Right to fair trial

INDONESIA: Pretrial Detention under the Criminal Law Procedure Needs Serious Reform

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of Human Rights Day In commemorating International Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization, wishes to convey a strong message to Indonesia concerning pre-trial detention, unfair trial, and torture. The AHRC notes that pre-trial detention under the […]

INDONESIA: Interview Regarding Progress of Local TRC in Aceh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you about an interview with the Commissioner of Aceh Truth and Reconciliation (Aceh TRC), Mr. Muhammad Daud Beureuh. Mr. Daud is also a former intern at the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in 2012. During the internship, he worked with the Indonesian Desk, he got experiences […]

INDIA: Morning knock at Anchor’s door exposes the rot in justice system

Article | India | 09-11-2020

By Avinash Pandey A morning knock at the door of one of the most popular and powerful anchors of India. A 40-member strong police team armed to teeth including AK 47 rifles. An Encounter Specialist present with the team. For the uninitiated, encounter specialists are the cops known for extrajudicial executions of criminals, mostly in […]

INDONESIA: Lecture by Mr. Basil Fernando with Indonesia Law School Students on International Law and Important of National Judiciary Reform

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you about a lecture on International Law and judiciary reform in Indonesia legal system. The lecture conducted by Mr. Basil Fernando with Indonesian law students of International Law Class of the University of Bung Karno, Jakarta. In total, 37 students took part in the lecture and […]

BANGLADESH: Stop Intimidating Activists, Victims’ Families

The Bangladesh authorities should end the ongoing harassment and threats against activists, human rights defenders, and their families by law enforcement and intelligence agencies, four human rights groups said today. Amnesty International, Asian Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Watch, and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights condemned the government’s attacks on those exercising their right to freedom of […]

INDONESIA: Monitoring Report on the Police Dealing with Protesters against the Bill on Creation Job

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia and the Federation of the Commission for the Disappearances of Victims of Violence (Federasi KontraS) would like to announce monitoring report on the situation of public protest against the bill on Creation Job. Between 6 and 8 October 2020, the AHRC and […]

INDIA: Government must release Father Stan Swamy, 83—NOW

Statement | India | 16-10-2020

India’s federal investigative agency, the National Investigative Agency (NIA), recently arrested Father Stan Swamy, a Jesuit Priest, over alleged links with Maoists insurgents. The NIA had been probing him for over a year now in the Bhima Koregaon case in which violence had erupted between the Dalists and the so-called upper caste groups affiliated with […]

SRI LANKA: Murder at Pugoda Police Station- OIC has not yet been arrested

On October 11, a young man Gayan Pushpkumar, 21, was arrested by the officers of the Pugoda Police Station on mistaken identity. Initially, he was suspected of having robbed some money. However, later, the money had been found in the very house the money was supposed to be stolen from. In between the suspicion and […]

INDONESIA: Limitation of the Supreme Court’s Authority in the Criminal Verdict Imposition in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RKUHAP)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes to inform you about a journal (essay) concerning Limitation of the Supreme Court’s Authority in the Criminal Verdict Imposition in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RKUHAP), […]

INDONESIA: Justice Efficiency Improvement Through Special Line Mechanism in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes to inform you about a journal (essay) concerning Justice Efficiency Improvement Through Special Line Mechanism in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP), written by Mr. […]

INDONESIA: The Absence of Initial Investigation Process in the Draft of Indonesia Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP).

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia, and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes to inform you about a journal (essay) written by the Former Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the Period 2007-2011, Mr. Chandra M Hamzah concerning The […]

INDONESIA: Preliminary Examination Judge in Indonesia Justice System Design

The Asian Human Rights Commission and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI wishes to inform you about a journal (essasy) written by the Chairman of the Indonesian BAR Association (Peradi Rumah Bersama Advokat), Mr. Luhut M. P. Pangaribuan concerning Preliminary Examination Judge in Indonesia Justice System Design. The journal paper can be accessed here The legislation process […]

BANGLADESH: Termination of University Teacher Exposes Institutional Collapse

Reputation for exercising freedom of expression costs the termination of a teacher’s job at the National University of Bangladesh (NUB). The NUB dismissed its Geography Department’s Assistant Professor, A.K.M.Wahiduzzaman, on 10 September 2020 for criticizing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The NUB had referred a backdated Syndicate Meeting held on 2 September. This dismissal was executed illegally as cyber-crime […]

NEPAL: An Appeal from Ganga Maya Adhikari: Demanding Justice for my Son and Husband

(Hong Kong, September 21, 2020) Dear All, First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for standing along with me throughout all these years in my battle for truth and justice for the murder of my son. On the 6th anniversary of my husband’s death (22 September 2014), I pay tribute to […]

DUNIA: 18 Mei, Peringatan Perlawanan Gwangju, Perlu Diakui sebagai Hari Universal untuk Pencegahan Militerisme dan Otoritarianisme

Asian Human Rights Commission di Hong Kong, the May 18 Memorial Foundation dan tiga tiga organisasi terkait dengan May 18 di Korea Selatan, dan International Bridges of Justice (IBJ) menyerukan untuk partisipasi anda untuk mengakhiri militerisme dan otoritarianisme. Mari bergabung bersama kami untuk mengukuhkan tanggal 18 Mei sebagai “hari Universal untuk Pencegahan terhadap Militerisme dan […]

INDONESIA: 55 Tahun Genosida, Mana Tanggungjawab Negara?

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission & the 1965 Murder Victims’ Research Foundation (YPKP 65) Pada tahun 2012, penyelidikan pro-justicia Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) untuk Tragedi Kemanusiaan 1965-66 (Genosida 1965) telah merekomendasikan langkah penyidikan sebagai tahap lanjut atas dugaan kuat terjadinya kejahatan HAM berat pada masa lalu di Indonesia. […]

Bangladesh: End Enforced Disappearances

A Joint Statement by 12 human rights groups ahead of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, 2020 Hold Law Enforcement Accountable (Hong Kong) – Bangladesh security forces and law-enforcement agencies continuously commit enforced disappearances with impunity, targeting journalists, activists, and government critics, 12 human rights groups said today ahead of the International […]

BANGLADESH: Tortures and Enforced Disappearances: The Bloody History of Bangladesh’s Elite Paramilitary Force

An article from VICE WORLD NEWS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Since 2004, successive governments have used the Rapid Action Battalion to settle political scores and stifle dissent By Arpita De On May 3, 2020, Bangladeshi photojournalist Shafiqul Islam Kajol was found blindfolded with his limbs tied in Benapole town, close to the Bangladesh-India […]

INDONESIA: Prospect and Problem of the Transitional Justice in Indonesia after 32 years Political Injustice under the Soeharto Regime

Paper | Indonesia | 28-07-2020

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you about a paper on “Prospect and Problem of the Transitional Justice in Indonesia after 32 years Political Injustice under the Soeharto Regime.” The paper is written by Chris Biantoro, a human rights lawyer and Indonesia desk officer at the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Hong Kong. […]

PHILIPPINES: Anti-Terrorism Act is reminiscent of the dark history of martial law era, says CCA General Secretary

The Philippines’ new ‘Anti-Terrorism Act’, which took effect on Saturday, 18 July 2020, is reminiscent of the use of repressive force and human rights violations of the dark history of martial law era, stated the General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), Dr Mathews George Chunakara. In a statement released on behalf of […]