Right to fair trial

PHILIPPINES: A man is detained for Maguindanao massacre in place of the real accuse

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concern about the continued detention of a man that the police have arrested as a suspect in the Maguindanao Massacre in place of the real accuse. The police harassed his common-law wife by threatening her into admitting that her husband and the person they were […]

SRI LANKA: Increasing number of crimes in Sri Lanka terrified with another death of woman

Dear friends,  On 25 September body of Ms. Srini Wasana Amaratunga was found at the Elakanda, Wattala in the Gampaha District. Srini had been missing since the morning of the 24th and her relatives made a complaint to the Negombo police. As is customary, the police took no action until her body was found a […]

SAUDI ARABIA/PHILIPPINES: Melanie Cordon serves out sentence as government turns its back

Dear friends,  Further to our last update, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that Melanie Cordon, a domestic worker convicted in absentia over a fabricated case, had chosen not to question her conviction but would rather to serve her sentence in prison in order to return home as soon as […]

SAUDI ARABIA/PHILIPPINES: Melanie Cordon case – ‘serve jail term rather than question your conviction’

Dear friends,  Further to our previous appeal, we have learned that Melanie Cordon, a domestic worker convicted in absentia, was told by a government representative that serving her jail term would be more convenient for her than questioning her conviction. The representative, however, is obviously not familiar with her case; and could not provide her […]

INDONESIA: Morowali district police shot and ill-treated protesters in Tiaka

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the shooting and ill-treatment of protesters by police between 22-24 August 2011 in Tiaka, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. During the protest for community rights against an energy company, held by the Student Alliance Front for North Bungku Utara and Mamosalato on 22 August 2011, […]

SRI LANKA: 13 year old school child is beaten by a teacher in full view of the class – once again the educational authorities take no action

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 13 year-old school child was beaten by his class teacher in full view of the other students of his class. The parents of the child and others demonstrated in front of the school and the educational authorities promised to take action. However, […]

SAUDI ARABIA/PHILIPPINES: Melanie Cordon case – government’s neglect & inability to act promptly

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Melanie Cordon, a domestic worker convicted in absentia, has been neglected by the government agencies that have the legal obligation to provide her with assistance.  UPDATED INFORMATION:  On September 14, we reported that Melanie Cordon was convicted for four months over fabricated charges […]

INDONESIA: Manokwari court sentences two Papuan activists in flawed trial

Dear friends,  The Manokwari district court in West Papua has sentenced two peaceful activists to seven and a half months and two years imprisonment respectively. The trial was characterised by a series of violations of the Indonesian criminal procedure and appeared to be politicised and biased. The victims had participated in a peaceful protest in […]

SRI LANKA/JORDAN: Sri Lankan migrant woman imprisoned in Jordan due to inadequate legal assistance

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Ms. Kande Shriyani (33) of Sri Darmadara Mawatha, Godaudawatha, Hegoda, Rathgama in the district of Galle migrated to Jordan on 6 September 2006. She went to work as a machine operator at the Ivory Garment Factory, Sahab, Jordan. After facing enormous difficulties she […]

SAUDI ARABIA/PHILIPPINES: Falsely charged domestic worker convicted in trial in absentia

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a Filipina domestic worker, who was falsely charged for theft, was convicted in trial in absentia. She is presently detained to serve her prison term in Saudi Arabia. She was deprived of any opportunity to defend her case. CASE DETAILS: Ms. Melanie […]

BURMA: 14 accused over bombing in fabricated case

Dear friends,  At a time that the proxy military government in Burma is purporting to bring about political change, it is continuing to arrest and falsely accuse citizens in various criminal cases. In this appeal, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) draws your attention to 14 persons accused in connection with a bombing in Pegu […]

INDONESIA: Conviction of Ahmadyah victim undermines constitutional protections

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is disturbed by the punitive decision of the Indonesian Court on August 15, 2011 to jail an innocent Ahmadi Muslim who protected himself during a mob attack, which reveals the lack of impartiality of the judiciary and the legal community. Deden Sudjana was sentenced to six months imprisonment by […]

INDIA: Witness in a human trafficking case assaulted by the accused

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information concerning the criminal case against human traffickers in Varanasi. Unfortunately this time, the primary accused Mr. Parvez, his father Mr. Maulvi and four other thugs working under the instructions of Parvez, assaulted the primary witness in the case, Mr. Fulanu, inside the court […]

INDONESIA: Whistleblower illegally charged following his complaint about corruption at Manado State University

Dear friends,  The Minahasa district police in North Sulawesi charged Stanly Handry Ering, the whistleblower in a corruption case, with defamation. Ph E A Tuerah, Rector of the University of Negeri Manado (UNIMA) reported Stanly to the Minahasa district police for defaming him as an alleged corrupt person. Rector Tuerah and his subordinates tried to […]

MALAYSIA: Six supporters of the Bersih 2.0 rally for electoral reforms remain in detention under the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that six leaders of the Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) remain in detention without trial under sections 3(1) and 4(1) of the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969 (EO), which allows the police to detain suspects without trial for up to 60 days. […]

INDONESIA: Torture Trial Must Be Open to Public

The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) urge the military to make open to the public the upcoming trial in a case of military torture that was committed against Charles Mali and others in East Nusa Tenggara. Closed military tribunals have in the past contributed […]

INDONESIA: Police ill-treat peaceful protesters and charge them with rebellion in a flawed process

Dear friends,  After the Manokwari District Police in West Papua arrested peaceful protesters following a flag raising event on 14 December, 2010, seven persons were charged with rebellion. The detainees were ill-treated and denied medical care for weeks resulting in serious health conditions. Police forced the victims to sign the dossier of the case before […]

NEPAL: Trial of Hom Bahadur Bagale’s torture case must put an end to a nine-year long denial of justice

Statement | Nepal | 10-05-2011

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Center for Victims of Torture-Nepal As the case regarding the torture of Hom Bahadur Bagale will be heard in the Supreme Court of Nepal on 16 May, 2011, the Center for Victims of Torture-Nepal (CVICT) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expect that […]

SRI LANKA: Victim of assault denied justice due to powerful politician

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Ms. Thushanthi Pujani Perera (19) a school girl of ”Haksala”, Dulmura, Talathuoya in the district of Kandy was assaulted by a influential family as she refused to marry a man they had introduced to her. She suffered several injuries due to assault and […]

INDIA: Mother of two children thought of suicide, twice, fearing police persecution

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Nervazhi, a human rights organisation based in Kerala, concerning the case of torture and intimidation of a family by the local police in Ernakulam district of Kerala state. The police, reportedly after accepting offers of bribe, abused, tortured and threatened the family asking […]