Right to fair trial

NEPAL: Corrupt Cops

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Corruption in the Armed Police Force (APF) was exposed after four of its inspector generals including a sitting chief were probed by the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) over charges of pocketing millions of rupees illegally during their […]

PAKISTAN: 521/2160 girls missing in 2015. 7 murdered children reported.

A Statement from Roshni helpline Research and Development Organization forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The missing children’s search and recovery organization Roshni Helpline has published its annual report for 2015 on missing children in Karachi Pakistan, one of the largest industrial cities. A total of 2160 children have been reported missing in the […]

INDIA: A state where free speech is systematically stifled

Statement | India | 25-01-2016

The suicide of a young Dalit scholar, Mr. Rohith Vemula, in the University of Hyderabad is not merely the death of an individual. The sordid saga behind what made Rohith take this extreme step exposes all the pretensions of the Indian state and its institutions. It shows how six decades after independence, elitist Brahminical domination […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 107

In this episode of Just Asia, AHRC TV continues its coverage of the saga of the missing Hong Kong book publishers. One of the five abducted men, Gui Minhai, has turned up on Chinese State television making a “confession” for a years-old alleged drink driving offence. Gui vanished three months ago from holiday in Thailand […]

NEPAL: Protests, violence, and killings persist in Terai, with no solution in sight

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely monitoring incidents in Nepal’s Terai. The AHRC had been eagerly waiting for the government and the agitating forces to strike a deal. However, today, even after 6 months of standstill, there is no progression. The government has not discarded its killing attitude; protests and killings are […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

A Press Release from the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) and Legal Aid Network (LAN) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) New report exposes systematic cover-up of Myanmar Army involvement in Kachin rape-murder case A new report exposes the systematic cover-up of the Myanmar Army’s involvement in the rape-murder of two Kachin teachers […]

INDIA: AFSPA should not be enforced in Manipur to support organised lawlessness benefiting illegal drug and weapon smuggling cartels

Statement | India | 15-01-2016

“AFSPA was imposed after declaring the state a disturbed area. You mean to say that in 35 years of Army presence in the state, the situation has not improved to remove the disturbed area tag from the state? Has nothing changed on the law and order front for the last three decades?” The Supreme Court […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 106

In this episode of Just Asia, AHRC TV reports from Sri Lanka where the police still appear to consider themselves above the law. Police officers in Embilipitiya killed a young man and authorities responded by simply re-locating the perpetrators to other stations rather than investigating the crime. Just Asia continues to report about the missing […]

INDONESIA: Local residents of Bukit Duri forcibly evicted and public lawyer attacked

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Jakarta Legal Aid (LBH Jakarta) regarding the forced eviction of local residents of Bukit Duri, Tebet sub-district, South Jakarta by local authorities. Mr. Aldo Felix Januardy, a public lawyer from LBH Jakarta, was brutally attacked while trying to negotiate with the civil […]

INDONESIA: Ombudsman concludes that the police fabricated evidence in the case of a senior Corruption Eradication Commission investigator

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case of criminal charges brought against a senior Corruption Eradication Commission investigator, Mr. Novel Baswedan. The Indonesian Ombudsman on December 2015 has issued a recommendation stating that the police have fabricated evidence and therefore the Chief of National Police has to […]

SRI LANKA: Truth without Hurt – A Senior Police Officer’s Perspective of Investigations into Political Crimes

We are publishing today a statement by JayakumarThangavelu ,a retired senior police officer, who held the rank of DIG in charge of legal division about his experiences as an investigator into political crimes and in witness protection. He writes, “In addressing this subject, I put down my experience of forty years in the Sri Lankan […]

SRI LANKA: The Constitution making and brutal police murder at Embilipitiya

The Government has announced another attempt at constitution making in Sri Lanka which, this time is to begin, with the hope to complete the process, by the end of this year. A resolution to this effect has already been introduced in the Parliament and a Drafting Committee has been named. A valid question that begets […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 105

In this first episode of Just Asia in 2016, AHRC TV covers stories of disappearances and shrinking spaces for the freedom of expression. However, first up, the programme reports on the conclusion of a rape case in Sri Lanka, more than 14 years after the case began being heard. Rita, unlike many other rape victims, […]

INDONESIA: Three indigenous Papuans arbitrarily arrested, tortured and currently waiting for an uncertain justice

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a local network in Papua regarding the arbitrary arrest and torture of three indigenous Papuans, namely ElieserAwom (26), Yafeth Awom (18) dan Soleman Yom (24). They were arrested by four police officers in plain clothes at 11 pm in Deplat, Base-G Jayapura. The […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 103

This week, JUST ASIAhighlights activities conducted by AHRC and it’s partners in the region to mark Human Rights Day, December 10. In Sri Lanka, German Ambassador Dr.JurganMorgardspoke to survivors in Kandy, and in Nepal, AHRC’s Dr.RajatMitra conducteda workshop on Violence and Human Rights. Indonesian human rights defenders marked the Day by gathering in front of […]

PAKISTAN: Yet another minor at the time of crime faces imminent execution

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about another execution in Pakistan, planned for December 17, Saturday, which merits wide attention. Muhammed Anwar, the accused, a minor when the alleged crime was committed, who has since spent 23 years on death row, a time that exceeds a life sentence, will be […]

INDONESIA: Indonesian Air Force personnel assault two indigenous Papuans

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Desk of Evangelical Christian Church, Papua Province regarding the assault and maltreatment conducted by Indonesian Air Force personnel. On 5 June 2015 at 2:20 p.m., a member of the Air Force heavily maltreated 22-year-old Amsal Marandof, […]

PAKISTAN: Halt the execution of Saqi Shah, a minor at the time of the incident

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of the execution of two persons who have already spent 23 years in prison, including 20 years on death row in Adialla Prison. They are to be hanged on December 16, which is the first anniversary of the terrorist killing of 145 children at […]

WORLD: A South Asian mechanism for human rights

Article | World | 14-12-2015

Basil Fernando I propose that the discussion on a South Asian mechanism for human rights should concentrate more on what such a mechanism could positively achieve, rather than on justifying why such a mechanism is needed. In fact, if its useful goal is achieved for the people and States of the South Asian region, the […]

PAKISTAN: From the Frying Pan, to the Fire

Human Rights violations remain widespread due to the failings of, and lack of reforms to, the country’s institutional framework, in particular, key institutions of the rule of law – the police, the prosecution, and the judiciary. This is compounded by persisting impunity enjoyed by law enforcement agencies particularly by the Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies. […]