV: Over 100 foreigners die in Malaysian detention centers and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 166

This week Just Asia begins with Malaysia, where more than one hundred foreigners in immigration detention centers have died in the past two years. There were 83 deaths in 2015, and at least 35 in 2016, from various diseases and unknown causes. More than half of the 118 dead are from Burma. A commissioner from […]

INDIA: Government must investigate racist attacks and establish forums to promote inclusive atmosphere

Statement | India | 06-04-2017

On March 26, in Greater Noida, near New Delhi, India was home to a blatant display of racism, following the death of a teenage boy, Manish Khari. The teenager’s family and neighbours registered an FIR against five Nigerians in the locality, accusing them of ‘cannibalism’ and Manish’s murder, as well as of being drug peddlers […]

INDONESIA: Judges sentenced four farmers and a Priest who illegally reclaimed land occupied by Bangun Nusa Indah Lampung Company (PT. BNIL)

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information provided by Bandar Lampung Legal Aid (LBH Bandar Lampung). It is regarding an unfair trial and a fabricated case faced by the Tulang Bawang farmers and a Priest, Father Sugianto who defended and spent time in solidarity with the farmers. So far, there […]

SRI LANKA: Two more extrajudicial killings

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to The Honourable Minister of Justice Wijedasa Rajapakse and the Honourable Minister of Law and Order & Southern Development Sagala Rathnayake 15 March 2017 Dear Ministers Wijedasa Rajapakse and Sagala Ratnayaka Two more extrajudicial killings at police stations have been reported in Sri Lanka. One of the […]

AHRC TV: International Women’s Day and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 162

Announcement | | 10-03-2017

This week Just Asia begins with International Women’s Day, annually celebrated on March 8. The theme for 2017 is ‘Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030’. The idea is to work towards the 2030 Agenda, which includes ending discrimination and violence against girls and women, and ensuring free quality education for […]

INDIA: Sexual violence and religious responsibility

Statement | India | 08-03-2017

On February 27th, a Christian priest in Kerala, Mr. Robin Vadakkancherry, was arrested on charges of raping a minor-girl. The incident came to light when the Childline (1098), the crisis helpline for children in distress in India was informed of the rape. The survivor got pregnant and last month, she gave birth in a Church-run hospital in Kerala. It has been […]

PAKISTAN: International Women’s Day – L​et’s advocate change in the patriarchal mind-set

The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said the following in a message on International Women’s Day. “On International Women’s Day, let us all pledge to do everything we can to overcome entrenched prejudice, support engagement and activism, promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.” The 2017 UN theme on International Women’s Day is–Women in the Changing World of Work: […]