On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, a video with a duration of approximately 45 seconds circulated, which once again showed the brutality of a police officer. Here is the video link. In the video, a police officer can be seen slamming a participant of a demonstration onto the sidewalk, causing the person concerned to lie down and […]
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-013-2021 October 27, 2021 ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: Men who allegedly stole a mobile phone brutally attacked and prosecuted by the Police ISSUES: Torture, Legal Aid, Fair Trial, Remedy, Access to Justice ——————————————————————— Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the […]
(Issued on 27 October 2021, 31st annual commemoration of the disappeared in Sri Lanka.) A statement on enforced disappearances Every year, on the 27th of October, there is a commemoration of the persons who have been made to disappear by force. The day is called ‘the day of commemoration of the enforced disappearances. On this […]
By Basil Fernando The proposed Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure Act No. 15 of 1979 will open up a Pandora’s box of serious abuses. In essence what the Bill proposes is to allow Magistrates to dispense with the personal attendance in court of a suspect or accused. […]
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-009-2021 September 23, 2021 ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: 44 people dead in a tragic incident at the Tangerang Class 1 Penitentiary Banten Province ISSUES: Access to justice, fair trial, legal aid, administration of justice —————————————- Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information […]
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-001-2021 September 17, 2021 RE: Journalist Brutally Attacked While Carrying Out Media Coverage ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: Two suspects who brutally attacked a journalist not yet detained ISSUES: Administration of justice, Freedom of expression, Freedom of Press, Impunity, Right to a fair trial, ——————————————————————— Dear Friends, […]
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-008-2021 September 15, 2021 ——————————————————————— INDONESIA: Two Human Rights defenders receive warning letters after criticizing the Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment. ISSUES: freedom of expression and opinion, access to justice, fair trial —————————————- Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received […]
An Oral Statement to the 48th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council from the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Madam President: The Asian Legal Resource Centre appreciates the continued efforts being made by the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar since the establishment of the mandate. The Mechanism continues its mandated tasks of collection […]
A Written Statement to the 48th Regular Session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) brings the issue of arbitrary detention and the degenerated justice mechanisms to the United Nations Human Rights Council focusing on the situation in Bangladesh, which is a Member of […]
For several decades now, the widespread practice of enforced disappearances has been experienced in Sri Lanka in a very large scale Despite many attempts by the UN human rights agencies including the Working Group on Enforced Disappearances, there are hardly any cases where credible investigations or prosecutions have taken place concerning the cases which sometimes […]
Governmental repressions continue as Bangladesh keeps curbing the civic space of the people with impunity. The Sheikh Hasina government has systematically using multiple technics and spying technological tools to curb the freedom of expression in online and off-line. The pro-regime cyber-worriers have launched a trend of creating fake copyright disputes over the contents that criticise the government. […]
A Statement from Right to Life Organization forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission 1. Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, No. 14, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 04, 2. Inspector-General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01 3. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12 4. President, National Police Commission, Block No 9, […]
An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Inspector General of Police, Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne Inspector-General of Police, Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne New Secretariat, Colombo 01. SRI LANKA Fax: + 94 11 2 440440 / 327877 Email: igp@police.lk Dear Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne SRI LANKA: The Complaint by a young mother of […]
An amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure allowing the Magistrates to visit places of detention has been turned into a political issue by a section of the government and by some extreme nationalist elements. What this means is that the opposition to the amendment is supporting the continuous practice of torture in Sri Lanka. […]
01. ස්ථාවර හා සෞභාග්යමත් සමාජයක අත්තිවාරම වන්නේ සාධාරණ නීති පද්ධතියක් හා එම නීති පද්ධතිය ක්රියාත්මක කල හැකි ආයතන පැවතීමත් මතය. නීතිය ක්රියාවට දැමීමේ වගකීම පැවරෙන ආයතනය පොලීසියයි. වෘතීමය වශයෙන් නිපුණ නිදහස්ව ක්රියා කල හැකි දූෂණයෙන් හා අශීලාචාරත්වයෙන් තොර පොලිස් ආයතනයක් ස්ථාවර සමාජයකට අත්යාවශ්යය. 02. සිවිල් පොලිස් ක්රමයක් නිසි ලෙස ගොඩනගා ගැනීමේ ප්රයත්නය 19 වන ශත […]
২৬ জুন – নির্যাতিতদের সমর্থনে জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত আন্তর্জাতিক দিবস উপলক্ষ্যে এশিয়ান হিউম্যান রাইটস্ কমিশনের বিবৃতি বাংলাদেশে পুলিশের মহাপরিদর্শক বেনজির আহমেদ দাবি করেছেন “সন্ত্রাস ও জঙ্গিবাদ দমনে বাংলাদেশ পুলিশের পেশাদারিত্ব, সাহসিকতা ও অভাবনীয় সাফল্য সর্বমহলে প্রশংসিত হয়েছে”। ১৪ জনু রাজশাহীর সারদায় পুলিশ সাব-ইন্সপেক্টরদের প্রশিক্ষণ সমাপনী কুচকাওয়াজ শেষে এক বক্তব্যে তিনি এমন দাবি করেছেন। যেকোনো রাষ্ট্রের আইন […]
An article from Thuppahi’s Blog, written by Michael Roberts forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Basil Fernando: A Short Abstract re the book Body, Mind, Soul, Society: An Autobiographical Account This book (176 pages) is an attempt to contribute towards an understanding of the impact of violence on human persons and the society. It […]
The link to the newsletter is as follows Neglect and loss is a newsletter containing reports and commentaries on current problems in several Asian countries. Today, we are issuing the sixth (6) newsletter in this series. The purpose of the newsletter is to highlight many forms of unnecessary human suffering imposed on ordinary people in these […]
Download the Full Statement Here The protests continued in different parts of Myanmar despite the crackdown by the junta. The clashes between the junta forces and the civil resistance fighters or Ethnic Armed Organizations also emerged in several places in Myanmar, such as in Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Shan, Sagaing and Yangon States/Regions. The Karen Peace […]
The Bangladesh Government continues its ruthless campaign of gagging freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly. In the spree of muzzling the people’s freedom of expression, hundreds have been arbitrarily detained under the Digital Security Act-2018, Anti-Terrorism Act-2009, Special Powers Act-1974, Official Secrets Act-1923, the Penal Code-1860, and other draconian laws under the incumbent Government of Sheikh Hasina. Investigative Journalist […]